
Chapter 61

Wait! Wouldn't they also have those massive screens for playing movies and shit? "Dibs." I grinned at her. I want one of those, I'll make a huge home entertainment system in my future epic mansion.

Can you imagine watching porn on one of those screens? 'In the immortal words of Austin Powers, yeah baby, yeah!'

"You can't call dibs!" Hilda squawked.

"And why can't I?" I crossed my arms and sassed her with a smug smirk.

"Because for one, you haven't bought any of the land yet!" she shot back, "I haven't either, but I at least contacted the mayor this morning and put my name down as a future buyer."

I stopped walking. Huh. Another thing I totally forgot. This is a bit beyond a joke now. I turned on my heel and began walking in the other direction, "And where the heck are you going!?" Hilda called after me.

"Gotta go back and put my name down." I replied. As unlikely as it is, I don't want anyone else swooping in and yoinking the land right from under my nose.

"Hold it you idiot, I already did that!"

I stopped and turned back around, "You did?" I asked. Nice of her, and I'm really grateful, but; "Why?"

Hilda crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "We've been travelling together for nearly two full weeks now, I think I've got a decent figure on your personality at this point," the beautiful brunette replied, "You're so focused on your pokemon, a lot of minor things like that slip right by you if you don't follow up on them right away, I gave the mayor your name as well because I figured you hadn't done so, and I was right."

"Ah...thanks." I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. She had a good grasp on me so far, huh?

"Not worth thanking me for, we're friends remember?" she pointed out.

Ah right, we are. That is the kind of thing friends would do for each other. I'd said so before myself, but I hadn't really internalised it. Because, it still felt a bit surreal talking to someone I once thought fictional. "Yeah, right." I agreed.

"Now c'mon, we're burning daylight here," she waved me back over towards her, "Honestly, with how forgetful you are, I'm gonna end up worrying myself into grey hairs about you once you fly off on your own you idiot." she huffed as I made my way back over to her.

"Can't have that, I like your hair." I replied, a genuine smile spreading across my face. Fondness welled up in me. We really are friends, huh? Pretty good ones actually. Yesterday with her stepping up and putting Goh in his place and now this.

"You do?" Hilda reached up to stroke her ponytail, "I'm not really a fan of it, it's all puffy because of travelling so much, when I was working as an actress I had it all silky and smooth."

"Yeah, the way it's all fluffy looking is cute, adds to your charm." I nodded as we began walking once again, making our way down south Route six. I admired the older girl beside me out of my peripheral vision as she fiddled with the fluffy brown haired ponytail jutting out of the back of her cap.

She really was incredibly good looking, with a dynamite body. But, she wasn't just some hot piece of ass. Hilda was my friend, who just so happened to be a hot piece of ass at the same time.

Minor as that distinction seemed, it made a world of difference, to me at least.

"Mmm, I dunno if I should take your word for it, you'd probably hit on a tree trunk if it was shaped like a girls crotch." Hilda pointed out with a teasing grin.

I was about to reply with an incredibly witty retort that would no dobut have left her dumbfounded at my sheer genius, but alas I could not.

The loud rev of a car engine and the sounds of thick tires crunching over the gravel of the route reached my ears. Odd, I rarely saw any cars going through the routes I'd been travelling through.

Then again, I flew the way between Pewter and Cerulean, so I'm probably not the greatest authority.

I looked over my shoulder at the approaching car and I felt my jaw drop. It was a shiny red convertible. A convertible filled to the brim with girls in cheerleader outfits, bar the one guy, a teenager looking a few years older than me with spiky brown hair sitting at the back with his arms wrapped around the shoulders of two of the cheerleaders, a smug grin on his face.

It was Gary motherfucking Oak. I can practically hear the rival theme from the first generation games resounding in my ears right now.

I honestly thought he would just drive right passed when Hilda pulled me to the side to give them space, but instead, the red convertible slowed to a stop.

"Hello there fellow trainers," Gary greeted us with a huge smug smirk, not even bothering to remove his arms from around the two cheerleaders, "The name is Gary Oak, future Pokemon Master, how about a battle?" he asked, looking directly at me.​

I've started uploading stuff a little bit earlier on my Pa--treon. If you wanna see them just that little bit quicker, you can find the links in any of my story descriptions.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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