
Sphere Tower

Two weeks later...

The two weeks preparation has finally ended for those who wished to formed their Elemental Spheres. A few may fail while some would pass. To successfully form any Elemental Sphere within ones awareness one must pour in their every knowledge about the element that wish to have, only then will they know if they are ready or not.

This is to check if they have a strong enough foundation. Without a good foundation, how would they know what they want?

Fire is hot, so?

What is the essence of fire?

In other words, what do you know about your elements that you see and used everyday of your life?

More than 20 people, with the majority of them being youths, all gathered in front of a magic tower called Sphere Tower. Currently Ben and Pudding were together, occasionally greeted their classmates in the name.

Over the past six months Ben had been helping Pudding in the studies. Well... considering Puddings past character of slacking a lot, Ben has been attending Puddings class with her whenever he had the chance, but he was disappointed at her because she chose the three easiest subjects there is. Because of this Ben grinded her to be the best in class. Her understanding of everything she studied became profound.

The Sphere tower was where the students will be able to form their Elemental Spheres without any disturbance from inside or outside the tower as everyone has a separate chamber all to themselves. Many people brought things to help their progress like treasures, the chamber will protect them from the eyes of others but yourself.

"Ben," Ben felt tugging on his sleeve. "are you nervous?" Pudding asked clearly nervous herself.

"Are you?" Ben asks back which Pudding nodded to. "There's no need to be nervous okay. It's just like how you have been taught, you'll be okay." Ben hung his hand over her shoulder as they continued forward making her head to crash on his chest, which eventually caused her to have a slight blush.

Slightly pushing away from him, she protested while flinging her hair out. "I'm not a little girl, you know?" Pudding pouted with her cheeks turning a little shade of pink.

"Haha, yeah. I can see that." Ben laughed, "You are a very 'big' girl."

The arrangement had been done with every chamber assigned to to a specific individual. The school however, couldn't stay idle without giving their students a feeling hand, increasing their chance of success by 10%.

Although there might still be people who'd fail, but a 10% boost wasn't a small margin. And this is only for a specific Elemental Sphere chosen at random by the schools themselves.

The sphere tower was spacious, almost double the size of a stadium with isolated boxes that will serve as their chamber. Each chamber was engraved in thick brown runes so to prevent any leakage or disturbance from entering or escaping the chamber.

The gathered students were called names for names as they were handed a card with their chamber number on it, they were then sent to look for their chamber. Those who wished to form four Spheres were taken upstairs where a separate area was arranged for specially for them.

Upon arriving at their destination Ben found out that there wasn't even up to ten people who chose to form four Spheres and that's including Pudding. Yes, she will be forming four Elemental Spheres, all thanks to Ben's hard work. At their destination they noticed their chambers were much bigger than the ones from downstairs.

"Pudding..." Ben called for her in a whispering tone.

"Hmm," she answered feeling even more nervous.

"...Don't let mentor Belti down, okay."


"Promise me."

"I promise."

"That's my girl... oh I mean, my big girl."

"Hahaha..." Pudding laughed, glad she had someone to cheer her up and lighten the mood.

"Good luck, Pudding."

"Good luck, Ben."

Once they ask arrived, without waiting any further they went into their designated chambers and locked themselves in, only to come out in a months time.

In Ben's chamber had a small comfy mat to make his one month stay here a tiny bit comfortable for him. Unlike others who are yet to harness the power of the elements, Ben didn't have the need to eat while others had to take food with them into their chamber.

He Unwrapped the bag he hung over his shoulder all along. Knowing that it's brilliance would be seen, he wrapped the bag with the hide of the Tazzleworm he'd killed.

One, because it would distract people to stay away so not to notice the aura underneath the hide; And secondly because it simply didn't want to enter any of his spatial devices. Yep, it was indeed that black rock.

He was instructed according to Mr Grant to meditate with the black rock when he is about to create his Lightning-type Elemental Sphere.

