
40 Why Not Become A Cook?

"What... what did you say?" taking a whole minute to understand what Ben said he was about to erupt like a volcano out of anger.

"I'm sorry but I don't bark with dogs." Ben replied putting his hands in his pocket.

The entire dinner burst into laughter while some were just too shocked. Who is this guy? This was what filled all their heads.

At one table consisting of four people the young woman there was both delighted and satisfied at how Ben treated the man with locks. She even had the urge to go up to Ben and give him a hug.

"I can bet you are the most happiest person in here." a young man with brown braids sitting by the woman in her early twenties whispered to her.

"You have no idea." the woman laid back happily, a smile hung on her face.

Over to Ben's table. Only now did the man with golden locks fully confirms that Ben was indeed insulting him. He was a dignified Hunter even though he only became a Hunter a few months ago he was better than a lot others.

Mark felt so humiliated. He must vent this anger, and which better way than the person that caused it. Mark had the urge to use his sword but that was tantamount to bring arrested, or worse. Clenching his fist he threw a punch at Ben, he also didn't forget to coat his fist with a thin layer of earth.

Already pissed that the man couldn't tell when a woman isn't interested, or maybe he just couldn't accept no for an answer. The handsome man's fist was already coming his way coated with the earth element, Ben frowned.

Ben sidestepped to the left and gave the man a jab to his stomach. Not expecting Ben to react so fast his momentum was cut short by the jab making him crash into a table, Matilda's table.

"What's all the ruckus about!?!?" a loud booming voice came after Mark was on the floor clutching his stomach in pain.

"I'm sorry ma'am, we were only wondering if you have a cleaner table? This one has some filth on it." Ben dusted his hands with a handkerchief as though he has indeed touched filth.

The woman who came was the manager of the inn, she stood tall and huge but with a very kind face. You could say she's a caring mother. Nevertheless, don't ever get on her bad side.

"Hm, filth you say?" the manager asked taking a look at the squirming blond. "I think I have something at the other side. You can take table 12, it should be enough for the two ya." she points at another table for the two. "Hey you, you are going to pay for that." she shouts at the squirming blond.

"Thank you ma'am." Ben says then turns to Matilda "Are you coming?"

"I don't think I want to stay anymore I have a long day tomorrow." with that Matilda stood up to head upstairs.

"Hope you're satisfied?" Ben mumbles then went to his new table.

All those who were around didn't make anymore trouble for Ben. Mark might not be the strongest but there was no need to pick a fight with Ben for no reason. Ben ate his meal peacefully before going into the kitchen. From there he struck a deal with the manager. Renting his own room for a month he went in for the nights rest.

Arriving in his room where he'll be spending the next few days he went ahead to gather the scattered stardust into his Elemental halo. After his complete meditation session he slept.


Few Hours Ago.

When Matilda entered her room her mind was beginning to become chaotic for an unknown reason. Ever since Ben joined her envoy guilt has been eating her from inside. She could only toss around on her bed as her mind was unsettled. Realizing that she won't be able to sleep any time soon she went into her bag and retrieved something which she hid in her coat, after which opened the window and fell two storeys down and disappeared into the darkness of the night.


It was past eight in the morning when Matilda awoken, after cleaning herself up she wore her long navy blue dress and went out her room. She knew the room opposite hers would be Ben's, therefore she knocked. Knocking for a minute without Ben answering wondered her, so she waited and knocked again.

"Unbelievable, so this is how he lives his life because he gained a new ability? It must be a waste of time trying to help him when it will be useless anyways... hah, let's not talk about that for now. He knows his way, once he gets hungry he'll be forced to go down." After three minutes of knocking to no avail she decided to head downstairs.

"Hah! Look who's awake already! Had a rough night?" the manager greeted Matilda when she arrived.

"Good morning Mrs Gretta." Matilda greeted.

"Mornin' lav." the manager Mrs Gretta answered back.

"Do you know where purple sparkly eyes went Mrs Gretta?" Matilda asked scanning the people by their tables and not seeing Ben.

"Oh don't be like that Matilda, he's a very good young man if I must say. And he does have a name doesn't he?" Mrs Gretta said displeased by Matilda's attitude.

"Please Mrs Gretta, not here for one of your lessons this morning about my age and marriage again. I and Ben have nothing that is of interest to either of us, so you're fantasies are not going to work... Mrs Gretta, just so you know, I am quite famished and I'll like to have my breakfast plea..." Matilda stopped her words when she saw Ben leaving the kitchen.

