
C: Rank Meeting

"Can we call them? I mean, establish at least a voice connection?" Rafaela asked as she sent the summary of her current situation to Brendan.

"I think that it will be possible, but it will reveal that you haven't succumbed to the sedative," Sys20si replied worriedly. "Why aren't you contacting the Security station?"

"I…" she hesitated. Her fears had prevented her from even considering the Eks Corp Security station that had been a waypoint in the race as anything but another threat, she realized. "You've identified the vapor that's being released?" she asked instead.

"Identification 98% certain," her ship replied confidently. "Filtration is already in progress but it may take several hours to remove it all."

For such a tiny projectile, the amount of the substance it had contained was excessive. A small vapor trail still wisped upward from the seat even now, despite all the time she'd wasted, she realized with a jolt.

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