
Her Location

Nasuverse: parallel 79, London: Clock tower Mages Association.

".....And that's our lessons from today. Dismiss." Lord El-Melloi finishes as his students began to stand. He turn to his paperwork and bag to leave but paused as he heard someone.

"Excuse me, Prof. El-Melloi. May I have a moment of your time?"

Waver turned to the student and recognize this particular person. His name was Lucas. Lucas is someone he greatly respected and fond of. For someone who was recently enrolled in the institution, he was quite knowledgeable and hardworking student that would make teachers weep in envy and pride.

It is quite doubtful that there would be a time he would ask for question on his studies outside of class. "Is there a problem in regards to the project I have assigned you?"

"Well, no-" Lucas was cut off.

"Then, do not bother as I do not have the time." Waver ended as he turned to the door and left.

Lucas chased and asked him through the hall. "It is about a rumour I have heard for while. I am quite interested."

Lord El-Melloi continues to walk and ignores him as he says. "I suggest you place your interest in your studies. Now, if you excuse me."

Lucas stop and watch as his teacher left. Lucas rubs his head for the lost opportunity. "Damn."

"Don't take it the wrong way. Master is just extremely busy to the point of exhaustion despite me being his full-time assistant and apprentice."

Lucas turns to the girl who he knew that one who followed the strict professor. From what he remembered her name was Grey.

Lucas takes a moment and began to think. if he cannot get any information from Lord El-Melloi then it's probably best to get information from his apprentice.

Lucas turns his head and ask. "I see. If that's the case, may I ask you instead?"

Gray paused for a moment and replied. "I'll try to answer the best of my abilities."

"Do you know anyone named Athanasia De Alger Obelia?"

Gray suddenly began to sweat and nervously said in an understanding tone. "Oh... " She looked around to make sure no one was around the hall and open the door that was closest to her and just signals Lucas to come inside. "I think it is best to talk privately about 'that' name."

"Why?" Lucas ask as he came in the room and watch Gray closes the door.

Gray warned him in an fearful whispering tone. "No one must talk about something as dangerous as that Taboo name. Especially as the kaleidoscope's Jewels."

Lucas was now at lost and begin to be confused. "Taboo? Jewels? you mean Athanasia De-.

"Shush!" Gray gave him a serious look. "The name 'De Alger Obelia' is forbidden here."

Lucas realized that the name, De Alger Obelia, is actually the one that is Taboo. But he need more information than that. "Would you care to explain? Especially the Kaleidoscope Jewels?

Grey narrows her eyes in suspicion. "Only if you tell me why you wish to know her."

"I would like to meet her, that's all."

Gray relaxes at this. "If that's the case. That might be difficult. Miss Athanasia and her children ate mostly in some different dimensions assigned by her Grandfather. "

"Who?" Lucas raised a brow at this. He does not recall the princess having other relatives. And Children? "Forgive me. But did you say children? as in Miss Athanasia has children? By blood?"

"Why yes. Did you not know? The news of Miss Athanasia giving birth to twins was known years ago." Grey looked at him in confusion.

"Sorry but I need to know this. And the father's name." Lucas needs to know if there was anything about her relationships. it would be troublesome if not checked.

"There was no father. Lady Athanasia got pregnant with mana overload. Her prana in her body overloaded to the point her body created life as an outlet. Thus she she gave birth to her sons."

"...I see." Lucas never heard that before but there is a theory still it was never proven.

He wanted to know more but...

"where are they now?"

"Her adopted grandfather, Kishur Zelretch Sweinorg, is protective of his granddaughter to the point that he sent Lady Athanasia to another dimension while he destroys Noble Mage families who tried to bind her through marriage or sealing designation." Gray looked at her watch and began to leave not before telling him. " It is not really a secret here at the association. You could ask your classmates about it. If you excuse me, I must go."

Lucas nodded in thanks and watch her left.

When he was alone he cursed.

'why in the six rings of hell am I doing this again!?'


7 months ago


"You want me to what?" Lucas looked at Claude as if he has gone crazy.

"Find her body or her soul then bring her back." Claude says with a straight face.

