
116: A collection.

Klein entered the room of his son, Amando, the innocent boy who had no idea of what just happened on the couch, was pretty upset his father had him waiting for more than 3 minutes. "Papa! You're late! How heavy is Dad for you to be so late?" The boy commented offhandedly while Klein chuckled, he used his Void Energy to erase any trace of his previous sexual act with his beloved husband that is now lying on the couch completely worn out, of course, Klein did not leave him naked to everyone to see! He covered him and cleaned him by using Void Energy, which took seconds to do. "Sorry, sorry... What about I tell you two stories to compensate you?"

The eyes of the boy shined with glee as his father sat down beside him, his fingers moved in the air as if he was drawing for a second before a book appeared in a puff of blue smoke and clouds, the boy was surprised to see such magical performance as his father took the book. The book was a simple, thin book with a black cover and the words "Eldritch Horror" on the cover, Klein opened the book and suddenly three black tentacles jumped out of the pages and tried to grasp his fingers and pull them into the endless void that was now the pages of the book. "Oh, wrong book." Klein chuckled as the book vanished from his hands, he did it on purpose to surprise his son, he smiled as the boy had a curious expression on his face as he did not know that if he had read a word from those pages, the boy would have lost his sanity.

"Let me see..." Klein pointed his finger forward, a hole appeared in space, like a window it showed another place, a place full of treasure. Golden coins, gems, jewelry, weapons of various periods in time, books, and even living creatures albeit they were born from the riches on this place. This was Klein's dimension, where he stored everything he came across that interested him. Amando was stunned to see little humanoids with insect wings flying around, holding golden coins with their little arms, on the left was a bigger humanoid with feathery wings carrying a golden chest and organizing things around. "Arezaphiel," Klein called the angel, who looked at him for a second before bowing. "My lord is good to see you, do you wish to look over the collection again?"

Klein shook his head before pointing towards his son, who was looking around with shining eyes at all the shiny things around him. "I brought my son today to see the collection... He wanted a bedtime story, so I decided to tell him two stories." The boy was not even listening to what the two adults were talking, he was looking around with excitement, a little fairy dragged a coin just beside him and dropped it, making a cling sound, no one looked at the sound because this was a common occurrence, but the fairy seemed distressed. Amando picked the coin and gave it back to the fairy, who bowed as a thank you and flew away but not before giving him a small pouch of golden dust. "I see you got yourself some Golden Pirilin." The boy moved his head to see his father smiling at him.

"Golden Pirlilipinin?" Amando tried to say the name of the dust, but the way he said it made Klein chuckle and correct him: "Golden Pirilin. It's magical dust used by gold fairies to reduce the weight of things, you see, coins are too heavy for them to carry, so they use Golden Pirilin to reduce the weight of the coins. They also use it to carry heavier things together, see?" Klein pointed to a group of fairies that was carrying a golden sword, the sword looked heavy but was being carried by a group of 5 tiny Gold Fairies. "Wow..." The boy smiled, still amazed as ever. Klein offered his hand to the boy, who looked confused before taking it, soon they were flying. With a pair of golden feathery wings, Klein took off with his son Amando to the collection.

What was the collection?

The collection is Klein's most prized items that he cherishes so dearly, placing them on golden pedestals. When they arrived, Klein pulled his wings back to his body, Amando looked around confused as to why these things were so precious... They were useless? Looking around, Amando saw a badly drawn picture of Klein that was presented in a golden frame, the words below it were: "Gift N° 000000006, Drawing." Klein looked at the Drawing and smiled, he chuckled when he saw his son's confused expression: "This is your Dad's first drawing attempt. He wanted to draw me, so I stood still for 16 hours before he was done, and this was the result. He burned it, or so he thought, but time is... Easily manipulated by those who know how to." Klein winked at his son who got his meaning and smiled.

Klein lowered himself till he and his son were looking at each other's eyes in an evenly ground, to do that he had to sit down and lower his body even further. When their heads were close together, Klein seriously said: "You, young man, have the right to walk through this collection and choose two items. It will tell the story behind these items! Now go!" Klein chuckled when his son did a military salute before running off giggling, he slowly followed his son as he looked around and memories of all the items he had come back to his head. All the items in this collection were once Zagreus's or we're a gift from Zagreus. Klein kept them preserved in beautiful magical glass boxes that stopped time from flowing inside them.

As his boy was running around the collection, searching for something interesting, Klein looked at the center of the collection, where two items were. With a sword and an empty bottle, he smiled lightly before he felt a hand tugging his shirt, looking down he smiled when his son pointed towards the north side of the collection. "I found it!" He smiled brightly, Klein followed him as he took him to a part of his collection, soon they arrived at the items.

"Oh... These are interesting." Klein looked at the two items, Item N° 1,082,022 and N° 1,082,023.

A drawing and a small, dark gem.

-Scene Ends

Author Note:

When were you all going to tell me that my novel is top 30? Wtf!?

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