
a selected woman

Prince Mahisa sits in his office room. He is reading a letter from King Anusapati. King Anusapati said that he and the queen have planning to select a woman for Prince Mahisa. They will plan a royal wedding for Prince Mahisa and the selected woman.

"What? My Wedding? I never think about my wedding, but my brother will choose a woman for me? right?", said Prince Mahisa.

King Anusapati requested Prince Mahisa to come to the Palace in Kutaraja for dinner with his future wife. Prince Mahisa does not want to go there, but there is no reason to reject the king's request.

"Ok, I will go there, but I will never accept this wedding!".

Prince Mahisa imagines that a woman who will become his wife is not beautiful. Maybe a woman with a fat body, or a woman who looks like a man.

"Oh, no!!! God, please help me"

On the next day, Prince Mahisa attending a morning meeting in a meeting hall in Kadiri Palace. He said to the attendees that he will visit Kutaraja because of an order from the King of Singhasari, and he will back to Kadiri next month.

All people who attend the meeting said that they will manage the government until Prince Mahisa back to Kadiri. They give pray to Prince Mahisa for his journey to the Palace in Kutaraja.

"We hope Your Highness will arrive safely in Kutaraja"

"Thank you, then I will close this meeting"

Prince Mahisa is ready to go to Kutaraja Palace. But he feels like he is too lazy to go there because he does not marry a woman that he never knows before.

"Hwaaaaa.. this is for the first time I don't want to visit Kutaraja! I hate you brother, why don't you plan Toh Jaya's wedding instead of my wedding!"

He enters his horse-drawn carriage. He sits and relaxes. But suddenly he has an idea. If he meets a woman who is selected to be his wife, he will treat the woman so badly, and after that, the woman will leave him alone.

"Hahaha. Hahaha, smart boy! I love my smart brain. She will be disappointed as a selected woman", said Prince Mahisa with laughing hard.

His valet is confused why Prince Mahisa is laughing hard. But he ignores it.


In Kutaraja, King Anusapati asked the queen to write an invitation for Sinta to join dinner with the royal family in the palace. But Tania can not write Sanskrit letters. She just looks at the paper but she doesn't know how to start it.

"Queen, what are you doing, write a letter!", ordered the king.

"Hehe, actually I don't know how to write Sanskrit letters, could you teach me?", said Tania.

"Oh I forget that you had amnesia! Ok, let me teach you".

King Anusapati takes the queen's hand and guides her to write a letter. They are looked like a romantic couple. Ratri and the other court lady are so happy. After all, the Queen and King are already fine. As they saw in the past time, Queen was always rejecting the king. But they don't know that the queen's soul has changed. Now in the queen's body is not a real queen, because Tania's soul has entered the Queen's body.

"Ok finish", said the queen.

"Yes, finally I can write a letter"

Tania asked Ratri to enter the room.

"Ratri is here, your majesty"

"Please find someone to deliver this letter to Sinta"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

Ratri is already leaving the queen's room, but King Anusapati still in the queen's room.

"Why are you still here? Are you have too much free time?"

"I just miss my child"

The King touches the queen's belly and he speaks to his child.

"Dear my child, Daddy so happy to have you, please grow healthy until I can see you in this world"

The King kisses the queen's big belly. Tania saw the king's face and she feels worried. She speaks in her heart. "This life is not mine, I will back to my place in the future, then I will leave this man, and a baby in my belly".

King Anusapati saw the queen's face. The Queen is looked sad, and then the king asked what happened to the queen. Tania said that she is happy because she will be a mother.

"You said that you didn't want to be a mother a few months ago, but I happy to hear that you are happy to have our child"

"I always bring this big belly everywhere, and I start to love life like this. No homework, no Mathematics, and others"

"I happy to hear that, however, I don't know what you speak about"


A man has sent to Sinta's house and Sinta has received the invitation from the King and Queen for royal dinner tonight. Sinta is very happy after reading the letter. She goes to her parent's room and tells them that she will go to the palace for royal dinner.

"Really? You have invited by her majesty queen?", asked her father.

"Yes, She asked me to come for dinner with His majesty king and his highness Prince Mahisa too".

"Prince Mahisa?" asked her mother.

Her mother is telling that every woman who is invited to royal dinner is a woman who selected to be a part of the royal family.

"Maybe his majesty queen is already selected you as a Princess of Kadiri", said her mother.

"Do you mean that I will be wife to Prince Mahisa?" asked Sinta to her mother.

"Yes, darling. You should prepare for tonight"

Sinta is very happy to hear that because she is want to be part of the royal family, as a story in a fairytales story, she will be marrying a Prince.

Sinta plans to go to Kutaraja market to buy some accessories for her. She goes there with her maid. At the same time, Prince Mahisa has arrived in Kutaraja. He gets off of his horse-drawn carriage and walking around the market with his guard. He saw a beautiful woman walking with her maid.

"Who is the girl?"

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