
Vol. 3 - Chapter 67

Note: So, yeah, if the last chapter was any indication you know what to expect here, but still, as always, some lewdness ahead.



Ash was conflicted. 

On one hand, the lust in her nature made it so that she was eager to get this going. On the other, she had underestimated how awkward this would be to do with someone who she hadn't seen in a sexual light until about four minutes ago. 

It was especially jarring to be doing anything like this with Yumi, despite the fact that she was beautiful because up until now Ash had spent far more time being impressed by her rather than being turned on. 

"So," Ash said as the two of them remained sitting on that hill, demons moving through the waters in the distance, "what do you want me to do?" 

"I have no idea how any of this works," Yumi replied with a shrug. 

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