
Chapter 298 - The Limits of Working Alone


Rynold was within earshot of the explosion, having just then finished taking down another group of Soul Dolls. He had his hands full this hour, clearing whatever Soul Dolls that even came close to the wall. Rynold didn't even have the time to catch his breath, seeing as how group after group approached his proximity. Things were falling through the cracks, though, as Rynold was only one person. He couldn't take care of all the Soul Dolls in the vicinity.

And the explosion was one example of such. To which, Rynold couldn't even react. He wasn't anywhere near the explosion, only ever hearing about it as it had already happened. And, at that moment, Rynold could only make a mad dash towards it.

He had a bad feeling about that particular explosion. And, when he arrived, Rynold had every reason to feel that way.

The explosion had finally done it, breaking through all the defensive runes on the walls and obliterating it. A path became open for whatever external forces to come in.

A cold sweat broke through Rynold's forehead as he saw the gaping hole in the wall. He rushed up to it, taking a closer look as to what had happened after the explosion. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any other Soul Dolls that had actually made it through to the inside. The kamikaze Soul Dolls must've just blown the wall to bits, sending the forward army soon after.

That said, no part of that was any good for Rynold. With this hole in the wall, the defenses had been none other than compromised. Rynold had done the best he could, albeit the guy couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Hey," Rynold called out as he jumped through the hole and into the courtyard of the castle, "They broke through. I'm in the wall now. I'll try to hold them off as best I can. If that's still what you want me to do."

It was an empty suggestion, the one that Rynold had offered. He couldn't really fight anymore and was far worse off than before. His Mana reserves were nearly giving out, and his Stamina shot to hell. Not to mention the amount of blood he had shed for the past hour, Rynold wouldn't last very long against an army of Soul Dolls. Best he could do right now was recuperate. Although, even that seemed a tad implausible. So, at that point, Rynold was more than open to suggestions.

Unfortunately, just like before, there was no answer. Rynold was speaking to nothing other than air. The man didn't seem to want to talk to him for whatever reason. Rynold gave him the benefit of the doubt, though, but it was getting increasingly more difficult. The blank replies gave room to a lot more confusion than freedom. Whatever the case, Rynold would have to stand his ground.

'They're getting closer,' Rynold sensed it — the Soul Dolls amounting to hundreds. Rynold didn't think there were that many left. While it wasn't entirely impossible, it was still surprising. The number of Soul Dolls didn't seem to dwindle, causing Rynold to think about shutting down the tunnel. It would've been a strenuous and time-consuming task. Both of which were something Rynold couldn't afford. Not in his current state.

"Hey!" Rynold called out once more, this time putting more volume and depth into his voice, "They're not stopping anytime soon! I can hold my ground for a little bit, but I won't be capable of doing anything more! So, god damn it! What the hell are you doing?!"

Rynold couldn't stand another second and let out the anger and frustration he had built up. It echoed throughout the entire courtyard. The lack of a response plus the neverending fights had taken a toll on Rynold, more than he had realized.

"Ah children, always the impatient ones," the man suddenly came through the doors, walking at his usual, albeit slow, pace. "The time you have given me is not for naught. I have set up the necessary countermeasures. Given the time, it is the best I could do. They are not the most effective; however, they will work. The situation demands it."

"Right, right," Rynold nodded as magic arrays appeared all around him. He couldn't really tell what they were, but he could sense the Mana coming off them. They were powerful, complicated, and all the more impressive in Rynold's eyes, "So, this is the plan, then? Standing here, waiting for them to come to us? I can't say that I expected more, but uh..."

"They're here," the man suddenly spoke up. Rynold only sensed what he meant a second later, noticing the gap between their overall strengths.

"So, what do you think we should do?" Rynold asked as he faced the hole in the wall, "There's a lot of them, each with their own abilities. Heh. At this point, I can't tell if their souls even matter. They're one whole mess hell-bent on taking over the Nevermore. Are you sure you're up for this?"

"It is my job to be, is it not?" the man smiled at Rynold, "Therefore, if things were to turn dire, you do not have to stay behind. There is no reason for you to —"

"I get it, John. Or, well, whatever your name is. I know what I'd have to do if things end up that way. But I'm sure as hell that it won't. The fight hasn't started yet, so you best believe that we can pull through. We aren't dead in the water just yet."

As Rynold glanced at the man standing beside him, Rynold spotted a sense of liveliness in him. It wasn't all that surprising, Rynold thought, as he knew that the man would be eager for some action as well. Rynold, on the other hand, was dreading to fight anymore than he already had. But, seeing as this was how things would proceed, Rynold didn't have much of the choice.

Patting the man on the back, Rynold decided to walk towards the incoming army. He felt calm, even though he was practically walking towards his own demise. Although, Rynold didn't seem to see it that way. He thought that he had to at least be of some use, and this seemed like one way to go about it.

Rynold stood in the center of the courtyard, staring at the gaping hole in the wall. And, not long after, a Soul Doll appeared, having claws for hands. Then another showed up. Then another. And another. However, for whatever reason, they stood by the wall, not advancing any further.

"Hey. Long time no see," Rynold said, "I thought it would be better to greet your pompous ass."

Out of the shadows came a well-dressed ogre, suited more for a cocktail party than a fight. Rynold could still see the scummy-looking expression on the bastard's face, even though the guy appeared indifferent to Rynold's taunts.

"Er...," Skeem fell silent, tilting his head ever-so-slightly, "Who are you again?"

"Of course, you don't remember me," Rynold shook his head, knowing full well this was how things were going to turn out, "Doesn't matter. Why are you here?"

"And I should answer you because..?"

"Perhaps, he has no hold over you," the man floated towards Rynold's side, interrupting the conversation, "However, this is my home. If you so gallantly chose to invade it, then there must be a reason, yes? Speak. There is no use holding back this information, knowing you fully intend to kill us."

"Ah, the gatekeeper," Skeem smiled, the same smug, arrogant expression Rynold remembered, "It's about time you showed yourself. You know damn well what I'm here for, and I really suggest you give it to me. Then again, I don't think you're capable of doing anything to stop me."

"You know of who I am," the man stood in front of Rynold, straightening his back and emanating a burning aura, "Then you know I cannot allow such transgressions. Leave! At once! Or face the consequences of your wrongdoings."

The pressure suddenly fell on everyone around the old man. Even Rynold fell to its effects, taking a step back as breathing became difficult. Rynold didn't know that the guy held this much power, not that it made sense to think otherwise.

"Oho," Skeem stood there, unaffected by the change in the atmosphere, "An old dog definitely knows some good old tricks. It's actually refreshing to see something like this, not that it's enough to stop my army."

As soon as Skeem said that, the Soul Dolls showed up by the dozen. They stood there, each one capable of so much destruction. What bothered Rynold was the variety of those things. Some he had dealt with before, but there were more that he hadn't. The Soul Dolls had only one thing in their minds: the pure and utter death of Rynold and the old man.

Rynold swallowed, gulping nervously at the sight. His Mana reserves are barely enough to keep him fighting, only ever capable of leaving just a few tricks. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed to depend on the old man and whatever tricks he'd have up his sleeve.

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