

Two months ago, Harriet Potter awakened, and Aegis started to look at any case of a world traveler, and to his relief or uneasy, he didn't find any such event. Either Harriet was first, or the others were taken or know how to hide...

Aegis just created a system that would look for any information on topics as world travel or anything that newcomers to Remnant could seek on the CCTS network...

After that, Aegis started to reinforce the mansion with more hidden camera systems and turrets build in walls to surprise any intruder who tries his luck and invade his home...

In these two months, nothing major happened as Red Fang, who was nursing its wounds, was quiet as any of their raids would be much more complicated as Atlas and SDC new Bastion units are more battle-oriented than the knight droids ever were...

Of course, Aegis never stopped to look after any red fang information of their members or locations, but he found out that they either have better hackers than him to hide, or they just stay out of the CCTS network.

Both cases are bad as after Aegis sent some information he found about red fangs hideouts anonymously to Atlas military who immediately attacked these locations, and he found out it was either trap as red fangs were ready for Atlas by either in advance planted bombs or just waiting there fully armed...

Well, there could be the third option as Aegis was sure that someone like Red Fang, who preach equality, have just muscles and not brains to hide for such a long time from him or Atlas, so they must have allies who help to hide them from him...

And just one name come upon such discovery to Aegis, and that is the Authur Watts, but then there is the question why would someone like Watts help them...

Aegis knew that once red fang nurses their wounds, they would immediately attack as he doesn't believe that these zealots could be quiet for a long time, but he hopes it would take time as he can't just leave his work and go after them himself...

On another note, Aegis was able to open numerous new mines secretly outside of Atlas sigh as he wasn't using an organic workforce but just his new experimental androids that were build to primarily mine the dust, so Aegis wants to test them outside of Atlas sight...

Another thing is that Weiss's birthday is coming and she would be 11 this year, so Aegis started to plan a party for her...

With brought another thing, and that was that Harriet said she doesn't know when she was born, and after Weiss heard that, she immediately made it so she would celebrate her own birthday with Weiss...

Harriet firstly tried to reject it as she never had a party or any present for her birthday but one look from Weiss and Harriet, who knew her just for two months, knowing that it was impossible to talk her out of it.

So now Aegis was planning a double birthday party for both girls with wasn't hard as they really didn't have friends outside of their family, so it would be just decorations with presents and food that need to be planned...

Klein and Iris tried to tell him that they would take care of it, but Aegis planned a birthday for Weiss for so long that it became a tradition, so he made it clear that if Weiss had a party, it would be him. Who will plan it and made it...

Aegis was about to mull over his new plans when there was a knock on the door...

"Come in."

Aegis said, and from the door came one of his most prized workers...

"Sir, you called for me to come here in person."

Said a man who looked at his early thirty years of age.

This man had short brown hair with rabbit ears showing his faunus status clearly, and his body was that of someone who was doing manual work for most of his life with riped arms and sticking out stomach...

"A Sir Scarlatina, come sit down."

Aegis said to one of his most prestigious subordinates as the man was the first faunus who, after Aegis took over SDC and new policy laws, worked his way to the overseer seat in one of SDC mines...

"You made a resignation request, with someone who just became overseer and is one of the first faunus who proven that SDC became fair to their workers could show bad light to the public, can you please tell me your reason of resignation letter?"

Aegis asked a question that bugged him as if there was someone who tried to harm his hard work by threatening the faunus who became prominent SDC personnel well, and there would be more skeletons in Aegis' closet...

"No, no sir! It's just my wife said she needs help at home a-and with the money you paid sir to every faunus who was mistreated we have saving for some years if we will manage money well..."

The rabbit faunus said, and Aegis had difficulty not smile as he saw a man who was older than him and looked like someone you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley fidgeting on his seat because such a simple reason...

"I see... But you know there are more ways to be close to your family than just leaving work, right? Hm, the document with your information states that you have a wife in Vale, right?"

Aegis asked, and the rabbit faunus froze for seconds but became more interested in Aegis's words.

"You see, thanks to new deals that SDC made with Vale council we now open new mines in their territory and these mines would need both miners and overseers, and it happens that one position of overseer of mine that is just ten minutes away from Vale be bullhead is free."

Aegis said with a smile and watched how the rabbit faunus quiers started to twitch in what could be clearly anticipation.

"Sir y-you mean I could get that p-position?!"

Rabbit faunus asked, and Aegis just handed him a contract that he made in advance.

"Yes, I, after all, don't want to lose one of my loyal workers, Hm you have four daughters with from what I found out. One of them wants to become huntresses, right?"

Aegis asked, and the rabbit faunus immediately melted at mentioning his children.

"Y-yes! my Velvet is so much precious thing! there sir, look at how cute she is!"

The rabbit's faunus previous nervousness gone and in its place a was fanatic father who showed Aegis photos of a rabbit faunus girl who looked at her twelve years and wearing a carrot costume with just her face and brown bunny ears sticking out...

And Aegis would lie if he didn't found that cute, not as cute as his Weiss but still cute enough to be in second place after Weiss...

"I see, then I hope you would be happy with your new job and, as present from me, there is cupon what will pay for your daughter's future weapon no matter how costly it would be..."

Aegis said with a smile as he thought that money is easy to gain for him. But the trust and loyalty aren't so with such simple moves Aegis build a feeling of in-dept in his subordinates as everybody could give you money, but if you make it as a present for someone they care about it would make as if Aegis looked over them he would win a place in his people's hearts...

Then he stopped thinking as he gets an idea...

"Sir Scarlatina, what would you say about me inviting your family to my little sister's birthday party? You don't need to worry as I would pay for your travel."

Aegis said as he smiled...

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