
Chapter 1894. Take One for the Team

Like a frenzied wolf, Mammon mauled the remaining arm of the World Sentinel still holding him. That arm was soon severed as well.

Spring Crown had moved away. Now that he became Mammon's sole target, he couldn't attack as conveniently as before.

Mammon charged at him. Spring Crown changed his weapon to a glaive. He then made a vertical slash. A gigantic dark crescent shot out from that slash.

"What…?!" Since Mammon was charging toward Spring Crown, he ran directly at the dark crescent. His surprise was not because of having an attack suddenly before him, but it was the attack itself. The dark crescent that Spring Crown unleashed was the same skill he used earlier, the Infernal Crescent of Darkness.

His claw clashed with the dark crescent. The dark crescent was destroyed, but Mammon had to stop his charge.

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