
Maybe I don't know

Kristofer could still feel the stinging pain from the back of his head. The ground beneath him seemed to be shaking which led him to think that there must be an earthquake.

Slowly getting his eyes to open, the first thing he saw was the familiar color of his car's ceiling.

He then moved his head to the side and found someone driving.

Briefly touching the pain from the back of his head, he found no trace of blood but he couldn't be certain of the damage that was done.

His heart hammered inside his chest. Not that he was scared of his kidnapper but rather he was more concerned of what might happen to him.

He didn't see him coming nor did he have a clue what kind of tool was used to smack him into unconsciousness.

Closing his eyes, Kristofer allowed himself some time to fully regain his senses. When he was able to do so, he looked up at the person driving his car.

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