Is it luck or what?

Asides the Tear of Thunder he got from his mentor to boost his success in creating his Lightning-type Sphere he found two other important treasures in his Badlands collection. They were an Earth Pistil aging over 300 years and a Wind Vein that is sealed inside a vase etched with delicate murals of the Wind god.

He found these two treasures during his two weeks preparations, he learnt about them and was able to recognize the two as they were one of the most interesting classes he attended; Knowledge. And so, he now has three treasures to help boost three out of his four choices.

Since he didn't have any treasures to aid in his Light element he started with it. Ben sat cross-legged and began comprehending the mystery of the Light element. However he wasn't making Spheres, it just didn't work... or more like suit his taste.

During his research he found out that with the knowledge of Magick and it's elements Ben could sense all the elements through in his Universal Plane, all he needed was the place and time which he now has. He set aside the four things he brought and closed his eyes to meditate.

In his Universal Plane, using every knowledge he has gained ever since he arrived at The Phantom he searched, gathered and tamed the Light particles he could set his hands on. Slowly and steadily Ben brought the Light particles to gather beside the two other Suns of his; Flames Halo and Ice Halo.

With the laws of his Universal Plane now in motion it would inform him when he has gathered enough energy to form his Halo. When he had moved a lot of Light particles closer it formed a Starfield. With the help of his vast Mindpower he covered the whole Starfield. Using the knowledge in how to create Spheres he began to smother the Starfields, compressing it and removing gap within the cloud of light.

Once he was done compressing the clustered particles he used his Mindpower to drill a hole precisely at the centre of the cloud, now that's when things get serious. The process of shrinking the Starfield had made the cluster harder than usual, meaning he's have to put greater force into his Mindpower on order to make a sizable hole.

With a hole formed at the centre, still using his Mindpower to hold it together, he divided his Mindpower to form a long pole he placed the pole in the hole made and began stirring, widening the hole while the Mindpower holding things together and compressed the particles further.

Although no life forms or any natural ecosystem were around, Ben's hair was flapping to an invisible wind. The light from within his Universal Plane extended to the outside world, engulfing his entire being. His skin and flesh was drying dangerously on his body that he currently looked like a perched river with cracks.

Ben was like a dried corpse that might break if touched. Three days has gone with nothing but a scorching light being emitted from his cracked body. On the fourth day the cracks was all over his head, hands and the rest of his body, with every passing hour the cracks widened. On the fifth day a burst of light broke out of his entire being.

The runes inscribed inside the room shook vigorously. Because of this phenomenon Ben's chamber was exuding faint light. Its runes glowing from brown top a milky-white radiance.

The teachers who was in charge of watching over the chambers which housed the students who were to form four Elemental Spheres got startled by the occurrence. Rushing over they were shocked by what they were seeing.

"What is going on here, Theo?" a middle aged woman with fair skin, pink lips and a well developed body asked.

"This... these are Light elemental particles, but it's so dense, how could it be? Besides wasn't this the chamber given a Light element boost. Never expected the user to be a genius in Light-type magic. Haha our faculty has found a rising star." Mage Theo laughed delightedly.

"Don't get to existed yet, he is just starting... Hmm, look over there, what strong Ice Elemental particles. Looks like you won't be the only one, now would you?" the middle aged woman said with a lithe smile. She was mage Domino.

The Light element shone brightly in Ben's chamber like crazy, it reached the extent of actually being noticed by the outside world which isn't suppose to happen.

Like a broken dam, the light element rushed into his body like a waterfall.

Like magnet attracts metal.

Like a bed of flowers attracts hundreds upon hundreds of bees.

In his Universal Plane, Ben's Light Halo was slowly forming, taking its shape with baby steps. Ben poured in his body, soul and mind into it; His body became a lot more shinier and splendid, it looked nothing like the skin of a young man but rather that of an infant.

If you like what you see drop one Power Stone for your friendly author Fearless1

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