
Chapter 16

"Congratulations sweetheart. We're you nervous?" Trevor asks handing me the cake.

I slightly smack his chest, embarrassed that he prepared something. "What is this? I'm not even sure if I'll pass or not," I said shyly. Trevor lift up my chin and kissed me softly on the lips. I will never get used to his kisses. It always gives me shiver and makes my stomach flutter.

"Still. I believe in you," he said. I just finish my entrance exam awhile ago. The result will be posted next week but Trevor already gave me a congratulations without knowing if I'll make it or not.

"Thank you," I said giving him an embrace. I've never had anything like this in my life before. It was one of those moments that I dreamed of, a guy who could give anything and everything I've ever wanted. Who would make me feel loved and special. It was ambitious and impossible to have.

He let out a tired sigh. Trevor craned his neck.

"What's wrong?" I asks softly.

"Hmm, I'm just tired from work..." He said.

After hearing him say that, I quickly put the cake in the fridge. And came back later to serve him.

"I prepared a bath for you," I told him. Trevor let me took his clothes of before guiding him to the tub. I gave him a glass of his expensive wine.

"Won't you join me angel?" He asks. I nodded at him. Without taking my white silky nightdress off, I joined him in the tub. I started massaging his feet. I heard him moan softly. "Where did you learn that baby?" He asks.

"I just watch some tutorials online. I wanted to please you," I said. Trevor smirk as he look at me. I continue to massage him until it was time for me to move on to his leg. I raised his feet and gave it a kiss. "Does this hurt as well?" I asks softly referring to his leg.

Trevor sip on his wine again. "Mmm. But my neck is killing more. Can you do my neck first?"

"Whatever you want," I told him. I sat on his hard stomach, noticing the pole poking behind me. I started massaging his neck, specially his shoulders.

"Hmm," Trevor closed his eyes for a moment. His hands on my waist. The water is hot but his touch is heating me up. "Why are you still wearing this?" He asks pertaining to my dress. My nightie got a cute little string Infront of me that is locking the cleavage part. He tug the string making my dress loose.

He owns my body, mind and soul. I'm sure of that. Because everything Trevor want me to do, I do it without inhibition.

After awhile, I was all naked. Both our body is covered in bubbles and petals. Trevor took my small hand to his lips giving it a kiss. "I'm sure you're tired as well. Let's go,"

We both wash ourselves and I was the one to finish first since I'm preparing for dinner. I called Trevor so that we can both eat dinner. "You cooked?" He asks. I nodded feeling a bit proud.

"I wanted to learn cooking so that I can cook for you," I said. Trevor just chuckled and started to eat. "Does it taste good?" I ask nervously.

"It's delicious," he flashed me a smile. My stomach did a summersault.

"What did you eat for lunch?" I ask him. Trevor shrug.

"I forgot to eat lunch. I was busy," he only said.

"You shouldn't skip lunch," I told him. Trevor raised his eyebrow. I bit back my mouth. I know that he doesn't want anybody telling him what to do but I couldn't stop my worry.

After dinner, Trevor handed me an envelope that contains a lot of cash.

"But you already gave me enough last time. This is too much," I told him.

"For extra service?" He smirk.

It was nothing but a mere words but it did hurt me a little. My feelings confused me. I don't know if I just feel indebted towards him or something else.

There are times when Trevor is sweet and nice towards me and I couldn't help but get too attached to him. There are times when he just reminded me that I am just some slut who he paid to work for him. And for whatever reasons, it bothered me so much than before.

I unpacked my things up to my new apartment. It was between close to the university I applied to and closed to Trevor's flat. Well, it's a little far from the university but who cares. I finally have my own place to tay. No mean girls backstabbing me. And I can be messy as I want without being concious around.

It was noon time and I decided to call him.

