
You Go, Girl

The weather was perfect for rollerblading when Eden drove over to the place where Aubrey said everyone was meeting up to start their excursion. And it turned out that she did recognize everyone because all of these people had been part of their regular friend group in college.

There were five women (including her) and four men present. All of them had been part of Aubrey's sorority and David's fraternity or still were because they hadn't graduated yet.

"Eden! It's so good to see you!" Brianna, who would be graduating after this semester, greeted cheerfully.

Eden smiled at her. They hadn't seen each other since before graduation so it was good to see her too. "Back at you. How have you been?"

"Drowning in schoolwork but I'm so close to being free I can almost taste it! Tell me, what's it like not having homework? Being able to do whatever you want after work? Is it as wonderful as everyone says?"

"It is pretty great," she admitted.

Working at Freddie's might have sucked but not having to do homework afterwards had been a relief. It was even better now that she had a more normal schedule with what seemed like more time to herself. Somehow having time after work before bed was better than having time before work.

"Ah, I can only imagine," Brianna said dreamily. "So, what's it like being part of the workforce?"

Aubrey cut in. "Apparently, she has a crazy boss. That I need to hear more about, by the way. You left me hanging all week."

"I'll tell you once we hit the sidewalk," Eden promised.

"Well, I know who I'm sticking next to because I want to hear this too," Brianna laughed. "It sounds like an interesting story."

As they all set off, she began her story from the beginning the way she had with Troy. The satisfaction that came from venting had already been used up so it was simply a retelling of what happened at this point.

Her friends were appropriately horrified and began bashing Zim without mercy, which did make Eden feel slightly better. Rehashing all of this wasn't as pointless as she had thought it would be.

"You burned him good though," Aubrey said approvingly. "I can't believe you actually said that to his face."

"I couldn't help myself. Wouldn't you have done the same thing in my shoes?" she asked with a sigh.

"I would have in my head but I doubt I would have said it aloud. Nobody else I know has your guts, E. You're one of a kind. I certainly wouldn't want to cross you."

Eden smiled. Coming from Aubrey that was definitely a compliment. "I'm glad I didn't get fired on the spot for being too confrontational. I survived the first week anyway. I think next week I might actually be given a chance to show him what a chemistry degree from San Jose State can do."

"You go, girl," Brianna said firmly. "Show him who's boss!"

"I've totally got this," she said confidently right before almost rollerblading into a light pole. The only reason she didn't was because the guy ahead of her managed to grab her upper arm and stop her in time.

Alex furrowed his brow at her. "You okay there, Eden? You totally could have biffed it just now."

"I'm fine," she lied though her flaming face gave her away. "Thanks for stopping me."

"No problem. Be more careful next time though; I might not be able to stop you from running into the next pole."

Could the ground go ahead and swallow her up now? This was too mortifying. Especially since Aubrey and Brianna were both trying really hard to muffle their laughter but not succeeding.

"Not a word," Eden growled.

They both pretended to zip their lips before bursting into giggles. She sighed and did her best to ignore them until they got a hold of themselves and changed the subject. Aubrey ended up skating ahead so she could talk to David and their friend Bryce and a girl named Leah took her place joining their chat.

It took over an hour to get to the restaurant they wanted to eat at for lunch and Aubrey got a random stranger to take a picture of everyone together while they still had their helmets on. If they took one inside, they would all have helmet hair and it wouldn't look as good.

She uploaded it to Instagram and tagged everyone present as they waited in line. This was a more casual dining establishment where you seated yourselves and waited for your food to be brought to you. Anywhere fancier than this wouldn't have let them in while wearing rollerblades.

They had to push a few tables together so everyone would fit, which was a common occurrence when hanging out with Aubrey. She and David both had strong 'the more the merrier' mindsets.

Eden had gotten used to large gatherings like this when they were in college but she was more of a small group or one-on-one person if left to her own devices. It was easier to focus on what people were saying when there were less present.

She briefly wondered if Troy was more of a one-on-one kind of guy. He certainly seemed so at Freddie's but a musician wouldn't be an introvert, right? She was an ambivert since her socialization style was flexible depending on the situation.

Would he get along with her friends if she ever invited him to something like this? She honestly didn't know. Especially since most of her friends had already known each other for years and new people weren't brought along often. It might make him uncomfortable.

Why was she even thinking about this though? She couldn't imagine a situation where she would end up inviting him along with her friends unless it involved a hike of some sort.

She must be losing her mind from thinking about him too much. There was absolutely no reason for him to hang out with her college friends. They knew each other from completely separate phases of life.

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