
Vol. 5 - Chapter 28

... What does that mean?  Ash asked, as she finally stopped what she was doing, pausing the rain of swords that had been pouring onto the Nightmare ahead.

Niven, as though sensing what was going on, also instructed his Nightmare to take a couple of steps back, and there seemed to be a momentary ceasefire. During this time, Satsuhiro, Sinneah, Yumi, all of their eyes went to Ash, as the half-demon listened to Magia whisper in her ears. 

"Like I said, it is not too complicated," Magia said. "You take a step back, let me take over your body, and I will handle everything." 

For how long? 

"...  Hold on a moment,"  Magia said, and Ash didn't hear her voice again for a few seconds. "Ugh. Fine," Ash heard, as though she was responding to someone bitterly. "Until your trial, darling." 

Wait, what!?  Ash asked.  But, all I need is for you to heal her. 

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