
Casterly Rock

The war ended with a decisive victory on our side. Our commanders and the royal navy's commanders met in the main ship of Lord Stannis. Lord Stannis admitted that he wasn't expecting us to aid him in this battle.

He was literally probing our naval strength but I dodged the question swiftly. Now that the Ironborn didn't have any fleet with considerable strength, our ground army was ready to cross the sea and siege Pyke so both Northern and Southern fleets sailed to Casterly Rock to meet with King Robert's army.

According to my calculations, Benjen should be nearing Casterly Rock as he was on his way even before we set sail from Sea Dragon Point. The sea battle cost us a few ships but it wasn't that important because if the North had one thing in abundance, that was the wood. Besides, there were nearly thirty ships on their way back to the North after the invasion of Old Wyk, they were carrying the bones of Nagga so the true strength of our western fleet was not shown to the Southerners.

On the other hand, my saving of Baelor Hightower had been a big surprise to me as I gained many things thanks to the system.

[Host: Eddard Stark

Diplomacy: 27(+2)

Martial: 43

Stewardship: 32

Intrigue: 19(+1)

Learning: 19(+2)]

The random distribution of attribute points was nothing but good. It was high time I needed some intrigue and learning points because by the next year or so, the North was bound to be more attentive in the Southern politics because of our advancements.

I was also planning to increase them during my ruling of North but no quest or sound came from the system so I let it rest for the time being but I guess the war had been an opportunity for me to gain new quests.

In addition to attribute points, I also gained two trait points and I intended to spend them wisely and thus, did not outright look for new traits. I intended to wait and accumulate more trait points before spending them on something good. Besides, for the time being, I didn't need any new traits as I was content with my current skills but I would need to increase them in the future as there would be many new threats for my family and the North.

Though all I needed to do for the time being was focusing on increasing Northern influence in the South because my rule in the North was secured and there was no threat of domestic discontent. After all, the old Ned was brought up in the Vale, at the heart of Andal chivalry, and there were many lords who were afraid of me turning the North into another Southern kingdom but I put a stop to those talks after bringing Styr to North and strengthening North with my direct actions.

And with having five trueborn and one "bastard", my line was secured and even if my line was extinguished, there was still Benjen and his children. Aye, Benjen had two children after returning from Beyond the Wall, his first get was already four and half as he was ready to come out during Benjen's journey.

However, what surprised me was his second born who was a boy with the eyes of a snake. His pupils were slit like a cobra but he had a grip like none other babies. The bastard was lucky that he got two sons and no girl because my girls were in enough trouble in Winterfell. From pouring cold water onto the people passing from the gate to putting rats into servants' beds.

Honestly, they had all the wolfsblood a Stark could have but I needed a hand to reign them in as their mischievousness was growing each day. There were many possible brides I could marry but I was sure that not many of the Houses would be willing to marry their girl to me because I already have five trueborn and a bastard so a son born from that line would literally only get a small land as a keep. Besides, taking a bride from the South would be seen as an insult by Northern houses, though there is nothing they could do even if I take.

Thus, my choices were limited with the North but still, there were many choices and I had time to think until the end of the war because there were many northern houses offering their women for marriage and in the end, I had to give an answer to them.

Nevertheless, our journey took half a day with a great number of prisoners in our ships and the notable ones amongst them were the highest nobility of the Iron Islands like Victorian Greyjoy. It was my men who captured him as he was trying to escape with his ship. The fool thought he could outrun northern ships but his longship fell short of my own.

We had arrived at Lannisport by noon and I saw the tension that arose in the city had fallen slightly with our arrival. After all, their lord's fleet was burned at their port and they had no defence against the Ironborn raiders except the royal army that was camped at the feet of the Rock.

Indeed, King Robert and his army were already at Casterly Rock and I already could see the Northern army closing from a distance. However, I did not wait for them and directly went to the castle with other lords and prisoners in tow. Of course, Victorian Greyjoy was going to stay in my camp as he was my prisoner. Robert could demand him from me if he wanted but that would lower his standing in the eyes of the noble and I was intending to use Victorian for something else.

As soon as we entered the castle, we were met by the sight of a man wearing a white cloak and shiny armour. "Lord Stannis, Lord Eddard… the King awaits you in the war room."

"Show the way," Stannis spoke briefly.

