
C: Together

"Okay," Adrian drawled. "Now I see why you were distressed that I was already awake."

Brendan shrugged. "I was not distressed, it just makes some conversations a little awkward."

"Just let me grab some food and then I'll put my helmet on and play some music. Unless you two start yelling, you will be able to have a bit of privacy," Adrian assured them.

"Food sounds good," Rafaela agreed simply, instead of kindly offering to ignore his offer of sound proofed time.

"Sorry," Brendan said without specifying which of them he was addressing.

"You didn't feed her yet?" Adrian asked worriedly, without acknowledging the brief apology. He looked Rafaela over with an amount of concern that surprised her.

"The medical unit said that her nutrient levels were satisfactory, and she hasn't mentioned being hungry," Sys20si informed them rather primly, as Rafaela struggled to remember how long it had been since she had eaten.

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