
Jealous wife

"Frans, I wanted to ask about Sarah still checks on you often?" asked Ethan while glancing at Luna who was watching him while eating french fries.

"No, since I married Viona, she doesn't want to be examined by me anymore, maybe she feels uncomfortable because I'm Viona's husband," Frans explained from the phone.

"Uh, why?" asked Frans.

"There was news that she had given birth, but when my mother came to the hospital, she and the baby were not there. I thought you had information about her, who knows she was admitted to the hospital where you work," Ethan explained angrily, massaging his dizzy forehead because he couldn't get the information.

"I don't think so, I did handle a few deliveries and caesareans, but none by the name of Sarah."

Ethan let out a shaky breath.

Luna glanced at Ethan and asked, "why?"

Ethan only responded to Luna by shaking her head and implied a tinge of sadness on his handsome face which was very cheerful.

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