Ben wore an apron and held two trays filled with dishes too the brim in both hands, it wondered her how he could balance so many things that she presumes must have quite some weight to it. Looking around for a brief moment Ben spotted Matilda and the manager, Mrs Gretta, by an empty table. Bringing the trays to them Ben smiled as both their eyes met each other.

"Wow, never knew you like to have your beauty-sleep long, hehe." Ben laughed lightly placing the trays down "Good morning. I believe you should be a little bit hungry so I made breakfast. Hope you don't mind joining if not I'll have to give it to everyone around us who is presently drooling at our table."

It wasn't a lie and can be a little bit of an understatement. If it weren't for how Ben easily defeated a First-level elemental swordsman last night they might have already dived at their table. There were First-level elemental swordsmen around at the later stage and they could estimate Ben was either close to becoming a Second-level elemental swordsman or he already is. Because of this they wouldn't want to rush ahead to get a broken bone early this morning.

Matilda too wasn't that much different from others around because being so close to these dishes, her nostrils were viciously attacked with the most delicious aroma she has ever perceived. She suppressed her almost drooling self and joined Ben at the table.

"I gave you this profession for your second option, and you rejected." Matilda said almost pouting. "Why not become a cook? You'll gain a lot from it too."

"Well it's because I..." can't live on with this world's cooking and improving it will be almost impossible if not a dream-nonexistent. Ben completed in his head but said aloud "...just don't want to, that's all." shrugging his shoulder he turns to Mrs Gretta who was still standing beside them, also drooling at the food before her "Mrs Gretta, I left you and your boy, Jackson, a plate if you like. They're in the kitchen."

"Why thank you Ben." Mrs Gretta smiled while turning her gaze to Matilda with her expression saying 'and what were you saying about this lovely young man again?' "I'll be giving you two lovebirds... I mean, young ones sometime alone."

Ben shook his head while Matilda became red with anger, she knew Mrs Gretta did that on purpose. The problem is, how can she stay mad with these delicacies in from of her.

"Let's dig in." Ben declares no more minding the lady in from of him as he ate to his heart's content.

Matilda watched Ben suspiciously thinking if the food was poisoned or drugged. Shaking her head she tried not to think of such things. If he's eating it why can't she? Picking up her fork she stabbed it in the boiled chopped yam that seems to be mixed with Palm oil and some sliced vegetables, apart from that she couldn't see any other thing.

What baffles her from the food is the divine aroma wafting and permeating the air. Even the steam it brought was enticing. No longer able to hold back any more she used her fork to toss a piece in her mouth. Sweet! Matilda unconsciously closed her eyes to savor the taste.

It was truly unexplainable to describe how it tastes, but she didn't want it to finish. it was when the piece in her mouth went down her stomach did she remember there was still more in front of her.

"Do you like it?"

Not knowing where the voice came from Matilda subconsciously gave a nod. She has tasted many dishes, even dishes nobles and royalty ate, but this... was Divine.

"Who are you?" Matilda mumbled aloud but it was still heard by Ben.

"Uh, don't you know that already?" Ben was confused by her question.

"Oh, sorry I was thinking aloud. Let's finish up."

With that they didn't speak any further. They both ate and... well ate till they were satisfied. Ben purposely left some on his plate for the men and women to ogle at his when he leave, he'll wait till he returns to hear about it from Jackson, Mrs Gretta's son.

"Are you ready now?" Matilda stood up and said.

Standing up from his chair he took off the apron then pat his clothe before nodding. Mrs Gretta realizing they were about to leave came to clear their table.

"Ah, Mrs Gretta there is no need to clear the table, I doubt anyone will be coming in soon." one of the younger men that sat at a table not far from Ben's exclaimed when he saw Ben's plate being taken away.

"What is this? Are you trying to bring bad business for me?" Mrs Gretta scoffed at the young man. He must really be shameless to propose such a thing.

"Oh, Mrs Gretta, you've been working a lot lately, why don't you let me help you take those away?" a girl in her late teens stepped up to give a hand.

"Thank you little girl but you don't have to help here, why not help go scrub the toilet for me? That should be helpful of you." Mrs Gretta smiled at her. Her reply made those around to erupt in laughter.

"Ah! it's so late, my mother must be probably worried about me. I need to start heading home. Bye Mrs Gretta!" the girl says as she storms out the door.

"Late? It's barely past 10 in the morning! And you live here by the way! Humph!" Mrs Gretta shouted at the running girl.

Bonus chapter guys!!

40th chapter, so far so good. I will appreciate your every comment, criticisms, and also votes.

Your every comment is a motivation to my work.

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