
Monster Attack

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xia Chengfeng could no longer absorb any more material after he finished absorbing 10 [Lv1 energy crystals] and 10 [Lv1 soul stones].

His present strength rivaled a powerlifter and his stamina had also increased to 100 points.

He only required five points of stamina to excavate an ordinary cave. However, the danger levels of the caves were now much higher, therefore, he had to conserve a certain amount of stamina for combat.

He first studied the [Beast Trap Blueprint] and then started to build beast traps.

The creation of beast traps required materials such as metal, springs, and molds made of clay.

Xia Chengfeng first made a mold out of clay, then fashioned the beast traps with refined steel.

Two hours later, Xia Chengfeng had made 10 beast traps.

[Beast Trap Lv1]: Beast trap made of refined steel. It is used to capture prey.

Xia Chengfeng rested for a moment and watered his berry farm. He had promoted the growth of the berry with plant essence, and there were already new berries on the vines in just a few days.

The boar grass grew even faster. Xia Chengfeng had to harvest them once every two days. He harvested the grass as feed for the boars.

Xia Chengfeng traded three berries with Bai Yuwei through the trading channel, and at the same time, he cautioned him of the impending dangers. He wrote: Here're the berries for today. It's going to become more dangerous in the future, so be aware of that. I'll give you a long spear today so that you can defend yourself."

Xia Chengfeng had made the spear with a small block of refined steel and a wooden pole. It did not come with any attributes.

Bai Yuwei: Thank you!

Xia Chengfeng still did not have a stable source of water, so he did not wish for Bai Yuwei to have any problems.

He rested for a few more hours before another system notification rang out: [Warning]: One Star caves have appeared.

Then, the system announced: One Star caves: One level higher than ordinary caves. They will contain Lv1-Lv10 resources and monsters.

Xia Chengfeng realized that many resources now had their respective levels after the newbie protection period was over.

This included his personal attribute interface. It showed that he was a Lv1 human.

There was also an experience bar below that information which showed 0/100. Killing monsters or absorbing energy would increase the experience bar.

"It has finally appeared." Xia Chengfeng had already prepared himself. He took out the divination crystal ball and used it around him.

"What will I discover if I dig to the front?"

Xia Chengfeng's mental energy depleted as he was divining the situation of a One Star cave. The divination process used up roughly 30% of his mental energy.

The divination crystal ball gradually became purple. A line of text appeared in the ball: There is a miasma. A hunter is awaiting its prey.

It should be poison, Xia Chengfeng thought, and decided that it was best not to go there. He had nothing to defend himself against poison. He would most likely die if he got poisoned.

"What will I discover if I dig toward the back?" He decided to do another divination.

The divination crystal ball gradually became red. The color also became deeper and darker.

: Hungry creatures have already started to move. Their large rods have become too hungry to bear!

Xia Chengfeng's heart turned cold when he read the prophecy. Did that mean that the monsters were digging toward his space bubble?

There were not many monsters that would actively dig for caves. Xia Chengfeng cursed his misfortune.

"I can't allow myself to be flustered. I have the home-ground advantage here. I have a high chance of success if I prepare well." Xia Chengfeng looked toward his back.

"With my current strength, I should have no problems dealing with ordinary monsters. However, I am just one man. I should prepare some traps!" Xia Chengfeng immediately started to dig.

He used an old idea. He dug holes underground and planted sharp spears and wooden spikes. He then covered the traps with grass.

At the same time, he set up the beast traps that he had just made in the soil.

Xia Chengfeng also wanted to corral the young boars into the cave in case they got killed.

"Ding, ding, dong! Ding, ding, dong!" The singing grass on one side of the wall sounded an alarm. They had already sensed the vibrations on the wall.

Xia Chengfeng pressed his ear against the wall and heard the sound of excavation. Something was burrowing toward him!

"They're here!" Xia Chengfeng stood guard by the side with his long sword in hand.

His space bubble was narrow and small. There was no space for him to hide. Thus, his best option was to start fighting from the very beginning.

He saw the soil start to shift at a spot in the cave. The creatures had green skin and sharp nails. Xia Chengfeng had already raised his sword.

"Growl!" The head of a green monster pushed out of the ground into the bubble space. Its snout was tapered and long and was lined with a row of sharp, wolf-like teeth. It did not have any hair on its head and let out a weird squeal.

System Notification: [Ordinary Goblin Lv1]: A cryptic monster. It has low intelligence and loves to eat meat.

Other than those with special talents, players would be able to obtain the information of monsters as long as they were not five levels above the player.

The goblin immediately saw Xia Chengfeng. It had barely let out a cry when Xia Chengfeng swung his long sword down. A green head fell onto the ground and fresh blood sprayed into the cave.

System Notification: Killed [Ordinary Goblin Lv1]. Received 10 points battle experience.

"Harrgh!" There were other goblins right behind the first one, and they dragged the corpse of their comrade back into the tunnel. Xia Chengfeng caught the glimpse of a horde of green-skinned monsters devouring their comrade.

Their sharp teeth could easily tear through flesh. A one-meter-tall goblin corpse turned into mincemeat in an instant!

The rest of the goblins charged out from the tunnel. Xia Chengfeng seized the opportunity and killed another goblin.

However, the goblins did not know fear. More goblins rushed from the back of the line and charged out of the tunnel.

"Growl!" An ordinary goblin was racing toward Xia Chengfeng when it fell into the trap. Long spears pierced into its body, but it was not dead yet and let out a pathetic cry.

"Harrgh!" An angry roar rang out from within the tunnel. More and more goblins poured into the cave.

Three of them fell into the trap or stepped on the beast traps and were easily killed by Xia Chengfeng.

Five goblins had died in no time at all!

"Harrgh!" An angry roar echoed once again from the tunnel. This time, a muscular two-meter-tall goblin charged out holding a steel mace in its hand.

[Goblin Captain Lv2]: A goblin of unusual strength. It has a violent personality!

Xia Chengfeng made use of an old trick and wanted to kill it before it landed on its feet. However, the goblin captain was already prepared for this and promptly parried Xia Chengfeng's attack with its mace.

Its strength made Xia Chengfeng's grip turn numb!

It was clearly more agile than the other goblins as it jumped past the trap and did not step on the beast traps either. It roared as it swung its mace down at Xia Chengfeng.

The goblin captain did not know any martial art techniques, but it had immense strength. Xia Chengfeng tried to block its attack with his sword but nearly lost grip on his sword from the force of the blow.

"It sure has brute force!" Xia Chengfeng muttered as he clenched his teeth. He scanned the area and remembered that he had set up a beast trap to his right. He would be able to hamper the goblin captain's fluid movements if he got it to step into the trap.

Xia Chengfeng ran toward the right. The goblin captain smote with its mace and missed, leaving a crater on the ground!

It did not know fear and continued to pursue Xia Chengfeng. However, the space was small and narrow, and the goblin captain stepped on the beast trap.

The beast trap clasped shut, and the serrated metal spikes dug into the thigh of the goblin captain. The goblin captain could not keep balance and fell onto the ground.

"Now!" Xia Chengfeng yelled, seizing the opportunity to counterattack. He stabbed his sword into the back of the goblin captain's heart.

It was a fatal blow! An attack on the vital area would kill a monster in seconds!

"Harrgh!" The goblin captain let out a final pathetic cry. Then, its body convulsed as it drew its last breath!

System Notification: Killed [Goblin Captain Lv2]. Obtained 50 points battle experience.

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