
Edward... Don't be crazy

Alena was busy munching on the cakes that her husband offered. "Slowly, you'll choke," said Nizam as he took a tissue and then wiped Alena's mouth which was covered in cake cream. "Want more?" Nizam said while cutting the red Velvet cake with the tip of a small spoon and thrusting it into Alena's mouth. Alena opened her mouth and started chewing again.

Cynthia and Prince Thalal had fun watching Nizam and Alena's behavior. They are like teenagers in love. It was as if they had forgotten that in this world they did not live alone. There are other people around them.

Cynthia looked at her husband and then Prince Thalal become awkward. He thought that Cynthia wanted to be fed too, so her hand reflexively took a spoon and then cut the cake. He fed it to Cynthia.

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