
Take It Any Way You Want

"What's your plan for today?"  He was making a panini sandwich when he asked her. 

"Why everyone was asking me about my plan?" she said with a sneer. She opened the fridge and pour herself an orange juice. 

"Someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed,"  he commented as he put the still hot panini sandwich on a plate and handed it to Jess. 

She mumbled a thank you, accepting the plate of sandwich, and took it together with her glass of orange juice to the balcony. She needed her vitamin D in order for her not to be bitchy throughout the day.

"Did something happen between you and Noah yesterday, for you to become this cranky so early in the morning?" 

He followed Jess to the balcony carrying his own plate of sandwich and a steaming cup of black coffee.

"Nothing happened with Noah," she said, nibbling her sandwich.

"Then, what happened?" 

"Well, my friends sent me a message that we aren't going anywhere this summer because they are busy with their partners!" she dropped back her sandwich to her plate. 

She turned to Luke and said, "Friends became useless when they got boyfriends," she clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes on Luke.

"Why are you including me in it? I am free for the summer." he laughed softly. He was thinking that something happened again between Noah and Jess. 

"I'm including you for the fact that you are a friend that abandoned friend because of useless boys." she shook her head in disappointment. 

"Why don't you try dating Noah, and let's find out if you will just like those friends who abandon friends for a guy?" he grinned at her.

"Why would I date, Noah?" 

"Well, why is indeed the question." 

She drank her orange juice and finished her sandwich.  She thought how it seems like she would be stuck with Luke this summer too. It pissed her off that she wanted to join the hordes of college students who would be partying like there's no tomorrow for Spring break. 

Her friends agreed to join her, even though they were already done with college. They finished early. Ellise finished university two years ago, and Dana has no need to finish university. She was already multi-awarded in her field she doesn't need a diploma. 

She was still pouting even when she was showering and preparing to go to the uni to finish everything in the lab before she left for her summer break. The summer break that she is no longer looking forward to because her original plan wasn't going to happen.

Her mood didn't get better, instead, it worsens when she entered the lab and saw the two Chihuahuas. 

She ignored them, then saw Oliver who was already in his working station. She greeted him good morning, before going to her own workstation.

She pulled out her phone, checking the list she made last night of the things she has to do when she heard Alice and her friend started giggling behind her. 

"No wonder, she got the internship." 

Was what she heard from Alice, followed with malicious giggling. She was already in a terrible mood that she decided to talk to her once and for all. 

Once she finished everything on her to-do list. She locked the drawer in her workstation, then, stood up and went to the two girls who were surprised to see her standing in front of them. 

"Why don't you tell them in my face than saying them in my back?" she was smiling at the two girls but her eyes were throwing death glare at them. No wonder Luke was calling these girls Siamese, probably because they are like Siamese twins -- always stuck with each other.

"Oh! It's nothing," Alice flipped her hair, then she slowly looked at her from the top of her head to her feet, then back. 

Jess felt her blood boils, but she tried to control her anger. 

"Some people from the other team were saying that you got the internship at ANAT Pharma and Co because of your close working relationship with Mr. Tiefenbacher." 

Alice insinuate the word close, then looked at her cohort and the two started giggling. 

She bit her cheeks watching the two wench giggling. She took a deep breath when what she really wanted was to bash their head with the Erlenmeyer flask. 

"Do you have evidence of your accusation?" she asked between her teeth. 

They already caught the attention of the other team members that were present in the lab. Alice noticed that they got an audience, she became bolder with her words.

"Evidence, you say?" she demurely covered her mouth and snickered. "Well, the CCTV caught you and Mr. Tiefenbacher leaving the laboratory so early in the morning," she said, taunting.

"Hey, everybody knows Jess works in the lab at night." 

Jess heard Oliver's voice before she could explain herself to the two bitches in front of her. 

"Well, that's true. Jess works in the lab at night. But what's surprising to know was to have Mr. Tiefenbacher in the lab too." she said full of malice. 

Watching how Alice was acting and the words that were coming from her mouth. Jess realized that talking to this bitch would be useless. She already formed the malicious allegation in her head. 

She tried to recall the night that Noah joined her in the lab, and she remembered what exactly happened that night. She grimaced as she pondered the possibility of a video of them leaving the lab that day circulating around. 

A sigh fell from her lips and she turned her back to the two girls. There is no point in her explaining herself to them. She has other better things to do with her time than waste it with these two sourpusses.

They were clearly just grumbling out of bitterness because they weren't accepted as an intern at ANAT and Pharma Co. 

"Could I take your silence as a yes?" Alice called after her.

She scoffed then flipped her hair as she turned around gracefully in the middle of the lab, "Take it any way you want..." she gave them a dashing smile, "...the fact remains that you two didn't get the internship you badly wanted." she added with an icy stare. 

Their face contorted in an ugly rage, as they were lost for words. While Jess left the lab whistling, happily. 

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