Ok. Maybe he have gone crazy. With all of the headaches he received from incompetent Nobles, problems regarding the agriculture and economy of Obelian, and his declining health due to residues of black magic on which Lucas noticed(which become a scandal), he probably already pass the point of sanity.

"And what makes you think that would fix anything? she's dead.'' Frankly Lucas was unimpressed. Sure he might have fixed the whole dead but not 'dead' former Disgrace Emperor, AKA Anastasius De Alger Obelia and the black magic fiasco but that doesn't mean it was for free.

Sure. Lucas might have gotten his revenge on that brat for stealing his magic but that doesn't mean shit now that he was roped in fixing magical and supernatural disasters due to being recognized as the Greatest Wizard in history.

Because of this, he is now responsible of help and leading Wizards under his command to help Obelia.

If he knew this would happened he would've turned his back, pack his bag and leave this Empire and it's problems.

And he couldn't half-arse his job because he had pride of being a Wizard of his status. None the less, he also take pride of being the most sane person of the Council (which he was given due to his efforts). And he currently feel like and knows that he was losing his sanity little by little because he was also considering of kidnapping or reviving The formerly deceased princess just fixed the majority of the mess which was caused by her death alone.

And it doesn't help that there was also someone considering this idea.

"Even if she is, you already know that Theus wants us dead for we did to her. It's pretty clear they want us to do the impossible and revive her." Lucas looked at Claude with his wavering morality of the temptations of the sin of using Black magic just to revive the forgotten but can't be 'Forgotten' Princess.

Forgotten Princess his arse. If she was really Forgotten then her death wouldn't cause so much damage to the Empire! She was literally the only thing that was keeping this Empire from ruin! And the so called Lovely Princess was nothing but the most Spoiled Brat of the Empire who caused nothing but trouble, and she is not even a brat but an adult!

He wants nothing more but to destroy this Empire and he can. Gods know that he can but ever since his name was cleared and got his revenge on that pathetic (finally dead) former emperor, he was placed on a stage that was publically announced that Obelia claimed him.

He had been fooled.

it was almost humiliating thing he was ever placed in (the first will always be that brat that stole his magic that forced him to sleep for who knows how long and he didn't care to know he's dead anyways.) and he can't do anything about it. He wants nothing more but to destroy this Empire even though it would mark him as a Dark Wizard. Though it was tempting.

But he have to stand firm on this madness. "That's black magic."

"Which is why we will look for her reincarnation or another version of her." Claude points his solution, which was stupid.

There are so many problems with that idea. The chances of that would fix anything with their current problems was next to nothing.

If Athanasia reincarnated there was a absolute chance she would remember her past life is close to nothing and even if she did she couldn't do anything (because if he would count the years gone) but then she would be an infant or a toddler if she was reincarnated early due to being a pure soul with no sin.

If they choose the latter, then it was straight up kidnapping a young woman with no connection and knowledge of Obelia and forcing her to be a princess with no knowledge if her personality and competency was as good as the dead one. Even if she can be taught, it would be like teaching an infant about language, knowledge, and politics of Obelia. which would take 2 decades because a mature mind is different compared to blank slate. and that is something they do not have.

If it were to happen then the only use for 'Athanasia' is nothing but a figurehead which they don't need they already have one and her name is Jeanette.

However 'Athanasia' presence may give them a good impact of the people who are loyal to her that was currently in Theus to the point it may attract them back to Obelia.

But it could also paint that Obelia use black magic to bring Athanasia back from death and kept her prisoner due to the fact that she no longer has ties with Obelia as a princess, only Theus as a Grand Duchess.

Thus this idea only have a 30% success rate while the 70% is the bad impact.

In the other words, it's stupid idea. but a tempting idea.

"Shouldn't you fix or create another alliance with Theus or perhaps give a compensation" Lucas tries to reason.

"With what?" Claude snaps. "Money is useless to them. Medical and Technological advancement in Theus Empire are above us. And not to mention, they are self sufficient in food supply and clothing! Every Humanitarian efforts we have moved to Theus!"

'We should just find her abilities of leadership and knowledge if she could handle it first.'

Wait a minute.

'What am I thinking!?' Lucas shocked but his own thoughts.

"So give them something what they want!" Lucas shouted.