It was Ser Barristan, the Lord Commander of Kingsguard, who welcomed us and apparently, Robert and others were in the midst of planning the war we will have in the Iron Islands. The news about our sea battle should have reached them before us.

I nodded my head and followed them to a grand room which was occupied with the most important figures of Westeros. Robert was looking at the table with a serious face when we came in. He smiled as soon as he saw me and his voice boomed in the room. "Ned! I heard about you invading an island and battling at sea, I thought you would be coming from land!"

"Aye, Greyjoy claimed kingship so I destroyed the place where they crowned their king. No king shall ever rise with their God's blessing." I said. To be honest, I went there, purely, for the Valyrian steel sword but I couldn't say that.

"Good riddance, I say. The bastard had it coming." A wave of anger shrouded Robert's face, "I will finish this folly in one swoop by taking down his castle. Then, we will see whether he will be wearing a crown or Stranger's shroud."

Robert's eyes turned to Stannis who was standing beside me, "You did a good job, brother."

Stannis's steel face clouded with confusion as he wasn't expecting praise from his brother but he still nodded his head.

"Come, I will brief you about the invasion," Robert said.

We approached the table to see a crude map of Iron Islands with pins attached to some islands. I looked at Robert and said, "You said finishing it in one swoop by taking Greyjoy's castle so I'm assuming your first target will be Pyke."

"Aye, I will command the siege. Stannis will subdue Great Wyk in my name while Ser Barristan will take over Orkmont. I was planning to send Lord Mallister to Harlaw Island but they pulled all of their ships and men back to the island after you took down the Old Wyk so we will just put a blockade on their port in case of an attack after we siege the other islands." said Robert.

"Cowards, the lot of them." Fat and big-bellied man snorted, "I would have ended this folly much earlier if I had been at Shield Islands when they came to attack."

"Yes, Lord Tyrell, and you would have put Balon Greyjoy's head at a pike and offered to us, right?" Robert said with disgust. Honestly, this man was the greatest shame of the nobility of Westeros. He was literally a walking disaster, at least there were people like Randyll Tarly and Paxter Redwyne in the Reach and they were the greatest food source of Westeros, or else Mace wouldn't be standing here right now as he had no military mind. In the end, the man was a great lord and his house was still strong thanks to Olenna Tyrell so he was something that had to be endured.

While Robert continued to tell about the invasion plans, I took advantage to look at everyone's status screen. After all, knowing how much they love me was a good thing.

[Name: Tywin Lannister

Diplomacy: 17

Martial: 18

Stewardship: 32

Intrigue: 21

Learning: 14

Opinion Score: -4]

His opinion of me is better than what I have expected. I mean my hate for what he has done should be known by everyone and after the death of Elia and her children, the old Ned has annulled all relations with Westerlands and that was something I didn't retract as that was against my political agenda.

On the other hand, his attributes were thicc. True, he was known as the best statesman during Aerys reign because of the things he had done as the Hand of the King but his stewardship points were something else. His other attributes were normal as a great lord. After all, he was expected to excel at many things.

[Name: Mace Tyrell

Diplomacy: 7

Martial: 5

Stewardship: 3

Intrigue: 3

Learning: 4

Opinion Score: -7]

Damn, he is really stupid. I mean the servants working at Winterfell have higher attributes than him. No wonder, he was thick-headed enough to not understand that he wasn't the real ruler of the Reach.

As for his opinion of me, that must be because of the values he was raised with. I must be some barbarian from frozen north in his eyes so it is normal to expect such a lower opinion.

[Name: Stannis Baratheon

Diplomacy: 8

Martial: 26

Stewardship: 14

Intrigue: 8

Learning: 6

Opinion Score: 22]

Now, I knew Stannis was good at warring but his martial points are lower than I expected but maybe his skill is at commanding and that doesn't reflect his martial attribute points. On the other hand, his other attribute points were pretty low but what caught my sight was his opinion of me. I thought it would be lower than this as I was the man his blood had chosen to accept as a brother instead of him.

[Name: Robert Baratheon

Diplomacy: 13

Martial: 37

Stewardship: 4

Intrigue: 7

Learning: 4

Opinion Score: 100]

This man is someone I would trust with my back. Look at his freaking opinion of me! We were friends but I think this is a bit too much. Maybe he has some sort of obsession with me. Nevertheless, there is no grudging about his opinion because he was the fuckin' king. And this opinion would be nothing but a boon to me until his death. And my foster father Jon wasn't lying when he said that Robert wasn't created for ruling. His stewardship, intrigue and learning are like that of a peasant, though it would be disrespectful for peasants because they have higher points than him.

