
Do You Think I'm An Idiot?

Eden had a million furious questions with one common thread. Why. Why had Troy lied to her about moving away? That was the crappiest excuse to get rid of someone she had ever heard in her life!

She was furious at being tricked and even more furious that she ever liked someone that would do something so stupid and selfish. Had she thrown off his groove somehow and that was why he had to get rid of her? 

Why come up with a bogus story about moving away when he could have straight out told her he didn't want to be with her? What was the point of that?!

Eden needed to get out of here. She had to get away from other people before they saw her cry over how stupid she was for ever believing in such a worthless jerk. Unfortunately, he noticed her before she could. 

Troy blinked at her in shock, barely managing to continue with the song he was singing. She was absolutely disgusted. Why was he giving her such a blank look when he got caught in his lies? 

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