
First Bounty and Dadan Family

(Mc Pov)

Me and Law just made it to Foosha Village on Dawn Island are currently on the sea shore of the village and are sitting in the sand, but I am quite tired since I have been flying for the past few hours

After a few minutes of laying on the shore I stand up and start stretching and after a few minutes I turn to look at Law who is Unconscious from when he removed the Amber Lead Poison from his body using his devil fruit ability while I flew us here

I walk over to Law and I place him on my shoulder which was quite hard due to my five year old body, I then begin the walk into town down the path, I suddenly feel myself get bumped into from behind and I end up falling face first into the ground

After a few seconds I manage to stand back up with Law still passed out on my shoulder, I then turn around and I see the Main character of this world Monkey D. Luffy "H-hey what was that for, apologize!" Luffy says to me angrily and I just sweatdrop at his attitude

"But you bumped into me" I say to him and then he goes quiet "Oh Opps sorry, shishishishishi" He says to me and I laugh as well before I stick my right hand out for a handshake and he accepts

"The names Kokuza D. Ray and I am 5 years old, here on my shoulder is my crewmate Trafalgar D. Water Law, he is 12 years old" I say to him and his eyes glow "Whoa my names Monkey D. Luffy and i'm gonna be the king of the Pirates, are you also pirates" Luffy asks and I laugh

"Yeah we are, Law is my first crewmate and we are gonna be the greatest pirates to sail the seas," I say to him and I laugh afterwards "No you aren't, I will be the pirate king" Luffy says to me and I laugh

"I don't wanna be the Pirate king, I wanna be the greatest pirate in the world , and with my devil fruit I believe I will" I say to him as I smile and activate The Yami Yami No mi turning my right arm into darkness and Luffy gains stars in his eyes

"Sugoi" He shouted with stars in his eyes and I just smile before I deactivate the Yami Yami No Mi "Can you tell me where I can stay for the next few years, me and Law don't have anywhere to live were both Orphans" I say to him and he nods his head multiple times

"Follow me" Luffy says and I follow behind him and we eventually make it to a place which I knew was Makino's Party Bar, we then enter the bar and I feel my eyelids begin to get heavy and I yawn, it must have been from all the flying

"Makino, I brought some friends and they need a place to stay for a little" Luffy yelled out and after a few minutes a beautiful girl with Green hair came out from behind the bar and walked towards us with a smile on her face and I smile back

"Who are these two cuties, Luffy" She asked and Luffy smiles "These are my New Friend's Ray and Law" Luffy says and I nod before I speak up "My name is Kokuza D. Ray and this is my friend Trafalgar D. Water Law" I say to her and her eyes Widen before she mumbles "Just like Garp and Luffy" She mumbled and I feel my eyelids close and I know I passed out.

I feel my eyes opening and I can tell that I passed out a little bit after I got into the Party Bar, when I open my eyes I see that I am on a bed with a blanket covering my upper body, When I look around I realise that I am in some sort of room

I then sit up in bed and I see that there is no one in the room with me so I took a pair of clothes out of my inventory and I get out of bed and change into my new clothing, After I finish changing I see a door to my left so I start to debate if I should go through the door or if I should stay un the room until someone comes in

After a little bit I decide to go through the door so I walk up to the door until I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I quickly go back to the bed I was previously on 'Where am I and who is coming towards this room' I ask myself as I watch the door and after a few seconds the door opens and I see Luffy and Law enter the Room

"Captain your awake" Law calls out happily and I nod suddenly I see Luffy jump at me and I could tell he was crying "Ray, I was so worried we were talking to Makino and then you suddenly passed out" Luffy said in between sobs and I just pat his back

"It's alright Luffy, Law how long have I been asleep and how are you doing?" I ask Law as I consol Luffy, "Ray you have been asleep for the past 2 days and I have been doing fine, I got the Amber Lead Poison out of my system yesterday and have been helping Makino in the bar which we are currently living in for the next little bit" Law says and I nod my head and smile

"That's good, has anything important happen" I ask him and he shakes his head "That's good, What time is it right now Law" I ask him "It is about to be lunch time" Luffy Replies and I can tell that he is excited

