
White Lie

The words rang loudly in Brewer's ears. He really could not believe his life. With a loud thud he fell to his knees with his head pressed against the cold floor.

"I promise to serve you with my life!" Brewer said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Rise..." after some time Ben spoke, he was glad by Brewer's sincerity and also displeased by his story. How could such filth still stay. But the thing is such people had started longer than this body and most especially this soul has stayed in this world. And what he knew is such people will still be around even after this body and soul has left this world.

Yet, one thing is for sure, if the bastard should dare set foot in his lands Ben would cripple the filth and wipe him out of the face of the earth.

"I accept your sincerity. I hope you do not let me down... any of us down."

"I swear with my life." Brewer stated.

"Alright; Vivi, get him a new living quarters and contact our seamstress to get him more decent clothes befitting his role as a butler." he said to Vivi then turned back to Brewer," You must know that you are going to be busy for the rest of your stay here."

"I do, master." Brewer bowed.

"Okay, if you'll excuse me I have to go." Ben excused himself as the food had turned cold with time.


Ten purple coloured crystal laid encircled around an head sized black rock with purple and silver pulsating veins that interweaved with so many crisscross numbering in tens to a hundreds. Ben sat opposite the two objects with his legs crossed, his face calm and stoic, his eyes were shot hiding all it's brilliance from the world leaving his ever sheen colour changing hair to receive all the glory.

Ben, yet calm had a little a frown on his face and sweat dripped down his face and onto his robe. This has always been the case when meditating with the Black Rock and ten Elemental Crystals, unlike when meditating with five Elemental Crystals.

It has been like this since he started meditating with the black rock with five Lightning Elemental Crystals. It was a hassle but he persisted. Whenever it came time to meditate with ten Elemental Crystals it was even more unbearable.

There were times where he felt like giving up mid-process, but like always, he continued and endured. Despite his complaints he would always leave his meditation session with a smile. With every session his Mindpower will get strengthened. It made the process and suffering worthwhile. It's not like he liked the pain or lose though.

Every month Ben completed his 'special' meditation he has an increase of 0.8! It can't be compared to his normal meditation session, but then again it is a big bonus.

Underneath Ben and the Black Rock was a rectangular mat riddled with burn mark at almost every corner.


Ander, Mia and Mullin sat round a table in a fancy restaurant, they had stern expressions on their faces. It would be okay to say they had more of an annoyed face. This was because they weren't able to find anything helpful for them to be able to locate The Phantom.

"This isn't working." Ander couldn't take it anymore and said aloud banging his cup of Mead on the table. "I don't think we'll be able to get anything listening to gossips."

"I think so too." Mia says agreeing with Ander.

"But what can we do?" Mullin asked in a low voice.

"I'll tell you what we'll do, let's go back, away from these annoying bunch of clowns." Ander said in a slightly raised voice. He was getting tipsy by the moment.


"Wake up." Mullin woke Ander with a rater heavy slap to the head.

"Huh, huh... oh. 'must have said stuff, right?" Ander jolted as though a bucket had been poured on him. Merely receiving a small nod from the two. "So what was the question?"

"Since we can't get an reliable information from commoners and normies,what #hould we do?" Mia repeated the question.

"Hmm,like you said,since we can't get from normies, why not the big guys? They must know something." Ander spoke proudly like it was some kind of achievement.

"But, how do we do that then? I bet not all big shots out there are willing to talk to us. They might outrightly arrest us for trespassing." Mullin poured another douse if cold water to turn down the heat in Ander's proud face.

"Guys, listen." Mia whispered to them.

On a not so far table two Elemental Swordsmen could be seen having a drink while discussing. One was on the bulkier side with dark brown hair and brown eyes.His friend had blond hair and the same brown eyes, but in a lighter shade. By their looks one could say that they were veteran.

"...auction are you talking about?" the blond haired said.

"That popular Lions Beard Auction House, lad." his friend reminded.

"Aye. They opening?"

"Aye, and guess what?" he leaned closer to his friend in vain attempt to tell him something secret, yet he was still a bit loud. "It is said that Lady Freya will be there."

"What!?" the blond shouted.


"What?" he whispered again. "You don't mean that Lady Freya? The number one beauty in the Black Family?"

"Yep, that one."

"Damn! Now all those rich brats are gonna swarm there just to get her attention..." their discussion went on as those who listened, those who didn't listen went back or continued what they were all doing.

