
Valley of Death

He gave up and decided to take a walk outside. He needed to explore their environment to survive out in the wild.

He stood up getting ready to leave. Before he walked off, his gaze lingered on the sleeping beauty for a while. He felt a heavy weight of guilt on his conscience. This angel didn't deserve all the hardship he had put her through.

He pecked her forehead and walked out ready for an adventure. He promised to return before she woke to avoid making her anxious again.

Once he stepped outside, his breath hitched momentarily. The place looked nothing like a man-eating empty desert. 

Flying around we were fireflies that had lit up the space. He could see figures walking around. From their almost transparent forms, he had an inkling of what they were. 

As his feet moved further from the cave, his fascination grew. Perhaps it was a good thing to stay away on this day. 

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