Dear Gods. Claude really has lost his sanity and he wasn't to far behind due to lack of sleep and rest. He is so tired. so so very tired.

"What they 'want' is a Grand duchess to handle what was left behind by 'that girl' but Deusericus wouldn't trust Obelian Or the Theusian Noble themselves to handle those without taking advantage of it." Claude explained to Lucas he was talking to a child. "And even if he would agree he won't trust on the any future alliance if a puppet or an incompetent ruler of Obelia like Jeanette. They can handle a treaty me out of respect as a ruler but for Jeanette? It would be broken the moment she takes the throne."

For the past years Claude tried to hand some of the paperwork to Jeannette if she was able to handle some of the workload but it came as a disaster and a disappointment. Jeannette was supposed to be dealing with the upcoming flood that was predict by the records on when it was supposed to happened. it would should have been handled before a year before the flood starts. The solution was quite simple. She only needed to rebuild and reinforce the water passages and sewage for it to last in a long term solution and low cost and casualty. But instead she build houses and moved many residents far away from the disaster zones and used then left like that.

And when the predicted floods came, the waves was 9 times the size o the the past floods combined. Many houses were destroyed, Many lives were taken, and Crops near the water canals were drowned. It was a complete failure and the cost before and after the floods were high to the point the needed to used the royal treasury and raise up the taxes to silence the riot the commoners creating that was demanding Jeannette to face punishment.

Claude stop and appeased the riots but they were lingering resentment hanging above their heads to that Claude had no choice but to handle the empire's affair by himself while Jeanette is being re-educated by tutors that was personally chosen by himself.

But it was all in vain. Jeanette hates studying and mostly spends her time with tea parties and gossip to the point she avoids tutors with ridiculous excuses from fake sickness, hiding, or worse tantrums.

It droves the tutors to madness and despair and raised the Nobles temper to the point that they demanded their very own Emperor to remove Jeanette from the throne which Claude demoted her from Crown princess to princess despite Duke Alpheus protest but the said Duke was silence by his supporters turned aggressors.

"Can't she bear children for the throne?" Lucas suggested another solution until he realized that it was the chimera he was talking about.

Princess Jeanette De Alger Obelia is a being of black magic. There were many reason why black magic was forbidden and one of them can cause infertility. And with being Claude De Alger Obelia, the idiot he is, he disregard Lucas warning on keeping his distance from his so called Lovely daughter because he still has black magic residue on his body and be keeps getting himself cursed over and over because of that Chimera.

In the other words. Obelia can't have another heir.


'it can't hurt to hope, can it?'

Lucas looked at the Emperor and saw his face gone grim.

"She can't, after a year of her marriage she didn't show signs of pregnancy my Nobles began to question about jeanette duty and relationship with her husband by not being able to produce an heir, so I sent physicians and wizards on her way and had her tested wanting to prove them wrong. The results was a catastrophe." Claude looked the ground in deep thoughts with a scowl on his face.

Lucas sighs as his head and shoulders drop in resegnation. 'So much for hoping for the Chimera.' Lucas sighs again knowing where this conversation is going. "She is infertile, isn't she? and that's includes you as well."

Claude nodded his head. "It happened a year ago. We don't know why or how. There wasn't any poison in our bodies but it happened."

Lucas knows why and he can't say it because the last thing he needs is another problem he can't fix.

Knowing this stupid Emperor, he would demand to fix the Chimera's infertility problem.

but that's the thing. How?

That Spoiled Chimera of a princess is a being of black magic. There is nothing to fix or help. It's her nature to be infertile and if he were to try and help it would kill her and that would be a stain on his reputation and a bounty on his head.

"And now everyone knows."

He might be busy with his duties to keep up with social news but can guess what had happened while he was gone with just a few hints.

"We couldn't cover it fast enough." Claude admit that was a failure on his part.

Lucas thought about that stupid idea again and looked at Claude with a blank face. "So the reason you want me to bring her back is to appease Theus and have her produce an heir."

Claude nodded.

Lucas looked again.




"...You know what? Forget reputation. We no longer have the face, ever since that princess's death. Let's start project : Find that dead Princess." Lucas is so done with sanity. It was giving him headaches anyway.

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