
Vol. 2 - Chapter 27


The blonde Savior was genuinely excited. Being around these incredibly powerful individuals, she felt like she was living that naive dream she'd talked about before, the one she had when she'd first been recruited for this job. The one where she was a hero. 

"Aw, fuck," Akiven put his hands behind his head as he stretched for a moment. They were currently in the woodlands west of Jade, near the path to Pearl. "This reminds me of the old days." 

"What do you mean?" Kaori asked. 

"Back when I was starting out, we'd just do this sort of shit all day." Akiven was looking around with nostalgia in his eyes. "Orcs, goblins, golems, we'd wake up, eat, fight stuff, go to sleep, and repeat." 


"That's nothing!" Mizaki walked up to Kaori and wrapped an arm behind her, "when I was a rookie, I had the best teacher ever helping me out." 

"Who?" Kaori asked. 

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