
Chapter 53

The light inside the room was subdued.

April listened to the salacious moans, whimpers and smacking noises of bodies clashing in ecstatic fun. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the room's darkness and what she saw was a set of cushioned beds clumsily stacked together that took up much space in the room along with a sea of nude bodies cavorting on it.

The curtains fell back down and the stud led April towards the corner of the room. They climbed over piles of clothes that littered the floor; April was careful not to get her feet entangled in any. Bodies parted without word for them as they got on the bed. April lowered herself while her stud stood holding her hand. She felt something brush against her palm as her stud brought her hand to grasp what he wanted her to. April wrapped her fingers around his semi-erect cock, stroking him urgently, feeling him grow hard in her grasp. He drew closer for her to inhale the musk scent from his penis, from there working him into her mouth.

The stud hissed as April stroked his shaft while applying gusto slurping her tongue around his cock. Her ears listened to the myriad gasps and groans and clashing bodies happening around her. Now and then someone's limbs or thighs made contact with her arm or brushed against her back. Her stud squeezed her tits, his thumbs played with her nipples. April felt someone else's hands on her thighs. She parted her legs for another pair of inquisitive hand to crawl towards her crotch, fingering her snatch. She slobbered and pushed her stud's prick further down her throat, sputtering strings of saliva while she did.

Her stud pulled away and his cock fell out of her mouth with a 'plop' sound as a pair of hands suddenly pushed her to lie on the bed. They were male and female hands all caressing and groping her body in the dark, all working simultaneously towards getting her further acquainted and randy with her surroundings. April squirmed and moaned as a pair of woman's lips feasted upon her tits while fingers investigated her crotch by slipping into her vagina. She listened to their excited murmur. More lips kissed her torso like vampires out of her blood. Several made contact with her lips and she kissed them equally in return.

Others made room for her stud as he then came on top of her. His penis left a trail of pre-cum on her abdomen as it brushed against her skin. April was ready and waiting for him. He tried finding her pussy's entrance in the dark but was having no luck. April took charge and slipped it right where it needed to go. She gasped as his girth stretched her cunt. A woman caressed April's face and pelted her with kisses while another nibbled on her tits.

The woman kissing her went away and was replaced by a man's cock. It came at her unannounced, grazed her face as if daring her to refuse its offer. April wrapped her fingers around its throbbing muscle and allowed it to stretch her mouth. Her slurping groans added to the fitful gaggle of noise abound in the room. She struggled not to gag too hard as her pussy was equally been stuffed by her stud. Someone took her free hand and planted it around another man's erection and she went ahead with stroking the other cock in her hand.

Her stud was gasping harder as he increased momentum. He turned sideways, holding her leg horizontal, and drove deep into her cervix. The cock that was in her mouth slipped out and April's cries melded with that of the rest of the room's occupants. She went on taking his dick, her hands felt over his arms and shoulders as he slammed into her harder. Jenny was the least of her worries while she was lying there in the dark.

* * *

Jenny was in another room been pleasured by multiple men. One pawed at her tits, squeezed them into his mouth, sucking each nipple while she stroked his hard-on; pre-cum squirted on her wrists while she did. Another spread her legs apart and grunted with effort as he introduced himself inside her. Ceiling lights barely obscured his feature. The man mouthed off expletives, his hands pushed her thighs apart as he slammed into her cunt hole. Jenny was not the only one getting fucked in the room.

Other women occupied the bed to her left and right; all getting their pussies, assholes, and mouth stuffed either singly or double at once. Each swinging couple was lost to their moment of pleasure as was Jenny—she was oblivious to the women in the room the same as they were of her. She had arrived by invitation of an esteemed client of hers. The man was sixty-three, a bald-headed diminutive figure who was familiar in the known public's eye. He stood with other men in the shadow of the room all watching their women getting screwed by the athletic studs. He appreciated the sight of other women getting tossed by their studs, but his focus remained on watching Jenny. He took considerable pleasure whenever he could afford to get away from his day-to-day social life to contact Jenny for a chance to showcase herself to whichever virile black studs he could find to have her satisfy his attention. Money was never a problem. He could stay here and watch her fuck all night and not worry about missing almost anything pertinent in his life.

The black man continued stretching Jenny's pussy while another stud propped her head with both hands and got her to choke on his meat. They changed places and Jenny then got to mount one of them in reverse while the other grabbed her face and had her slobbering on his shaft.

Some husbands in the room masturbated to the sight and sound of their wives and mistresses getting fucked. They splattered semen over their pants and shoes. Neither appeared embarrassment by their actions. This sort of get together was made specifically for them not to be burdened by their cuckold instincts. Some of them preferred attending such occasions with their mistresses as opposed to their wives whom they considered too decorous or obstinate to venture willingly into such lifestyle. For those fortunate to have their wives involved, their happiness knew no bounds watching them in sexual action.