"Hello?" I said in a tiny voice. He didn't say anything but I can hear him in the other side. "Have you had your lunch yet?" I asked. "I-in case you forgot, I packed for your lunch time. I hope you'll eat it," I heard him sigh. "Okay... I'll hang up now," I told him. Calls like that shouldn't bother me. I mean, I should get used to it by now.

"Fallon," I heard him say in the other line. I forgot to press the button.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'll drop the call now," I panicked.

He chuckled. "Are you done packing up your things?" He asks.

I nodded and realize that he couldn't see it. "Umh. I'm done." I smiled.

"Alright. I'll see you later?"

"Yes. I'll be there," After that. Trevor ended the call.

I received a text from the university, telling me that the results are out early so I decided to go there and see if my name passed.

Since I have nothing else to do, I decided to walk instead of hailing a cab. It's 20-30 minutes walk from here. I bought an umbrella incase of a chance of raining.

I got to the university far than I was expected. Good thing it wasn't that sunny. Still, I bought another shirt incase of getting sweaty. I changed first at the bathroom before checking the list. I'm quite nervous.

The students were crowded at the bulletin board. As much as I don't want to get pressed between these students, it'll take too long to wait. I was about to go in there but someone called me.

"Fallon!" I heard him say.

"Oh! James?"

"You applied here?" He asks. It was really James. Jenny's boyfriend. I nodded at him. He's year a head of us.

"I still don't know if I got in," I told him.

"They have another copy of the list at the registrar's office. C'mon,"

I shook my head. "It's alright. I can wait," I told him. "Ah. Where's Jenny?" I asks.

He shrug his shoulder. "We broke up last week," he said nonchalantly.

"Ah." I nodded. I don't know what to comment anymore.

"You sure don't wanna go to the registrar?" He asks after a few seconds of silence.

I look at the students surrounding the bulletin board. "Well..." I trailed. James smiled and asks me to follow him.

James went in to the office, amaze that he can enter inside. It only took him a minute before he went out and had a bondpapet with him. He gave me the copy.

"Thanks," I smiled at him.

"No problem. They asks me to post this at the second floor," he said. I nodded at him before searching my name in the list.

"I got in..." I said in shocked.

"Congrats. I guess I'll be seeing you more often," he smiled.

"Ah," I tried to laugh. I took my phone out. "Oh. I still have somewhere to go," I told him.

"Really? Do you want me to tour you around first?" He asks. I shook my head.

"It's alright. Thanks for helping me out," I smiled.

"Well, just ask me if you need anything."

"I'll get going," I said politely. He nodded. I wave at him for goodbye.

I turned around and walk. I was about to go home but it suddenly rained. It was a nice idea to bring umbrella today. The bulletin board was close to the entrance of the school. It wasn't that crowded like a while ago so I decided to check again.

I still couldn't process that I got in since I'm still awkward at seeing James. He reminded me of what I saw between him and Jena. Jenny's nickname.

I scanned my name again. "Whoa. I really got in..." I said to myself. My heart is beating so loudly at how excited I am for seeing my name. I wanted to squeal and jump. I feel good.

I look at outside and saw that it wasn't raining that hard. I open my umbrella. Before I could take another step outside, I stop midway because someone joined me in my umbrella.

I look to see who it was. Both of us stop in our tracks. "Sorry. Is it ok if I join you? My car is park that way," he pointed. I didn't want to be rude and he seemed like he was rushing so I just nodded even if I feel like he's invading my personal space. And what else can I do? He's already here with me. "I'm really sorry for bothering you," he told me.

"It's ok," I said.

"Do you have a ride?" He asks suddenly. I just nodded at him and smiled. Not wanting to speak up because of anxiety. I am very awkward in dealing with people at first time. "You go here?" He asks. I nodded again. "Your face isn't familiar, so you must be new." He said again.

"Y-yes," getting tired of nodding. Finally, we got to his car.

"Thank you," he said opening his car door. I politely nodded at him and smiled. After making sure he got to his car I turned around and leave. I walk outside the gate before hailing a cab to go to Trevor's apartment.

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