
Don't You Dare Call Noah!

Luke took them to a club outside the hotel they were staying at. According to him, this is where peasants go. Well, not exactly the peasant, more of, the broke college students who were on school break just like them. 

The crowd was rowdy, and there weren't many choices of drinks. Jess likes the band that was playing and the local beer. She was on her nth bottle, she was already feeling tipsy as she surveyed the crowd, where Luke was having the time of his life.

She was thinking that this kind of party only looks fun on social media. In reality, it was nothing but a sea of drunk college students.

But it didn't stop her from enjoying her drinks and dancing where she was standing. Away from the crowd for she couldn't imagine those bodies reeking with alcohol, sweat, and what else touching her. She shuddered with the thought.

"Go easy on the beer, Jess." 

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