
Chapter 6

"Sorry for the mess, my friends were just here," I said to the gold haired man as he came into my apartment. The moment he walked in Hunter immediately started warming up to him. At first, I was shocked by Hunter's never before seen behavior. When it came to introducing a stranger to Hunter it would take weeks for him to warm up to them. I experienced it when I first brought Russell, Daniel, Robert, and Lin into my apartment one day and Hunter wouldn't stop being aggressive with them. I couldn't help but stare at the man petting Hunter like the two of them were lifelong friends.

"Your dog's quite something." the man said to me with a smile on his face. He had an amused tone in his voice and he didn't even stop petting Hunter when he talked to me. "He fought the guys who kidnapped you until he can't fight anymore, he's a wonderful dog."

"His name's Hunter, I found him on my doorstep 3 years ago when he was still a puppy."

"I know. I was the one who left him."

The words that came out of his mouth gave me a shock. My very own dog was actually given by a member of a mafia group. I never thought that such things could be done by a member of a mafia group.

From all of the rumors I hear about the mafia I was expecting them to be ruthless and cruel, I was even expecting they were also a part of animal cruelty, but this really caught me off guard. I can't believe one single word from his mouth. Who knows if he really did do stuff like that of a mafia but when I look at his smile I couldn't convince myself that he's a member of a mafia group. I can't even imagine if the others are like him as well. Well for now since I invited him in, maybe I should just trust him for now. I watched as the man inspected the room then went to an armchair and took a seat, leaving his coat on a coat rack, and Hunter following him.

"Well, just like your father said, I've watched over you for years, but of course, I stopped watching you over a year ago." His first few words were caring and gentle, to what looks to me that he was reminiscing the past when he looked after me as if he were talking about his own kid.

His words slowly turned from a joyful one to a much sadder one. "When I saw you, without your mother, I decided I would give you something. I know a kid wouldn't accept a stuffed dog given by a stranger, so, I gave you a live dog to keep you company for the years to come. Who would resist something that's alive and breathing when it's just in front of you?"

I can't even comprehend how to explain all this. I started seeing a gentleman in front of me even though I know he's a mobster. I looked over to Hunter who was still right beside the man. I heard that a dog's senses are sharper than any human, and since he's so calm around him, maybe I should put faith in him and trust him.

"Then, I guess, thank you for introducing Hunter to me Mr."

"My name is Michael Porter, but please, call me Michael, I can't stand someone calling me 'Mr.' It feels like I'm an old man, even though I'm still in my 40's, have my blue eyes without a sign of wrinkles, and my golden hair intact."

"Then, thanks, Michael. Now, about the answers I need."

"Oh right, just spill it and I'll answer, but first, I don't mean to be a ruse or hasty, but could you take off the wig?"

Just when I decided to trust him for a bit he suddenly asked for me to take off my wig? The only thing that I'm insecure about? I stared at him from the sofa I was sitting on, doubting my decision in trusting him and letting him in my apartment in the first place.

"Don't fret," Michael said hastily. It looks like he can read the uneasiness building up in my expression "My mouth is zipped and I swore to Victor I would never reveal your identity. I won't even do any harm to you even if I was ordered to."

"'Victor'?" I unconsciously repeated the name Michael had said. The name which came out of my mouth led me to feel something incomprehensible. I don't know why but the name gave me a sense of familiarity and deja vu as if I've heard the name before but I can't seem to picture who the person is.

"Your father, Victor, the man you met the other day. I'm sure he has explanations as to why he's done everything to you and, as his closest friend, I'd be happy to share them with you."

I finally remembered the time when I was introduced to my so-called father the day when I've experienced fear never before experienced by anyone. So Victor is his name, huh? I looked at the man and he was smiling one of his radiant smiles. I can't even tell if he was lying to me since he smiled like that and I can't feel anything menacing emanating from him. Hunter looks like he trusts him very much, and maybe I should too since he seems he hasn't lied to me yet. With a heavy sigh, I slowly took off my wig and jacket then set them aside on a nearby table. I could feel my long brown hair falling on my shoulders and behind my back as it comes undone when I took off my wig. I know that my hair must look unruly since I've hidden it in my wig for a while. I was trying to fix my unruly hair to look more presentable in front of him but stopped midway when I heard a faint sob. I looked up and saw him rubbing his eyes with a plain handkerchief.

"Sorry about that, you look just like Clara when she was here. Your mother would have been overjoyed once she'd seen her daughter grow to the girl she is now."