"Alright let's go down and get something to eat for lunch" I say as Luffy jumps off my bed and runs down the stairs extremely fast and I just laugh and follow behind him while Law follows me

when we get down there we see Makino serving some drinks to people who are at one of the table, Luffy Law and I come out from behind the Bar and all take a seat from on top of the stools at the bar after a few minutes of sitting at the bar Makino came over with a huge smile

"It's good to see you awake Ray, you had me worried for the past few days since you just suddenly passed out" Makino says with a motherly tone and I just smile "Sorry Miss Makino, I was just over worked" I say to he with a smile still on my face

"I'm just happy you are okay, Why were you so overworked" She asked me with a smile "You see I just flew from grand Line to the East Blue then to the West Blue and back to the East Blue" I say to her Shocking Law and Makino and leaving Luffy confused

"Grand Line? What is that can I eat it" Luffy asked confused and I just chuckled "The Grand Line is where many Pirates make a name for themselves and this thing called Haki is common along with devil fruits" I say to luffy as Luffy's eyes widen and he gains stars in his eyes

"Sugoi, I want a devil fruit too" Luffy says and I chuckle while Law just looks at him "Sorry Luffy, But Devil fruits are incredibly rare and come with great risks because you lose the ability to swim" I say to luffy

"Aww, I want a devil fruit like you two" Luffy says with disappointed face and I just chuckle along with Law "Hey Makino-San can you make us some food before me and Law head out" I ask Makino and she nods before she goes to the back

"Law after Lunch were gonna head out, to find my relative" I say to Law and he nods while Luffy looks at us with wide eyes "Y-you guys are leaving me" Luffy asked with tears threatening to fall which makes me chuckle

"Were not leaving the island, we are just leaving the village" I reply to him as he gets a little excited "Does that mean we will be able to play together some time" Luffy asks and I look at Law who just shrugs "Uhh sure" I reply and Luffy gains a huge smile on his face

suddenly the door opens to the bar making everyone turn to where the door is and I see someone I know all too well, Monkey D. Garp 'Shit, Knowing my Grandfather he must have put out a bounty soo I can be taken back to Marie Geois' I say in my hand as Garp starts walking towards me Luffy and Law

When Garp gets over to us I see that he is looking directly into my eyes "gahahaha You brat, the World Government has been going Crazy after your Disappearance" Garp says as he laughs while making Law and Luffy along with everyone else in the bar confused about what he is talking about

At this point i'm scared since I know he could kick my ass easily even though I have mastered the 6 Rokushiki techniques and All three forms of Haki 'Shit he might try and Take me back to Marie Geois' I say in my head as I give a wry smile "I don't know what your talking about" I say to him as I turn my head, I suddenly feel something hard hit my head and I know that Garp hit me on my head

"Don't try and act ignorant you brat" He yells at me as I look up at him while I rub my head "Whatever you old man just don't take me back" I say to him and he looks at me with a grin "Fine you Brat, what are you doing here in the East Blue out of anywhere else you can be" Garp asked and I smirked

"Am I not allowed to visit Family" I ask him making his eyes widen "How do you know about Ace you Brat" He says to me slightly angrily and I chuckle "I know alot of things" I say to him and I feel another bonk on my head

"Stop acting all Mysteriously you brat bwahahahaha" He says to me while he laughs and I just smile "Fine whatever, I read some reports about a girl named Portgas D. Rouge that was on the run and it stated that she was visibly

Pregnant and that she was the wife of Gol D. Roger so I put two and Two together" I say to him and he nods at my response "Your not dumb like a normal kid, why don't you join the Marines with my Grandson Luffy, you can also bring Your friend with you as well" Garp proposes while he points at Law while I shake my head no

"No Thanks sir, I plan on being a pirate and when I do, I'll be the greatest pirate ever known, I'll have a higher Bounty then Rock D. Xebec" I say and Gap gains a shocked look "How do you know about the Rock's Pirates, the World Government covered up everything about him" Garp says in a cold voice and I smirk

"I Just do, now calm down Makino is about to be done making me, Luffy and Law lunch" I say to Garp Calmly and he calms down, After A few minutes Makino comes back with a huge platter of cooked meat for Law, Garp, Luffy and I

