
Chapter 36: Lunch with her parents III

Chapter 36: Lunch with her parents III

Geoffrey grabbed Emily's arms only to pull away from her and distance himself at arm's length. "Stop that, do not let your emotions cloud your judgement. You might regret this later."

"See? You're already pulling away from me. You do not want me anymore. It has not even been a few minutes since you gave me those words." Emily whined; she could not stop herself. She just wanted him to coax her earlier.

Geoffrey felt guilt creeping at him. "It's not that, but we both need to think this through, specially you. You are a lady. Do you really want this for yourself?"

Emily felt that at the very least, she still got Geoffrey back, so she nodded. "I'm sorry, it's just that, I always have these anxieties in my head. I truly want to be with you, but at the same time, I am afraid of the future. Yet, I am more afraid to lose you. Please do not let go of my hand." She said while trying to keep her tears at bay.

Geoffrey felt her speech struck a chord in his heart. Despite his qualms, he did have some feelings for her. Nevertheless, he still already had those doubts planted in his head.

"Alright," he began as he wiped her tears with his thumb, "but this time, I want the both of us to take a step back and figure all this out again. Perhaps, we should get to know each other once more. Take things slowly." Geoffrey suggested. Although he likes her, their conversation and her action made him realize that he really should take a step back and look at the larger picture.

"I can already feel you distancing yourself away from me. But what can I do? What choice do I have? From the very start, it is you who have the power in this relationship."

"Please do not say that." Geoffrey said in a whisper as he hugged her, not understanding his own feelings. Just a few hours ago, he was so sure that he wanted this, that he wanted her. But now, he is not so sure anymore.


"M'lord sends his apologies your highness, he will not be able to join you for something important came to his attention." Jack, Charlton's coachman, conveyed to Kylo.

"What could he deign so important that he chose to stand us up? We have not seen each other for so long and he doesn't even miss me!" Rosar Mihali, the Marquess of Avery and Kylo's older cousin by four years, asked.

Kylo laughed at his cousin who seemed quite annoyed for being stood up. He waved Jack away as he explained "Well dear cousin, don't tell him I told you, but our friend has been completely enamored with a certain lass. I tell you that he has been acting like a boy who just hit puberty and saw a girl with a skirt for the first time! He believes that come hell or high water he is willing to be with her. To sum it up, he has been utterly whipped!"

"Now I'm more curious as to what kind of girl managed to make him that way. He always prided himself with that phrase, how do you say it again?"

"Bros before hoes." Kylo supplemented.

"Oh yes, that. He even had the gall to tease me because of my feelings for Gracie! Look at him eat his words now. I can't wait to rub it on his face. Anyway, do tell me, what is her name? What is she like? We can't just have any girl get him. She must first pass our scrutiny."

Kylo laughed awkwardly, well, what can he say? That the girl was the forbidden fruit he encouraged him to taste but did not expect to swallow? "Let's not talk about that anymore, I believe that his interest will wane after a few months. It's just his first taste of love and things might still change." He said feeling guilty while thinking 'he will have no choice later but to let go.'

"I don't think so. Talking about that, I think I need a drink. My proposal just got rejected. This is the third time."

"You proposed and got rejected again? I can't say that I'm surprised though. I don't think that Princess Grace Astoria, ever the feminist, will ever consider marrying a man unless he allows her to be the groom and he be the bride. If I were you, I'll just move on to the next girl."

"How could I? She is every bit perfect. From the first time that I saw her and heard her speech, I just knew that I had to marry her." Mihali proclaimed dramatically.

"Well, good luck with that then."


"Charlton, do tell me about this collaboration between you and my daughter." Duchess Celine started while drinking tea after they had their lunch.

"It is like this, while in church, Ms. Serena and I shall be playing the song with the Piano and the Cello respectively. Then, we will play it again during the reception, wherein Serena and I will sing the lyrics while playing the piano." Charlton explained with a smile.

"I really want to listen to the both of you play. Simoun, should we also attend the wedding to see them? Whose wedding is this by the way? Perhaps you should get us an invite." Celine enthusiastically suggested.

Simoun was about to agree when Serena refuted them first.

"Mother, I don't think that it would be a good idea for the both of you to attend. Much as I want you and father to be there, the couple should still be the main protagonist of their own wedding. Although it would be their honor to have you, their attendee's attention would inevitably focus on you both as they try to curry favor. I apologize but I do not want to ruin this once in a lifetime event for them." She explained 'well it's true. Ugh, I recall my wedding way back. Anyway, I also have no intention of having parental guidance as I spend time with Charlton there.'

"Our daughter is so considerate of others now… "Celine said as she dabbed the non-existent tears from the corner of her eyes "what do you say Simoun?"

"Yes, she is. Then we shall just send the couple an appropriate wedding gift." Simoun replied as he nodded.

"But I still want to listen to them." Celine insisted as she continued "Oh! I have a more wonderful idea, how about this Charlton, if you don't have anything else planned for the day, you can come and join us at our estate so you can play together with Serena!"

"Of course, Aunt, I always have time for you. But I am also concerned for your wellbeing. I heard that you and uncle Simoun just arrived earlier and have not rested. If you say that it is fine then I can go with you now."

"Such a sweet boy! Leonard and Serena, you two should learn from Charlton, we only met today but I already wish that he is my own son!"

'No, really, HE wishes to be your son… son-in-law!' Serena thought trying not to laugh.

Charlton chuckled charmingly, "Well, maybe I should call you mother, Aunt Celine. It will be my honor."

"Oh you! Now, I am not tired at all. I would love to hear you and Serena play!"

"Okay, however please pardon me for asking, I would like to ask if you have a cello at home?"

"Moun, do we?" Celine asked her husband, not really knowing if they do have one.

"Yes, I think we do." Simoun replied, as he too is looking forward to their performance.

"Wonderful! Then we should head to our estate now." Celine suggested.

Everyone agreed as Simoun asked for the bill. Charlton, ever the man who wants to impress, asked once to pay for it himself, but when the Duke declined while laughing, he did not insist.

While going to their carriages, Leonard informed his parents that Charlton did not bring his own carriage as he sent it to inform his friends that he won't be joining them. Celine nodded her head approvingly and told Leonard to take good care of his friend and that they should ride together.

With this arrangement, they all went to the Maxwell's Ducal mansion in the capital.



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