
Everything looks normal

Time is relative. Everything we see has a time, everything we touch has a time, everything that touches us has a time. But what we feel is not, what allows us to dream sometimes it lasts as long as ... as long as that which pumps blood continues to pump, while that which allows us to be reasonable continues to do its job. We will continue to dream of feeling things that time does not hinder.

_Is ready...

I said, Then I put that on a blank paper. Things were not making me feel so much anymore, I had moved to a house in the middle of a small forest with a small road to the city. In other words, it was in the Welsh country a quiet place away from everyone just me and my house facing a lake. The Welsh country is an island with a cold climate, but its history was undeniable. The Welsh country was attacked in the Second World War, almost destroyed and had to be rebuilt by the few inhabitants of the city of Cardiff. so with little technology it is known for its beautiful landscapes and its pleasant climate. You're welcome for the geography class you received.

A perfect place to start over, I used to send letters like this to the other side of the world, Cecile sent it to my old fans. They needed to know that I was alive and that even though I didn't feel like going back I was there for them. My life in the Welsh country was basically a vacation routine, every day at 6 I was standing and walking through the cold trees of the forest. amid the fog until I reached the lake, I would like to see the ripple effect that the cold wind caused on the water. He did that every day and then walked into town for coffee at Rashif's bar. A tavern to be more precise, it was an old and simple place usually filled with old people watching a tube tv nailed to the damp wall.

_Good morning Rashif.

_Bom morning josh what will you want today?

I sat on the chair facing the counter.

_Same thing black coffee.

He turned his back and started preparing.

_What do you think of the Welsh country so far? Much better than all those New York people, right?

Rashif didn't speak my language well but he had a funny Swedish accent.

_You can't imagine.

He said smiling weakly as he poured coffee.

_Ja visited the entire city?

_Bom I live here now I think I will have enough time to get to know the city.

Behind me the sound of the bell above the door echoed and everyone remained silent. Someone had come in, I didn't come to see who it was but it seemed to be just a young girl by the way Rashif knew her well.

_Good morning, Mr. Rashif.

A girl leaned against the counter.

_Bom morning Miss Sophie what will you want today?

_A coffee if possible.

He promptly went to serve her, she didn't look like her. She wore a blue dress and white shoes and smiled all the time, her brown hair was tied not like a bun but a ponytail tossed to the side. She looked away and saw me frowned and then asked me.

_Ahn ... hi? You're new here, right?

I turned my face to greet her.

_Yes ... I moved two months ago.

She smiled and held out her dark blue gloved hand.

_Praise Sophie Zarbim.

I was a little embarrassed she seemed polite and I was wearing my avengers jacket.

_Prazer Sophie ... Josh reads feu.

_Ah I already know you are the guy from the lake house .... I always wanted to live there.

Rashif interrupted us with a hand-drawn porcelain cup and set it on the counter.

_Rashif never served me in a cup like this .... You must be very important ....

She smiled sheepishly and thanked Rashif.

_Rashif is a gentleman when he wants, isn't he, Rashif?

She played with that.

_Enjoy Rashif is a widower if he dies can you inherit all this already thought?

It was the first time we laughed together.

_I would never be worthy to marry Miss Sophie ...

In a way it intrigued me. Rashif suddenly being kind to a woman? He was kind of Irish descended from barbarians so you should never expect anything like a kindness from him.

_good ... thank you Rashif but I will be going soon I have work to do ...

I said getting up and taking the money out of my coat pocket.

_ Ah I'm going too ... here is Rashif.

He waved his hands denying her money.

_No, not for you, it's free ...

_And I Rashif are friends and since I got here you never gave me anything for free.

He looked at me and said.

_You are a foreign sophie is ..

_Citizen of the city is what he meant ... citizen is not Rashif?

He frowned and then agreed with that out of the blue.

_Good if you don't mind it was a pleasure to meet you ..

"Wait ... are you going north?"

I put my hands in my coat pocket even though I was inside, it was cold.

_Sim my home and right there ...

_Posso Accompany you?

_Good ... if you don't mind going out with a stranger ...

She smiled and took the bag.

_Don't I care Rashif? Have a good time ..

She walked to the door with me and then we left.

_Aquilo was strange

I said walking on the gray brick road.

_ what ? Rashif? He has always treated me like this since I got here.

_Curioso where are you from?

_Switzerland more specifically Zurich and you?

I sighed before I spoke.

_New York...

She looked at me differently smiling like someone who was curious to know what it was like there.

_As she ?

_A bag ... people and their dreams. Without caring about each other, you wouldn't like it.

We continued walking through the small town of Cardiff until we reached a red-brick house and the pale blue door and the Swiss flag hanging on the side of the door.

_Well I live here ..

She stops at the door and looks for the key.

_And I a little more distant ...

She takes the keys and smiles.

_Bem mister Lê feu ... it was good to have this conversation with you.

_I say the same ... but I need to go ..

She nodded and then I turned my back on her.

_Wait ...

She said.

_Would you like to have dinner tonight with me?

I stood in front of her and smiled.

_Dinner ? I don't know ... I have a lot to do.

She smiled.

_Please promise that you will not be disappointed ....

I thought a little, I needed this dinner maybe to talk to someone who didn't have a beard or didn't go around herding sheep.

_Ta..eu top ..

She smiled.