"See, told you I'll find a way." Mia said, Ander and Mullin stared at her dumbfounded. the former had a rather ugly expression, while the latter instead was trying his very best to hold in his laughter.

"You know, sometimes I just wish you were a lad so I could punch you squarely in the face without having a hint of guilt within me, but screw that. Take that vail off and let's..."

"Excuse me miss, is this man disturbing you by any chance?" a young man probably in his late twenties with a broad sword hung on his back came and interrupted Ander's ranting. His light green hair dropped over his head with his azure green eyes shining brightly. He was just too handsome to miss.

Finally those who had been stealing glances at Mia's table were able to look without it being too obvious, 'cause to them the combination of the two bulky blokes and the fair petite undoubtedly beautiful woman in a vail looked rather unusual. It just felt... wrong.

If by chance the two were her bodyguards then that would have been another case altogether and made a lot more sense. But with the way the tall blondie kept speaking to such a beaut, he deserves to be stoned to death.

"Pardon me?" Mia's sweet melodious voice came from behind the vail covering her face.

"I was just saying, I saw your table from afar and the combination was just off. But then I realized that they have no idea on how to treat a fine lady as yourself. I would like to ask if you would be willing to grace my table with your presence." the way he spoke, the air he give, even the aura he exudes made him look like your typical prince charming. Both Ander and Mullin exchanged glances when they saw and heard the boy before them.

"Kid, if you don't want me to punch a hole throu..." Ander recovered pretty quickly. However, before he could tell the young man his mind Mia stood and faced the man.

"Forgive me for my bodyguard's rude behavior. My father seems to be over protective. So you might understand my bodyguard's temper." Mia gave a light bow with her head while trying to conceal her laughter. Thankfully she had a vail covering her face and concealed laughter.

"What do you... Urgh!" Ander was about to protest being called a bodyguard but was pulled back by Mullin.

"Oh, so he's just a bodyguard? You should put them in their places to not forget what they really are." the green haired youth said giving the duo a scornful look. "Why do we go outside for some fresh air. I believe it should be getting quite stuffy in here, don't you think?"

"And should I do that?" Mia asked as though offended by his request.

"Huh...?Well..." well before he could even form a coherent sentence Mia continued.

"For all I care I don't even know your name, I don't know you or where you hail from, and yet you want me to leave with you?" Mia stepped forward and brought her face to his head want to whisper something that only he should hear, "Don't you think it is little bit barbaric?" even though it should have been a whisper many who paid close attention to them heard her words quite clearly. With saying that she stepped back to her table.

"Well, pardon my barbarism miss." the young man straightened his shirt and stood even more proudly. Both Ander and Mullin rolled their eyes when they saw this. "My name is Lorence Hawk, and may I be privileged to know this beautiful lady's name by any chance?"

"Mia... Mia Williams." even though she was seeing it coming she had no other name to give and just blurted out the first and only name that has been I her mind. Yet, saying it out loud made her blush really hard, she was lucky she had worn a vail and was also glad no one knew of her or the Williams. If not the she would really be forced to look for a hole to hide in shame. If Lorence was to find out what was going through her mind right now then who knew what might occur.

"In that case, would you like to go out for a walk with me?" Lorence asked with his hands outstretched.

"Okay." giving it a thought she accepted.

All four of them met up with a group of three currently sitting on a table at the by the entrance. After the man exchanged a few words with them they departed.

"Williams? I don't think I have heard of them." Lorence suddenly asked after they've walked a considerable distance away from the restaurant.


"That's because it can't be found in such a backwater area in this part of the kingdom. It is at the northern part of the kingdom, we have a tight relationship with the Brokes; Must have heard of them, no?" Mullin interrupted mia before she blew hers and their cover.

"The... The Brokes? You know the Brokes?" Lorence was in a sea of shock and fear at the mere mention of such powerhouse. Mia on the other could only nod to the question. She looked at Mullin with an enquiring expression, which Mullin just gave her a 'you don't need to know' look. She scoffed before going on with the dazed man.

And so for the following days to come Lorence visited mia partly for flirting with her and partly because he was sent on a mission after he reported the days event to his Family elders.

After he 'found out' that mia was 'associated' with the Brokes and told his Family's elders who were working under a councilman that was also Lord Relet's rival, they decided to give Lorence some money and resources to further his training, if only he could use this 'Mia Williams' to ask the Brokes to support their motion of overthrowning Lord Relet.

If only they knew the truth within the lies...

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