
The ladies' scheme made me a Swordmaster!

In the morning when we're about to grab a quest at Gyne, we see Shive and Edith talking with Marie. We approach them and planning to ask for a recommendation C Grade quest, but before I can ask. Marie says,

"I heard you're training with Shive the past two days, and Vivi also learned a lot from Edith I'm sure you're able to cast more spells than any Priest here, so I'm thinking what if I'm giving you a B-Grade quest instead?"

Vivi and I are surprised by what Marie said, and we looked at each other and I ask,

"If we do that, isn't a B-Grade quest is dangerous for Tier 1 like us? Even though we want to but if we failed, our adventurer license will get revoked. It's too risky for us."

Marie replies,

"Well, of course, it's risky, but Shive and Edith approved it. Meaning... you both are capable of doing B-Grade quest, and of course, if you fail I won't revoke your adventurer license, because I'm the one who recommends it to you guys! And, you are not going there alone. Shive and Edith will be watching over you both if anything goes bad, so you don't have to worry about anything. So, after hearing that, do you both want to take this B-Grade quest?"

Vivi and I nodded and accepted the B-Grade quest, then she goes to the guild's board and grabbed the B-Grade quest, and gave it to us. It's a hunting quest, a raging bear hunting quest but this time, it's only 1, and it's in the forest near the south gate. We have seen how strong the bear was, but we also knew how to handle the bear since watched the Tier 3 adventurers beat them a few days ago. We were nervous but also excited. We have been training so hard, I haven't tested my strength after the training, so this is going to be a good test.

We are preparing ourselves. Shive and Edith are waiting at the south gate. I wonder what kind of their equipment looks like. I bet Shive looks so cool with her full plate armor, and Edith will wear a gorgeous white uniform like a priest, they will be so beautiful. When we arrive at the south gate, we see Shive and Edith, but they only wear their daily shirts and pants, my expectations... are ruined. Vivi is looking at me with confusion, I just laugh awkwardly. Edith waves at us and so our quest begins. On our way to the forest, Edith asks.

"Are you guys nervous?"

Vivi and I are shaking our head, and she says,

"We're ready for this, if you guys believe in us we won't disappoint you."

I nod with an agreement, they both are smiling. While we are talking and walking in the forest, we see bear footprints and claw marks on the tree, meaning we are close to the raging bear. We see deer corpses and bones shattered on the ground, which means, this is where he stays. We are waiting in the bushes for 30 minutes. The bear is finally back to eat the deer, but the bear is huge than the one at the farm. The bear is full of scars on his face and wounds on his body, Edith whispers to us,

"Hmm it's not a normal bear, that's the boss bear the other adventurer been talking about at Gyne. Well, it's not that different from the other bear... kind of... But you both will be alright, so go make a strategy and ambush that bear. We will be watching you guys from here."

I told Vivi to use all the buffs on me, I'm surprised she learned a lot of spells in a short time, she gave me strength, defense, agility, sense, protection, stamina buffs. With all that I'm confident that we could beat that boss bear, and I asked Vivi to distract the bear first and I will slash his feet to slowing him down and will do the rest depending on the situation, but I'm ready for the worst which is my attack won't affect him at all, so if that happens I will waste his time and waste his stamina while I'm blocking and evading his attacks. She nodded and we went in.

After she distracted the bear from the front, I jumped and slashed his feet with all my strength, it wounded the bear. Since he couldn't move freely from that wound. I proceed to continue to slash his hand because bear claws are dangerous. As I thought it didn't cut, but that's okay, as long as he couldn't run because I cut his feet, but I was wrong, he still can run like nothing happened to him. Then it's time for plan B which is wasting his stamina, I have Vivi on my side she could give me a status recovery spell that is releasing all my fatigue, but she can only cast it twice and she will get tired. I dodged and blocked the Bear's attacks, compared to Shive's bare fist. No, it can't be compared honestly. Each time I dodged, I slashed his body and made him bleeding, the more injuries he has, the less stamina he has left.

The Bear's attacks are getting slower and slower I think he almost ran out of his stamina, it's time for me to hit him on his vital areas, heart, head, neck. All those training with Zee and Shive are worth it, I'm not even feeling tired at all. I should thank them later. When he can no longer attack, I stabbed his heart and then jumped and when I'm about to slash his neck, he screamed so loud, then I slit his throat and killed him. But this is bad if he was screaming for help which means there is more than one bear around here. I was right, 12 bears are coming fast and they all are looking angry. Vivi and I could only fight 2 more but the other 10, how are we going to fight them. Shive came out from the bushes and says,

"I guess you can only handle 2 more, so I'll take care of 10 of them for you."

I thanked her. Vivi and I lured 2 bears and let Shive handle the rest. We lured them far enough from Shive, now I can concentrate and fight these two, I asked Vivi to rebuffs me. I charged into them and slashed their feet. Dodge while hitting them at the same time. They were a lot weaker than the boss. Without wasting any time, I stabbed one in the heart and then the other one on the head. They're dead, we ran to Shive to help her, but when we arrived, the 10 bears stacked up together headless. I guess she punched their head and splattered it... Yeah, I was right, there were drops of blood on the trees, and Shive's body is full of blood. She just sat there on top of the bear's stack and says,

"You're done? Let's go back, oh don't forget to bring the head of the boss bear."

Vivi and I are just staring in awe by the power of a Tier 1 Knight, Edith is laughing so hard and pats us on the shoulder and says,

"You should see how she did all that in less than a second."

What?! Less than a second?! A monster... I don't know which one is the monster here...

I cut the boss bear head and put it in a bag, while Shive went to clean herself in the river so people won't get shocked like us. I collected the bear's hides. It worth a lot and it's going to be winter soon, so people are going to need it, Edith and Vivi were helping me skinning the bears. We finished skinning the bear, Shive came back with a clean shirt as nothing happened.

We went back to the Village, people looked at us like we just back from war as a hero. When we arrived at Gyne, I saw Marie is drinking on the desk and I give Marie the head of the bear boss. She immediately spitted all the wine from her mouth and asked me if I'm the one who killed it. I said yes and she laughed and goes to the guild's board and grabbed a quest paper, and showed it to us. Vivi and I are shocked that the boss bear is an A-Grade quest with 5 Gold coins as a reward, while the two bears we killed are actually the B-Grade quest she gave us this morning. Then Marie says,

"Well... I guess what Shive and Edith said earlier was right, actually, it was Shive and Edith's ideas to see if you both able to kill the boss bear, so I gave you the B-Grade quest so you will accept it and think it's a normal bear. Teehee."

Marie is biting her tongue and then laugh. Then she continues,

"Well Val, since you killed the boss bear. Give me your adventurer license, because you don't have to take a promotion quest. From now on you are a Swordmaster, CONGRATULATIONS VAL!!!"

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