Seeing him cry made me flustered. I don't know what I should be doing here. I'm seriously having mood swings right now. I was cautious and unsure the moment than now I somehow felt joy at what he said. When he said that I looked like my mother I couldn't help but remember her when she was alive. I felt a wave of happiness wash before me but then the image of my so-called father appeared in my mind next then the wave of happiness washed away. I looked over to a mirror set on the desk near the couch. I look exactly like my mother but I couldn't convince myself I look like her. Every time I see myself, the image of Victor appears in my mind. The sudden toll of depression took over me. I relaxed myself sitting on the couch and cleared my throat. Since the situation and topic were going elsewhere, I attempted to change back to the topic and the reason why I let Michael in my apartment in the first place.

"Why me?" My voice was let out raspy but I didn't bother about it. I'm more focused on what's ahead of me and what I need to do. "Doesn't he have any other people to make them an heir to that group?"

"Your father has special reasons as to why you're the heir. I overheard your conversation through the door and all he said to you are true, he wants you to be safe, isn't that what every father wants for their daughter?"

"Don't call me that!" I can't control it anymore. The more I hear those words coming out from his mouth, the more I want it to end. I guess figuring out the truth now is hopeless if I can't even stable myself after hearing a few words. "He's not my father and I'm not his daughter!"

My sudden outburst caused Hunter to look at me worriedly and Michael not even flinching when I raised my voice. He remained there sitting on the armchair wearing his calm and kind face. I never thought that I would have been this unstable in the first place but it's not like I've never controlled my emotions before. I know that shouting at him and denying everything won't lead me to the truth but I can't seem to control my body the way I want it to do.

Slowly and calmly I push back my anger and calmed down. It probably took me a few minutes to push all my feelings back. After I while I looked back at him again and looked at him in the eye. I could feel my eyes drying up. There was silence in the room before Michael finally spoke.

"...Believe what you must, but please, let us do what we must do." He said trying to comfort me.

"I'll let you do what you want but I ask that you don't interfere with how I live," I said unstably. "I've had enough of changes for today. I'm not going to complain but I just want my life to go back to the way it was when I knew nothing about the group when I was living my normal life. But it'll never come back even if I try to."

"Don't worry, the group will do everything we can to keep you safe but we can't do anything when you've made a decision we can't interfere with." Michael looked at me, using his friendly tone but now the next words somehow slapped me back to who I was talking to. "If you treasure your life, please let us look over you."

I was surprised by the sudden change of tone. 'Treasure my life'? I can hardly believe that the smiling kind Michael I've seen from the start can actually have this kind of emotion. I was so confused that I could feel a storm was brewing in my head. I feel like it'll even explode if I went any deeper than this conversation was giving me.

Michael looked at me with worry. "It looks like I've made you uncomfortable in your own home," Michael said as he stood up from the armchair. "I apologize for pushing all this to you in just one day. We'll talk again next time but for now, I'll leave right away."

Michael walked up to me, rummaging something from his breast pocket. He presented me a plain white card, offering it to me.

"It has my number on it," Michael said as his smile was no longer there. "If you ever need anything, just call me."

I looked at the card for a long time. When I had recovered some of the strength that was fading away from me, I reached for the card then took it from his hand slowly. I looked at the card I was holding between my fingers. Michael let himself find his way out, getting his coat hanging from the coat rack, and silently left the apartment. I didn't even hear the door creak shut like it usually does.

I waited for a few seconds then I plopped myself down on the couch I was sitting on. I placed the card I just received on the desk next to the couch and laid still on the couch. I was only supposed to lie down for a while for my headache to subside but then I could feel my eyelids grow heavy and before I knew it, I fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up to the sound of cars honking coming from an open window of my apartment. I was surrounded by darkness in my apartment. I stood up from the couch, feeling slight dizziness when I got up, then head to the open window. I slid the window shut. I looked up to look at the sky and all I saw was a night sky filled with stars. I look back at the clock and saw that it was already nine in the evening.

I went to switch open the lights, illuminating the whole room. I went back to the couch to sit and rest for a bit, my headache still present but weaker than before. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a card on the desk next to the couch. I reached out for the card and took it. The first thing I read on the card was Michael's name followed up by his phone number. I recalled back to the time when he left me with his card hours ago. I stared at it for a while, pondering on what to do with it. Thinking to myself deeply, I got up from the couch and went into my room. I opened my bedside table where I hide away everything I need to keep a secret and placed the card at the very bottom. I doubt I'll be calling him any time soon.

I looked at the mirror next to me and saw that my hair was messy and my eyes look red. I decided to retire for the night. After changing into a clean pair of jogging pants and a clean shirt, I laid myself on my bed. I was supposed to be thinking of what I'm going to do next but sleep took over me once again and I ended up falling asleep just like that with questions piling up my mind more than ever.

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