
Interlude 4 - Kaori, The Actress, Part 3

For the next few hours, Kaori had a pout permanently fixed on her face. At the same time, the half-demon Savior would occasionally sneak a smug look aimed at her, that would make Kaori's scowl intensify. The blood that had fallen on top of the half-demon, and that she'd so graciously shared with Kaori in that hug, had dried a while ago and still smelled awful. And yet, she looked like she didn't have a care in the world as she kept her hands behind her head and her eyes closed, while most others in the carriage grimaced. 

"Okay!" The coachman yelled from the front, as his vehicle moved over a bridge. "We're makin' a stop! If ya wanna do your business, feel free to head out and do it." 

Hearing that, Kaori looked around to see where she was. 

Oh, wow...  Her eyes widened.  This... Is this what Pearl's region is like? 

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