
P: Large Gambles

Brendan squinted at the message on the screen, as though it were a small fraction of the display size that it was showing at. 

It was from Lief, but it was coded in the King's encryption. The words were more like those his brother would use than their father, but the encryption wasn't something that could simply be taught. Or perhaps it could, but everything in his memory library screamed in protest at the data transfer that would need to accompany it.

His instinctive protest against sharing access to the King's codes with the brother who had guarded his back for his entire life gave him pause. 

"What are you doing?" Adrian asked curiously.

Brendan actually jumped, he was so startled by the sudden question. He turned to stare at Adrian, as he asked warily, "How long have you been here?"

Adrian blinked, glanced at the ship's avatar in the corner of the screen, and replied with yet another question, "When's the last time you slept?"

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