
Chapter 4 *Raelin

"Beautiful! Now Ms. Rae I want you to take a sit on the ground. Ren, Jay fix up Ms. Rae's gown the train should be spread out. And Jana sweetheart, slowly seat beside Ms. Rae's." John says.

Jana slowly sat beside me and I put my arms around her waist.

"Okay now Ms. Rae and Jana, I want you both to look at each other and smile. Hold that pose. Okay...one..two...three. Okay everyone that's the last one. Its a pleasure working with you Ms. Rae and Jana."

Everyone clapped, they congratulated us and Jana she did great. We head back inside the house and we took off the last outfit and back to wear my fluffy white robe, Jana's wearing her dress that she wore this morning.

Can you all not make that face. I’m serious about not going back. I’ve been to the industry for almost my life, its time to change the atmosphere. I said to the crew members that have been with me for the past 10 years.

Come on, do you not want to miss the life of going out all night? Jay says.

Yeah, she’s right Miss Rae. You have the life that every young person wants to have then unexpectedly you guys rationally come here to the wilderness? I mean come on. John says unbelievably.

Guys, we already have decided to stay here. I want the girls to live a normal life.

They already have a normal life in NY! John exclaimed.

Really John? Every time they go outside the house they always chase by paparazzi; you called that normal? Paul then says as he packs their things.

I mean yeah, if you are a celebrity. He said smiling which makes me throw the pillow that I was hugging when I sat on the couch.

But anyways are you sure you don’t want to do this anymore? There is no going back. Paul then asks seriously.

I’m serious about this Paul. I have also missed to enjoy my childhood life, let me just be me in this next chapter of my life, I have always been serious on wanting to do with my life.

He just lets out I sighed in defeat then nodded, understanding my decision.

Are you sure you don’t want to sleep for the night? You have all been working all day. Faerien asks changing the subject.

No where all good, the agency requested us to be there by tomorrow morning. They already found a replacement for your pending photo shoots. Paul explained.

That fast huh, well good luck to my replacement then, I hope she can handle it.

Don’t worry about her, just enjoy your life here. You can now have the peaceful life you always wanted. No paparazzi, no fans to keep running to the 4 of you. Jenny says my hairstylist.

Thank you Jenny. I spoke.

Well, we should be going now the van I rented has just arrive outside. Goodluck girls. Paul says as he stood up.

Have a safe trip you, guys. I twins both says together as we all stood up and hug them.

Can you walk with them girls? I said to the twins.

I then looked at Xena and she's carrying a sleeping Jana.

"Hey, do you want to stay for dinner?"

"Um, thanks Rae. Perhaps next time. Its getting late. We need to get home before Jack realise where not home yet."

"That's alright."

"Are you free tomorrow at noon?"

"I'm free, what's up?"

"My friend and I will be shopping tomorrow and I want you and your friends to come."

"Of course I would love too but the girls would not want to go. It's never there thing."

"Okay then. We will pick you up tomorrow then."

"Yes of course."

We went outside to her car and I opened the second seat so she can let Jana sleep in a comfortable position. She got in and we said our goodbyes and she turn the engine and drove off. I waved again to the crew as they still fixing up their bags and equipment's inside the van before I went back inside the house.

As I went in, I saw Faerien cleaning up the table I helped her out and we both head straight to the kitchen.

Oh! Xena had invited the four of us to go out tomorrow. I said as I washed the dishes.

Okay. Have you already asked the twins?

Of co- Aa howl had stopped her to continue her sentence which I quickly stopped washing the glass.

Did yo-

Yes, I did. I quickly said cutting her of.

I told you I had felt him when I felt his presence the other day. And I kinda visit in his dreams.

Do you think that might be creepy?

No its not, and besides don’t think that I don’t know you also have felt your Thiramin, and I know the twins too. Who could have though.

How would you know?

Raelin! The twins shouts as they both run to the kitchen.

The wolf that just howled. Ariane says.

Is that the Alpha? Ariana continued.

This is what I like to the twins if they are gonna say something either they both says same sentence or just let the other finished each sentences.

Yup. His also the one howled last night when the crew went out last night.

And he is Raelin’s Theramin. Faerien then says then the twins squealed with joy but then I felt their sadness.

Don’t worry girls it won’t take too long for you to see yours also. Which makes them squealed in happiness.

Back to the question, how do you know? Faerien then asked again.

I felt it. Faerien then nodded as she understands.

But we need to stay low for now. Some of them are at the woods, watching.

They just nodded.

Xena had invited us four to have a window shopping tomorrow wanna go girls?

Nah! You know were not into that.

You can go but not us.

They said before they went out the kitchen and went back to their rooms. I went upstairs to my room. I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower. I wrap my towel around my body and went to my walk-in closet and put on my underwear and black oversized T-shirt. I went over to my bed and fall straight into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up when someone shakes my body. I looked up at the person and its Fae.