On the other hand, his martial points were godly. I know he defeated Ser Barristan and was like a beast on the battlefield so it could be said that as long as he was on the throne, those who would wish to conquer it would have a very hard time doing so.

"...That is all, all of you can leave. Ned, you stay. It's been a long time and I want to talk with you." While I was looking at the status screens, Robert ended his rambling.

"Sure," I said as I watched others leave but Lord Tywin stood his ground and looked at me.

"Lord Stark, I wish to have a talk with you about trade between our regions," he said.

Although I said earlier that it was against my political agenda to have any relations with Westerlands, maybe it was time to cool those relations and open up new trade routes. After all, they had a huge market and we had many things to sell. "We can talk before dinner," I said.

Lord Tywin nodded his head and told me that he will wait for me in his solar and then he left with others. Robert poured both of us some wine but he gulped down his first cup directly and poured himself another.

"Ahhh, this is it. This is life. Can you feel it, the excitement of the coming war…" Robert smiled widely and spoke with longing, "I should have left the throne to Stannis and founded a sellsword company in Essos. You and me fighting, drinking and whoring every day…"

"I would have prefered to go to a calm place and rest my head," I said laughing, "The children don't give me any rest so I think I'm warring every day."

Robert laughed and patted my shoulder, "You've got six, right? I could never handle it. Gods be good, think about it, five golden-haired Cersei running around in Red Keep."

I shivered as It was a nightmare truly and I didn't even want to think about it. Robert laughed at my actions but then his face straightened, "I hadn't any chance to say but you have condolences for Cat."

I pressed my lips together, it was a hard topic for me. Although our union had been brief, she made me feel alive in this fantasy, "Thank you, it was hard at first but I got over it. Now, I have six children to look after and I think I need to marry again. I can't handle all of them because as they grow, they get rowdier and I have many other lordly duties."

Robert nodded his head heavily, "If you want I can have Varys look into right women?"

I shook my head, "I can't marry someone from the South after Catelyn. It must be someone from the North. You knew I wasn't raised to be the lord of Winterfell, I even wed Robb to Manderlys to ensure the vassals of my intentions."

A smile came over Robert's face at the mention of his namesake, "Robb, tell the truth. Was it Cat or you who put the name?"

"Honestly, it was Cat but I was also planning to give him something similar." I smiled.

"Anyway, you told me nothing about those ships in your letters? When did you build them?" Robert asked.

I raised an eyebrow as this wasn't some secret and Robert should know it already, "Didn't Varys tell you about them?"

Robert smiled wryly, "Aye, he did." He took a sip from his wine, "He also said things about some wildlings, giants, sacrifices and frauds. I believed in him when he spoke about wildlings but giants, sacrifices and frauds? What do you say about them, Lord Stark?" he asked seriously.

"Aye, we also raise snarks and grumpkins at Winterfell," I said with the same serious face.

Robert looked at me silently for a moment but then we both began laughing. To be honest, I was shocked about Varys learning them but that was normal because Varys didn't earn his title as Spider for anything. Still, I didn't lie to Robert and only dodged the questions. After all, he was going to come to the North when Jon Arryn died and he was going to see the giants personally.

As we talked, Ser Barristan opened the door and informed us about Benjen and others arriving at the castle. A smile graced my lips as I told Robert to let's greet them.

I went out with quick steps as fearful screams of servants greeted us. As soon as we stepped out of the keep, a huge shadow laid me to the ground and a smelly sticky thing licked all over my face.

"Oii, Winter! Get off me!!" I spoke laughing because of his ticklish tongue. He got off me as I climbed to my feet. I looked around and saw people looking at me, or rather to Winter, with fear in their eyes, including Robert.

"Ned, what is that thing?!" Robert asked.

"This is Winter, your grace," I said patting Winter's back. "A direwolf, he is. I found him and his cubs outside of Winterfell, a tree had fallen onto his mate so the cubs needed nursing and we had taken them in. Six cubs were still alive so I gave each of them to children and they grew together."

"It's huge…" A servant murmured beside us. Indeed, Winter was as big as a warhorse and his white fur was shining under the sun.

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