

Eric P.O.V

Soon we arrived at her home which was a hundred percent better than mine.

Elise:"it's not much but please do make yourself at home."

Eric:" trust me, it's way better than mine. "

Elise: she giggled"thank you... Okay you wait here I'll got get the first aid"

And just like that she was gone before I could tell her there was no need. My mind began working thinking of what to do when she found out most of my wounds were already healing.

???:"erhm mister?"

A kids voice sounded by my side I turned to look at the kid who had been tugging at my clothes trying to grab my attention, I just realised I had been so deep in my thoughts I had ignored the kid.

The kid was a small girl, who was about eight to ten years old. She had an adorable face with her bright blue eyes, in all she was a cute kid.

Eric "yeah kid"

???:"I wanna thank you for saving my mommy and me."

What she said touched my heart, I couldn't remember the last time someone actually said thank you after I saved them, most people just run away when they see what I can do but then again the kid didn't see anything.

Eric: " no problem kid"

Elise:" Rose why don't you go in and get ready for bed whilst I take care of the mister here okay "

Rose:"okay, bye mister"

The kid -who I now know is Rose- run off.

Elise:" I hope she didn't disturb you"

Eric :" oh no I'm alright."

Elise:"okay so why don't you take off your shirt so I can patch you up."

I wanted to argue but seeing the look on her face I gave up and just took the shirt off.

Elise p.o.v

When he took his shirt off I was stunned I mean I knew he was fit with the short on but it was only without the shirt that I could see exactly how fit he was and God was he fit.

His body was perfect like it was sculpted by the gods themselves he had eight abs and his arms god was he fit.

I must have been staring for a while because he turned to look at me with a why-have-i-got-something-on-my-face look causing my face to turn scarlet red which in turn caused him to be worried.

I decided to pay attention to what I was supposed to and not his body his godlike...okay bad Elise, bad. It was then I noticed his wounds and I was stunned once more his wounds were healing at a visible rate and apart from the recent wounds he had a lot of scars I reached out to touch the many wounds wondering 'what happened '

Eric: " it's nothing really. "

I looked at him confused before I realised I must have said it out loud my face turned crimson once more and I decided to pretend like nothing happened and focus on stitching his recent wounds and soon I was done.

Elise :"there all done"

Eric :"thanks I'll be leaving then."

He told me as he put on his shirt and began to head towards the door. not knowing what came over me I blurted out

Elise: "wait!why don't you stay the night, it's late and we have a guest room and I can get you some clothes."

Eric :He turned to look at me "are you sure about this?"


Eric:"thank you for your hospitality."

I looked absolutely calm on the outside but inside I was fist pumping the air feeling absolutely ecstatic that I managed to get the hot guy to stay

'you go girl '

Elise: why don't you have a shower Ill get you a towel when your done.

He nodded his head to show he agreed and I led to where the shower was before going to put rose to bed and get him some towels

Eric p.o.v

I headed straight into the shower enjoying the scalding hot water fall unto my skin, I couldn't remember the last time I had a great shower as my heater was broken and I didn't have the money to pay for it so I just had the cold showers.

As the water continued to run down my skin I felt so comfortable my worries all disappeared for a moment before I began to fall once more into my memories, the nightmares.

I was in a lab, everything was pure white I couldn't see any windows or anyone but I knew I was being monitored, I had just been caught once more after another failed attempt to escape from this hell hole.

I was tied down on a table, I was tied down as though some animal to be experimented on. I struggled to escape my restraints but to no avail the more I struggled the tighter it got until I could do nothing more than scream and then he came.

The man who ruined my life, he wore the same smile. the same God dammed smile he always had as he tortured me day in and day out , he was escorted by more suits, they pinned me down as he came closer speaking in a voice that would forever give me nightmares "it will only hurt a lot."



The sound of knocking drew me out of my nightmares I looked down at my hands to see all my claws were out, I could feel I had fully shifted.

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