"What?" I asked grumpily.

"Xena and her friend are already at the living room and there waiting for you." Fae said.

"What are they doing here at this time in the morning?" I asked and let out a soft yawn.

"It’s already noon Rae. And you agreed yesterday to go shopping with them." Fae explains.

"Oh, I completely forgot about that. Give them drinks or fruits. I'll just have to get ready."

"We'll do. And the twins gave me this."

She gives me a folded paper and she walk out of my room. I unfolded it and it’s their list of what I'm going to buy for them. I took a quick shower. I put on some jeans, white blouse, and my knee-high boots. I grab my mini bag and put on my phone, cash, and card in it. I run downstairs and saw Xena and a red hair girl and brown eyes.

"Hey guys I'm sorry I took so long. I overslept."

"Well, I'm not surprise, Jack has been trying to wake Jana up for the whole morning and she won't even budge. And by the way this is Hailey, Hailey this is Raelin."

"Just call me Rae. So where are we going?"

"There's a café shop at town. That's newly opened and we would like to have a looked at it." Hailey says.

"Okay, let's go then."

We got out and went to Hailey's red Land cruiser. When we got there Hailey park her car, we got out and walk at the entrance. The delicious smell of the brewing coffee and pastries hit my nose. And I walk through the counter and scan the pastries and it's all delicious my stomach crumbles at the sight. The girls laughed I just shrugged it off.

"Good afternoon, ladies." One of the staff said at the counter.

"Good afternoon." We said to the person.

"What can I get for you ladies?"

"I'll get a cappuccino, one croissant and two sprinkled cookies." Xena says.

"Make that two cappuccino please and two chocolate muffins. How about you Rae?" Hailey asked.

"I don't know there are so many to choose. Uhm. A large mocha coffee please and two spiced breads. Here's my card."

"Hey! We should be the one treating you not the other way around." Xena says while pouting.

"Too bad, I already gave it to him, and this is my treat as you guys waited for me."

"Okay! Here's your card miss. You can take a seat at the empty tables. I'll have someone to serve your order's."

I thank him and we sat on the empty table near the window.

"I kind of notice your always wearing that necklace even your friends is wearing one of those." Xena says us she points at my gold crescent moon necklace.

"Yes, I gave them each one when we had our birthday last year. We all have been together for a couple of years now" I said.

"Oh, that's good then. But I haven't seen any of them yet, only the sapphire haired girl. What's her name again?" Hailey asked.

"Her name's Faerien. The twin’s kind of don't want to meet anyone yet. They just want to be by themselves for now."

"Oh, can yo-"

Haley was cutoff when the waiter finally brought over our food. And its smells delicious.

"Back to the topic. Can you describe them? Maybe I can meet them on the road and at least I know what they look like."

"Of course, you already saw Faerien, we all have the same silver eyes and milky white skin. Ariana and Ariane are twins they have the same brown hair."

"Okay, now we better drink our coffee it is getting cold. And we should start eating." Xena says.

After we ate, we head straight to the shopping center. We brought quite a few things like jewelries, dresses, shirts, and jeans. We went back to Hailey's car and put our bags at the back.

"Are we going home now, my feet are killing me." Hailey said while complaining.

"Nope we still have one more store to go." Xena says.

"And what store is that?" I asked.

"The lingerie store. I heard their having a sale today." She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"No! No! No! I'm never gonna get one of those."

"Come on. You know Dave will be get excited once he sees you wearing one of those." Xena says while Hailey blushed.

"Fine! Whatever." Hailey mumbles in defeat.

We head to the lingerie store, and I just sat on the leather chairs that was on the middle.

"Hey, Rae aren't you buying?" Hailey asked.

"No, I have hundreds of those at my closet. "

"Oh, are you serious? You probably modeled one of these. Did you?" Xena asked.

"No, I do not want to model lingerie but some of my coworkers always gave me some when there is a new pair." I explained.

"That's great. Have you tried them?"

"Not yet, I still haven't found someone to show it to."

"Are you serious? We better look someone who's worthy to be with you." Haley says in excitement.

After they bought a couple pairs of lingerie, we head back to the parking lot and head straight to my house.

"Thanks guys I had a great time." I got out the car and grab the bags at the back.

"You're welcome." And they drove off.

I went in and heard the girls in the leaving room. I walk to the living room and saw them watching The Perfect Man.

"So, how's your day?" Fae asked when she saw me.

"Its fine. How about you girls?"

"It’s great. Oooh, what's that?" Ariana asked.

"It’s the things you gave me on the list."

They grab the bags out of my arms, and they thank me. I went upstairs to my room and took a warm bath.

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