
Past Stories (1)

Jaya will never forget that moment. When Joon destroys Kevin's date with his girlfriend.

At that time, Joon was still 5 years old. Jaya and Kenichi purposely invite Joon to follow Kevin, who is currently dating his girlfriend.

Jaya and Kenichi actually didn't mean to mess up. They were just curious about the face of a woman who was able to captivate their adopted brother's heart.

Jaya and Kenichi were also disguised at that time. Jaya in a purple hoodie with her head covered by a hoodie hood. Meanwhile, Kenichi wore a long wig as usual.

Joon is also dressed up like a little girl. Joon's hair is in two pigtails, wearing hotpants combined with transparent stockings. Pink tights and black boots, just like the girl group SNSD personnel, but a smaller version.

What a cursed behavior Jaya and Kenichi at that time! How could he dress Joon like a girl? Joon who doesn't really understand, finally obeys.

Jaya and Kenichi treated Joon like a doll, back then. They followed Kevin to a restaurant.

When they were at the restaurant, at first they just wanted to keep an eye on him. However, when Jaya and Kenichi were enjoying appetizers, without them knowing Joon had run towards Kevin.

"Papa!" shouted Joon as he ran to Kevin.

"Why don't you hold Joon, Ken?" Jaya whispered to Kenichi. He hid behind the menu book.

"Why should I hold Joon, heh? Wasn't Joon near you all this time, Jay!" Kenichi avoided, not wanting to be blamed.

"We'll get beaten up by Kevin after this. Hide!" Jaya's orders, absolute.

Jaya and Kenichi ended up hiding under the table.

Even though they were hiding under the table, they could still clearly hear Kevin and his lover's conversation.

This restaurant is indeed exclusive, there are only a few people having lunch here. Maybe because the price is fantastic too.

"Joon-chan? Who are you here with? Gosh! What the hell is this? Who dressed you up like a girl, um?" Kevin asked.

Kevin gasped when he found out that the adorable boy running towards him was indeed Joon, his adopted son.

Joon looked at the table where he had eaten with his father and daddy earlier.

Joon looked around, but couldn't see where his father and Daddy were. He still looked away, confused.

"Who's this kid, Darling? The funny thing!"

This was the voice of the woman who had been with Kevin for a long time.

"He's my lotus, Honey. What's your name, Son? Say hello to Aunt Yessi," Kevin ordered while gently stroking Joon's head.

"My name is Aljuna, usually called Joon, Papa Kevin's son," said Joon in his slurred tone.

"Ah how sweet ...! I didn't expect you to adopt such a cute child."

Even though he tried to act nice, there was an air of jealousy there. Apparently, the woman was just pretending to be nice to Joon.

At Jaya and Kenichi's hideout. They could see from under the table that Kevin and the woman's order had arrived.

"Let's eat, Yessi!" Kevin's voice was heard.

Jaya and Kenichi are still eavesdropping on their conversation, ever since. Jaya hears they are starting to eat lunch. It seems.

"Papa?!" called Joon in a low voice.

"Why, Joon?" Kevin stopped eating for a moment. He focused on his son.


To be continued....

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