
Chapter 31

~Victoria's POV

Time seems to have stopped, my heart is beating an abnormal beat and I can't seem to focus on the man in front of me.

"What..." says my shaky voice. The word just came out of my mouth, I don't even know where it came from.

Jackson turns back to the paused screen and says nothing. His face carries no emotion and we just sit there in the most uncomfortable silence.

"Go to bed, it's late." Jackson says without looking at me. I take that as a que to leave and I get up without saying anything.

I exit the cinema and return to my room. The clock on my nightstand reads 02:45. As I lay in between the comfort of the bed, sleep makes no effort to join me.

Hours past and I see the sun start to rise. Finally I am greeted with sleep, but soon to be interrupted by a blood curdling scream.

~Jessica's POV

What did I get myself into? I think to myself as I listen to the birds chirp freely outside.

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