
C: Stationary

Rafaela struggled to remain calm as Brennant agreed without agreeing. If Princess Kensa Aldrich didn't agree to let her take the bargain, he was implying that she was obviously not going to be able to copy the data.

Her eyes slid to the corner of the screen where the avatar of her ship was frowning. According to the quick warning the plump little figure had given her at the beginning of the call, the Security ship could probably hear the entire conversation, including Brennant's demand that she keep the data in the original core out of Eks Corp's hands. Her frown mirrored the avatar's expression, and her gaze slid back to Brennant.

"No," she replied firmly. "You don't get to dictate what I do with the information my system can recover. I can't imagine what you think Eks Corp would find useful, but it is currently my corporation. And if, or when, my marriage to Brendan is finalized," she added nervously, "it will be the corporation that supports our children."

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