_How about 8?

She said.

_ It looks good to me ...

_So soon then ...

She said before entering and locking the door, she looked like a simple but polite person. After I moved here, I had started a new project before publishing my last book ... I had started painting pictures of various faces and places that I considered remarkable. One thing of mine that was worthless, just for fun. My last book would be called "Sayings of a rainy night" It was a kind of thanks to the people who accompanied me there. And after that book, I would disappear forever. But lately I was having some literary blocks and painting was helping me. So for the time being the last part was like this.

"Sayings of a rainy night"

Dancing in the rain always has its pros and cons The cons are the possible colds you can get, and the pros are the reason you are dancing. This reason can be something ... or someone, you know everything will always have a reason even if it doesn't seem like, that reason can leave you with smiles or tears, but somehow this reason will teach you to change your concept, yours way of acting and thinking. As the rain changes the weather and changes people's moods, I particularly love the rain the way it falls and leaves everything that was dry wet. The rain brings life, the rain brings deaths the rain is basically the reason many people smile and cry but what you don't know is that it can seem all dark, everything erased but up there high above the clouds there is the sun that always will shine.

Toc toc

I walked to the door, looked at the wall clock and didn't even realize it was already 8:10 am I was really late. I opened the door and there she was, wearing a dress with flowery prints in blue and white, I already knew her favorite color.

_Boa noite Senhor reads feu.

_Ah damn I was late Apologies.

_Why ? Dinner is going to be here, isn't it?

I frowned.


_ You didn't think it would be at my house, did you?

She said that coming in.

_You invited me and I thought ...

_Sinto a lot but in my house it is complicated.

I was confused.

_Eu I didn't have time to prepare anything or dress properly.

She smiled and stood there in the hall.

_Don't worry, dinner came to you, I brought some typical foods from this country.

I didn't even realize that she was holding a basket made by hand from the ones you picnic on.

_Bom can sit down I'll fix this mess later on me ..

She said that smiling as she removed the papers and notebook from the table. Then I went upstairs, took off my clothes and went into the bath, when I came down dressed in a long black shirt and simple trousers, the house was dark.

_Quem turned off the light?

I went to the living room and she had moved everything away from the center and put some candles around the room.

_Ah Apologies I took the liberty of preparing everything before you went down I would ask but you know it would not be polite to go up and ask .... I was very bold?

Once again I was taken aback by her.

_No I'm just surprised by all of this ..

Sophie was more than just a person, she was intense, she wanted to discover everything at all times, she was curious and there was something that was renewed every time just in her simple, brown look.

_I couldn't help noticing ... Do you paint?

She pointed to the red paint stain on the white wall, with no cloth to wipe my hands. I had a habit of cleaning the wall without worrying.

_ Not necessarily ... I try.

She put her finger on the wall and smiled at the stains.

_Would like to see..

Once again she was being curious, I didn't care about that however ... she is interesting to look at and sees all that desire to know a common life.

_Of course.

She said putting her hands in her pocket.

_Please follow me.

I walked to the next room, which was literally empty only the screens and some curtains protecting from dust.

_Well here they are ... I already said I am not a painter.

She ran her hands over the curtains and slowly pulled her eyes bright when she saw the blue screens.

_Incredible ... You knew how to capture the energy of these screens well.

She said that observing every point and every trace. Her curiosity was endless.

_Sabe Senhor Lê feu ... I come from a very traditional family and we learned that each painting has a history ... behind every art there is a history. What is yours ?

Imagine a big hole that has been dug over and over ... the interest is to discover something historic and the more you dig the more the soil becomes unstable. Sophie was like a backhoe but she barely knew what she was getting into.

_My history ?

I could tell her a lie ... say things that wouldn't be real, but somehow she seemed to have more secrets than I did ... I confess to you that I knew about Sophie's existence. It was nothing new to anyone that she had a regular life, did not exist on social media or a local newspaper talked about her. Reserved? Perhaps, however, she was recently visited by the Chancellor of Switzerland, and they spent hours talking.

_Maybe it's more complicated than yours, isn't it?

She looked at me with green eyes and then looked away. She knew that kind of movement well.

_Well ... keep painting like that and you will have to change her name to Vincent.

She left the room and went back to the living room. I managed to defuse her curiosity for now.

_Então what's there in that basket?

I sat next to her while she opened the basket and took out a bottle of wine and some bread and fruit.

_Então this is a picnic?

She smiled.

_You don't even know this city, do you? Today is Ragnar's day, the day when the barbarians advanced their troops and took the city from the villagers here. They celebrate like that the difference is that there are some lights around the square and this is their food. I was surprised, sir, you read such a well-studied man that you do not know such a fascinating culture.

She serves me.

_I am fascinated by the fact that this city was rebuilt after a German attack. It is stories like this that really matter, how someone gets up in the middle of destruction. You don't know why you never experienced it ... did you feel it?

She remained silent as she drank.

_Sabe Why did I choose this island? Because she is somehow forgotten ... there is nothing special about it ... but people don't care and everyone lives in their own way.

She sighed, took the cup out of her mouth, placed it on top of the carpet and smiled looking at nothing.

_You are an interesting man sir reads feu but hides the fact that something in New York haunts you and you just disappear ... now why?

She bends her body trying to enter my mind in a way that is not physical but emotional.

_Porque hides here?

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