Jenny gasped repeatedly while rolling her tongue and lips around the prick steadily fucking her mouth till it spurted cum down her throat. The stud ejaculated some of his cum across her face before pulling away from her. Jenny's wealthy client/sponsor trundled towards her and licked some of the goo from her face. He shared a kiss with her before returning to his previous stance.

Jenny went on rocking her hips, groaning from the powerful thrust of the stud's cock she was riding and it was not long before he emptied his ball-sac inside her womb. She slid off him and gestured at her wealthy sponsor to come to her. Jenny laid on her back and spread her legs for him as he hurried to the bed with such eagerness that bellied his age. She caressed his bald plate while he slurped cum out of her pussy; this was what he enjoyed paying top dollar for.

Other husbands too waited for the other studs to quit the bed before going to perform similar treat on their women.

Her sponsor helped Jenny to her feet when he was done. Her body as well her hair was a wet canvass of sweat and semen and saliva.

"You were marvellous tonight," he unfurled his handkerchief and used it to wipe the grim off her face.

"Thank you, Claude. Boy, I can sure use a drink."

They came out of the room and went down the hallway back into the ball room. Claude fetched two glasses of champagne and she sipped hers while glancing about the room, admiring the faces behind their masks. She ran a finger across her breasts and it came off sticky with cum and sweat.

"How long can you stay out tonight? My limo is waiting in the garage."

"Sorry, but this won't be one of those nights. I have a husband to go back home to, you know that. I doubt your wife will be happy if ever she hears about me."

"My wife has no care for what I do with myself or whomever I'm with, you know that," he whined plaintively. "Won't you at least consider my offer? You know I can take care of you however you want."

"Almost every time you've made that offer and I'm still gonna say no. I'm a married gal and that's the way it is."

"I'd be lying if I said I was not madly in love with you, Jenny," he persisted. "You're a goddess to the eyes. Of all the women that get to entertain me, you know how to please whenever I get to watch you play. All right, that aside, won't you at least do me the honour of spending the night with me?"

"Now isn't a good time for me, Claude. Believe me, I wanted to say no to you when you called me today, but I remember how stubborn you get sometimes, and anyway, it was worth it. Let's see about doing more some other time. I'm expecting a friend here and I can't tell if she's around or not. Come let's go see if we can find her."

She drained her glass and taking Claude's arm returned to the sex hallway.

They passed other couples who too were coming from the direction of the ball room. Jenny took a while looking in the first room she encountered. Not finding her target there, she moved on to other successive rooms.

April came out of the room she had been the entire time and to her amazement bumped into Jenny. Her face mask was askance on her face, but it was enough for Jenny to recognise her, whipping off her own mask for April to see who she was. They hugged each other then Jenny excused herself from Claude and led the way a nearby shower room to clean themselves up. They retrieved their clothes and items from the coat room when they were done.

"How come you never told me about this place before?" asked April as she wore her bra and panties.

"Sorry it escaped my mind. I know plenty of places like this and it's even been months since I attended one of these. I get invited now and then, but it's too much hassle hosting one, so I often stay away."

More naked women poured into the room which soon became a gaggle of chatter and nude bodies of all shapes and sizes, hustling to wash the grim of sex from their flesh. Everyone appeared accustomed to each other; some were even friends. April and Jenny exchanged pleasantries now and as they hurried with cleaning up.

"Howard's going to wonder where I've been all this time."

"Is he still bitching again? I thought by now you've turned him into a good puppy not to be bothering you too much anymore."

"We promised to stop keeping secrets between ourselves. He's still got his reservations though, mainly about how far I'm taking this."

"You know what they say, you're never gonna find out how far you've come till you stretch yourself. But I'm happy you two are working things out together. Makes me thing back about my own hard times when I first started doing this."

April looked at her. "What were some of the hard times for you?"

"Once was three guys I hooked up with on Craigslist." Jenny pulled out a lotion bottle from her handbag, squirted some in her palm and rubbed it on her legs. "I was naive; we both were at the time, Dave and I. Dave dropped me off at the motel that I was to meet the guys and said he'd be back to get me later. It wasn't any fun, I can tell you. The guys were pretty rough on me. I had bruises and bite marks on my arms and shoulders and down to my ankles."

"What did Dave do when he came for you?"

"We didn't make it to the hospital if that's what you're thinking. No broken bones, but I did hurt all over. Dave took me home and cleaned me up. It's not something we like to talk about. Shit happens sometimes."

"And you still went on even after that."

"No harm done to my pride. You get the good and the bad in life, mix them together and you've got yourself a glass of lemonade," she chuckled. "But I've been lucky since then not to suffer a repeat of that anymore."

"I'm so sorry."

"Aw-shucks, nothing to be sorry about. I just hope you don't get to experience something like that. Here, want put some of this on you?"

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