

Juliet woke up in a hospital bed. Tentatively she opened her eyes and moved her leg ever so slightly to get the feeling back. The man sitting beside her jumped up immediately. He was a young man of average looks that might have been more attractive if not for the awkwardly sized glasses covering his features. He gasped sharply before leaning closer to her,


Juliet flinched at the loud sound and tried to sit up. She could feel a slight headache but other than that her body seemed to be perfectly fine. The man scrambled out to the door and shouted,

"Doctor! She's awake!"

Seriously Opal, who is this guy?

'That would be your manager.'

Manager? Like entertainment type? Am I some kind of celebrity?!?!?(*/∇\*)

'Yes. And you would know that if you had asked for your character background before letting someone see that you've already regained consciousness.'

'Hey! Give me a break this is only my first world'

By then, Mr. Manager had returned to her bedside with a nurse trailing behind him. The nurse began to examine her and once she was done checking her heartrate Juliet asked in an apologetic tone,

"What happened to me?" her voice was a bit hoarse but, what was most jarring to Juliet was that her voice didn't sound like her own. Juliet knew that she was in a diffrent person's body, but it really was a strange experience. She was very uncomfortable in her current state and needed time to adjust.

The nurse's gaze sharpened, "What is the last thing you remember?"

"Umm well..." Juliet began to sweat.

"I was...you know, doin my thang and then umm"

Mr. Manager jumped in and animatedly explained, "You were on set, shooting the last scene for our latest project and then you just FAINTED! Totally out of the blue and we were all so worried and so-"

The nurse sent him a ruthless glare and he immediately shut his mouth, midsentce.

"I was testing her memory. She could have hit her head and might have had a slight concussion that would make her memory a little foggy."

" OMG! Are you saying our darling Maria has amnesia!!" Mr. Mangaers face had gone pale.

" No, that's not what I'm saying," the nurse turned to me and explained in a considerably nicer voice, "We'll give you some time to recuperate and rest. If you need anything just ask the security guard by the door and he'll come to find me. The doctor will have to give you a final check and then if you feel ready, you can leave."

Juliet nodded and watched as the nurse forcefully pushed her manager out of the room and closed the door behind them. She let out a little sigh of relief and then said to the empty air,

"Alright Opal, where are we?"

'Our first world takes place in modern-day China. With our Female Lead and Villainess taking part in a switched-at-birth scenario. For 16 years the Villainess, Xiang Long grew up the pampered Miss of the Long Family. The Long family is of middle ground wealth and influence however they have a very significant backing from the Jin family. Xiang's parents were even pushing for an engagement between her and the eldest son of the Jin family, Lian Jin. Who happens to be this world's Male Lead. Xiang was set to live a perfect life, however, on her 16th Birthday, the Long family was contacted by another family and it was revealed that the 2 girls (The FL and Villainess) were actually switched at birth!'

"That sucks"

'Yes and while Xiang was still permitted to stay with the Long family and keep their family name, she was no longer the favored daughter. Instead, her parents began to move all their attention and love on their real daughter. This made Xiang angry and incredibly jealous. Her friends and cousins influenced her into bullying the Female Lead at any chance she got. However, she always acted innocent in front of the rest of the family. Even so, her parents were aware that she was tormenting their real daughter but they pretended not to notice because despite how hateful she was, they still cared about the daughter they had raised. This all came to a head when on the girl's 18th Birthday, the Long family threw a surprise party for the Female Lead and practically ignored Xiang. They then announced that the Female Lead would be engaged to Lian Jin! This caused Xiang to go over the edge and she openly attacked the Female Lead in front of everyone while admitting to various crimes and attempts to bully the Female Lead. This infuriated her parents and any trace of love they may have had for their fake daughter diminished. They sent her abroad and cut all ties with her.'

"How does she end up dead then?"

'Well, the main characters eventually fall madly in love with each other which is not so good for our Villainess who will return to China, to seduce Lian Jin and restore her place in the hierarchy of society. She will naturally fall back into old habits of bullying the Female Lead and the main couple team up to take her down in a moment of face-slapping glory where the white lotus bitch finally gets what she deserves!'

"But to be clear, we can't let that happen."

'We DEFINATLY can't let that happen."

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