
Chapter 89

"What was that about?" Misty asked me, giving me an odd look, "Nurse Joy was doing everything she could not to look at you, and she went all embarrassed there just from meeting your eyes."

"She walked in on me naked," I shrugged, well, not exactly but close enough, "She was very impressed by what she saw." I added shamelessly.

Misty raised an eyebrow, "…You're something else, you know that?" she pointed out.

"I am indeed. I'm just built different." I agreed.

"Built something alright," she rolled her eyes, before giving me a teasing grin, "Should I be jealous? You took me out on a date before and now you're showing yourself off naked to other girls."

"If you want to see me naked, you just have to ask," I fired back, "Though, I'm pretty damn amazing, so you need to pay me in return, I think you getting naked as well should work."

Her cheeks tinged pink just like Nurse Joy's, but she snorted, "I'll pass, thanks," she replied, "Speaking of though, since those two left us behind to go with Nurse Joy, how about I go have a shower and put some fresh clothes on and we can have another one maybe?"

Oh-ho? Misty was coming on to me?

"I'd love to," I replied, before shrugging, "Can't though, not really got the time. I was supposed to leave this place behind ages ago, I've got stuff I want to get done."

If I want to get what I plan for Hilda before her flight lands, I can't really spin my wheels here after all.

"Oh," Misty reared back as if slapped, before nodding, "Well, you are on your own journey and all….and have a travelling companion of your own from what my sisters were gossiping about."

Ugh, lovely.

"We split up to go our separate ways this morning actually," I replied, and a thought came to mind, "There's just a few certain pokemon I want to go for, but how about I make it up to you?"

Misty blinked, perking up, "How so?" she asked.

"How about you give me your number," I said in return, pulling out my phone and wiggling it at her, "We'll keep in contact, and we can plan out a proper fun date for in the future, I definitely wouldn't be passing up a date with you if I wasn't so busy."

"Okay, though that seems to favour you more than me." Misty agreed with a roll of her eyes.

"Well obviously that's not the gift I've got planned to give you," I rolled my eyes back, "This is just so I can contact you when I have it."

"Oh, and what's this gift then?" she raised an eyebrow and leaned forward to look me in the eye, "It'll have to be pretty good to soothe my hurt feelings from you blowing me off, it took a lot of courage to ask you out you know." she gave me a mockingly sad pout.

"How about a Squirtle?" I smirked at her. Soon I'd have dozens of them after all, what was giving one away to endear myself even more to Misty? I was much more tight lipped about them before, but now, I don't need to worry about her going after them before me if I reveal too much, I'll be going after them by tomorrow if my times match up properly.

My destination today for what I wanted, then to Cinnabar and tomorrow, the island full of Squirtle, Wartortle and a Blastoise.

Misty gaped at me.

"Are…are you proposing?" she asked after a moment.

I froze, gaping right back.


"You remember I told you how much those are worth right? Even at the cheapest I've ever seen one sold, twenty thousand," Misty pointed out and explained, "It's a bit much for a mere apology, not that I'll turn you down, Ash caught a Squirtle annoyingly, and I've wanted to get my hands on one for ages, but it's still…"

She trailed off, her eyes glancing at my neck and her mouth hung low, "Is…is that a love bite?!" she gasped, lashing out and grabbing my collar and dragging me forward so she could look closer at my neck, "It is!"

…Woops. Forgot Hilda marked me up just as much as I did her. Mistakes have been made.

"How'd you get that?" Misty asked me, letting go of my collar and giving me a suspicious look.

"I fucked my travelling companion Hilda all last night before we split ways," I bluntly replied, no point beating around the bush, besides it's not like I owe Misty anything, and I hadn't exactly kept it as secret around here, so may as well let her hear it from my mouth instead of someone else, "Good time, you shoulda been there, bet you would have made it even more fun."

Misty pursed her lips, and fiery as she is, I half expected her to explode in a rage, but instead, she just sighed, "I figured as much," the orange haired girl shook her head, "Didn't want to think you would have, but, knew it was a long shot."

"…You did?" I blinked.

Now I'm the confused one. How and why would she expect that?

"Your common sense is just as skewed as it was at Pewter City," Misty shook her head, "Don't you remember how much I told you even those training methods you told me about would go for?"

"Yeah…?" I answered back, still confused, what did that have to do with anything.

"There's a lot of gold diggers out there, especially ones targeting young successful trainers, I've even had to ward off a few hussies from getting their mitts on Ash," Misty huffed, "You're bound to make big bank with what you know and with how generous you are, and a bit younger or not, they'll still hop into bed with you to seduce you and get their claws in you, heck, I hear my sister already tried it with you."

Oh, it was about that! Huh, if even Misty is bringing it up with me after Hilda, it really must be incredibly common.

"Yeah, your sister Violet practically invited me to her bedroom after I beat Lily." I admitted, "Though I pretty much turned her down, hot as she was, cuz' I figured that'd ruin my chances with you."

And Hilda, since y'know, she was right there at the time and blocked off Violet.

Misty blinked at my admission, "That was why?" she asked, surprised.

"Pretty much," I shrugged, "I figured we'd meet up again at some point and I wanted to continue where we left off, but if I banged one of your sisters, all bets would probably be off."

"Oh…" Misty uttered, then a slight smile spread across her face, and she seemed very pleased with that, "Well, I figured you'd have had sex with this Hilda girl cuz' Violet told me she got 'Cloyster-blocked' by her when she came on to you." she admitted.

Cloyster-blocked? The fuck?

I shrugged, "Well, not quite how it went, but not far off either," I admitted, "I've only got so much self control you know when she was walking around in a pair of shorts around me just as skimpy as yours."

"That so?" Misty's smile turned into a smirk and she stood up, returning her Oddish to its pokeball. Then reached over to grab my hand, "Come with me for a bit."

I blinked, "Okay…?" I agreed, confused once again.

She led me out of the main waiting room of the Pokemon Centre, down towards the training area and into one of the empty rooms.

And an hour later, when I left the Pokemon Centre behind with Fearow now fully recovered and ready to get a move on, my lips were bruised and I had another love bite on the opposite side of my neck where Hilda left her own.

A massive grin on my face.

"I'm the man." I laughed, swaggering on my way.

I've started uploading stuff a little bit earlier on my Pa--treon. If you wanna see them just that little bit quicker, you can find the links in any of my story descriptions.

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