"This is Delicious Makino San, you would be an Excellent Wife" I say to her and she gains a blush "Yeah the Brat is Right Makino, your Cooking is great like always" Garp chimes in and Makino goes redder than normal and we all go back to eating

after we all finish eating, Law and I stand up from the bar where Gap, Luffy and Makino are "Garp-San Can you show me the way to where Ace is" I ask him and he just looks at me seriously "Alright, I'll take you there now" Garp says and I nod as he than walks out of the Bar and Me and Law follow from behind

Suddenly we hear a voice come from behind making us turn around to see Luffy "W-wait for me" Luffy Said as he caught up to us easily due to all the energy he has "Do you think your coming with us Luffy" Garp says to Luffy as Luffy nods his head and Garp gains a grin

"Than your gonna have to have an extra training session me and the boys here" Garp says as he grabs Mine and Laws Shoulders making us shudder when we think about his beastly training that made him so strong

I then look at luffy who is now ghostly white "Luffy, you know you don't have to go were staying for the next couple of years" I say to Luffy as his face brightens up "Alright, I'll stay here with Makino" Luffy says as he runs back to the bar where Makino was

Garp then looked at me seriously "Why are you staying here for a few years " Garp asked and I smirked "Well firstly, I know how much you dislike the Celestial Dragons and know you wouldn't turn me in cause your an old Softy

Secondly, I wanted to visit my Older Cousin Ace and ask if he wants to join the pirate crew in the future and my final reason is because I wanna train my body and to train Law here until I learn where a certain someone is" I say to garp and his eyes widen

While Garp looks at me, Law also looked at me "What do you mean captain, you are younger than me so I should be training you" Law says smugly and I just grin "Do you think you are stronger than me even though you just healed your illness a few days ago" I say to Law smugly while he also gives a smug grin

"Well I am taller and I should be stronger since I am older" He says as I glare at him "What you wanna fight" I say as I get in a fighting stance and I activate my observation Haki, I suddenly sense that i'm gonna get hit from behind so I instantly jumped back narrowly missing a fist of love from Garp but Law wasn't so lucky

When I saw law gain a bump on his head I couldn't help but smile, I then turn off my Observation Haki while Garp looked at me surprised, "To think a brat like you can use Observation so early" Garp says to me and I nod my head as he picks up Law and puts him over his shoulder easily

and we begin to make our way towards the bandit hut where Ace was staying at, after a few minutes of walking in the forest we got to a hut and at this point Law was awake and we were following behind Garp as we talked about future plans

Once we get there Garp knocks on the door "Who is knocking at our door, were mountain bandits for god sake" I hear someones voice from behind the door"Dadan It's me" Garp says and I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Dadan's face after she opened the door and saw Garp

"G-garp San what are you doing here"Dadan stutters out " You need to take care of these brats for me" Garp says as he pushes me and Law forward "The short one is a wanted man is on the un from the world government" Garp says t Dadan while Dadan and Law looks at me with wide eyes

I then look at Garp who reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bounty poster that was rolled up, Garp then unrolls the bounty poster and I could see that it was a picture of me poking my arm with a fork as it turned into a black fire

Under the picture of me was my name Kokuza D. Ray then above my name said "Only Alive" which made me know that my grandpa really wants me to return Under my name had the amount of 500,000,000 Beli which made Dadan, Law and myself since I didn't expect to have such a high bounty

after a few minutes of ogling my poster I snatch it out of garps hands and I roll it up again and place it in my pocket. After I stuff the wanted poster in my pocket I look up to see Dadan and Law looking at me "Captain what did you do to get such a high bounty" Law asked and I smirked

"Well you see Law I ran away from the Holy Land Mary Geois, where all the Celestial dragons live" I say to law as his eyes get wider "Captain does that mean you are a celestial Dragon as well" Law asks and I just nod my head " That is correct, I ran away because I wanted to have a fun life, not a life where i'm stuck in my house all the time" I say slightly annoyed

Suddenly I feel someone pat my head so I look up to see Garp smiling "Alright Brat's you will be staying here with Dadan and her mountain bandit group" Garp says as he pats my head and I smile and nod along with Law

"Fine i'll take the Brats in as well" Dadan says and Garp chuckles "Thanks Dadan" Garp says as he starts to walk away. Dadan then begins to grumble "Alright brats come inside" Dadan says as we walk in and Dadan closes the door before turning to us

"Alright Brats, From no on you will live with us you will only get food if you help out around the camp. You will also have to get your own food" Dadan says and me and Law nod

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