
Zombies and start of ED's downfall

I can't stay in this world any longer just thinking bout my past life, Occlumency can barely hold back my wrathful side. So Edge lord time. I took inspiration from 28 days later for a quickly spreading virus via any bodily fluid thing from blood to saliva tests slowly progressed making the virus but I have some teams working on iI I implanted most of the related information to it they have been working around the clock on an aerosol spray of the virus. But we will come back to that.

A few days ago I skipped school and went to Bella's house after she left and used the Imperius curse on Sheriff Charlie Swan. He let me and a team of techs into his house and around the premotor of the property with night and heat sensitive cameras and recording the four sides of the house. When we were done with that it obviated the memory of us making him think he has been hearing weird noises at night and made him think he hired someone to install the cameras.

So step one is complete ill have him check it each morning if he sees anything weird there is a major compulsion on him to call the 'instillation company' just one of my burner phones. If he does ill slow it down and show him the video of Edward entering Bella's room without her knowledge. Then have him show Bella. I also I'm planted memories that he knew my parents that way I will have a good reason to visit. I will do that soon maybe later this weekend.

I have also been using minor compulsion charms on her new 'friends' from school to distance themselves and start to get repulsed by her and talk a lot of shit. This has over time made her self-worth go down lower and lower. Then I will be the nice guy who talks to her and be one if not her only friend. If she starts questioning the Cullen I will invite her over to my house and explain the supernatural world to her.

I have been checking this world for other wizards and such even some of the tv, movie, and other stuff I can think of not wanting to get blindsided by random stuff. But there is nothing besides twilight vampires, shifters, and children of the moon. I have caught some of the children of the moon. They are pretty much just rabid shifters but are almost twice as strong. I want to make their shift permanent and make them mounts for my vampires which would be dope as hell.

Also, Alice has been getting closer and closer I think jasper is getting irritated. I think ill have The Voltaire eliminated soon, but then again all they do is sit on their ass I'm pretty sure that they haven't moved from their stronghold, besides eating then they go back and sit there on their ass and do nothing the only reason they leave the building is to kill other vampires its sad really. If they breathed id say they are a waste of air.

Since the first time, I met or been near the Cullen I have been doing micro compulsions. Pretty much they are questioning Edward on everything. It doesn't help that he is doing suspicious stuff at night and being very obvious about everything he does. It pretty much just destabilizes his home life. I know that he has no one else to turn to besides his adopted parents, but you have to think that he has been reading their thoughts for the last eighty or more years and that will just wear anyone down.

Just a few small compulsions to drive that annoyances to higher levels. Over time that will bring a rift from all the Cullen's on one side I know will be Carlisle and Esme with Edward maybe his sister on the other will be Rosaline, Emmet, Jasper, and Alice. All in a week's work This should be around the time Edward heads away to Alaska cause he is a little bitch.

It's been a good while since the accident and as I walk into the cafeteria I see Bella all by herself so I decide it's time to start getting closer to her. I walk over to her and sit down. "Hey I'm Charles Smith," I say grinning for more reasons than one "Bella swan" she looks really upset. "What's got you so upset," I asked looking confused but fully aware of what going on. She looks over at me almost surprised that someone cares "It's just quite a few things nothing bit" she tried to brush off.

"Aww come on you can tell me anything, I'm pretty new here and would like to get to know you better." I try to sound helpful. "Well it's just this guy has been staring at me and sniffing around me a lot and I don't think I smell or said anything to him. Then last week he was across the parking lot from where I was and as a car almost crushed me he was instantly there blocking it everyone says I'm crazy and I know dam well I am not" I just nod my head like the 'caring' friend I am.

"Well, I may have a few Ideas if you would trust me. I can come over later" She just looks at me after a little bit just nods her head. "Alright then meet me later come over later to my house later and explain some things to you." She looks somewhat relieved when she said "Alright let me get you my address." after a little more talking she seems almost relieved to talk to me if only she knew.


On our way to Bella's house, it's only me Mia, the 3 Igors message me that the token guy the spider girl, and the hipster (Victoria, Laurent, and James from the baseball incident) are almost to Forks. I tell them to bring them down hard and fast I want them alive but not intact. Except for spider girl.

By this time we pull up into the swan's house driveway and go and knock on the door. Charlie answers and asks what we want I go up "Mr. Swan don't you remember me?" I say grinning and opening up my arms.

"You're the smith's boy, Sad thing that happen to them in a car crash who would have seen it coming, you must be Maria, Thank you for taking care of Charles." He says with a melancholy look on his face bringing me in for a hug which I accept and cast a small compulsion on him to show me the videos from around the house.

"Hey, Charles do you know technology much?" I just nod with a small smile on my face " Come check out the Videos from around the house some weird stuff has been happening. I nod "Ok show me the way." As he shows me the video feeds We go over the first night and bam "THERE" I almost yelled.

"What is it, I didn't see anything" Charlie looks confused. I just slow down the video and enhance it to look at the window leading to Bella's room. "They're right around 2 a.m. you can see this" and what do you see ole Edwards's face?

As we go onto more of the nights around the same time. As we continue I can sense Bella behind all of us letting out a Loud Gasp. I look behind me Charlee looks back and we see the discussed look on Bellas's face she starts ranting on and on and the only thing we can pick up is "FUCKING CREEP...CULLEN.....DISGUSTING"

I decide to cut off her rant and get everyone's attention "Well I think it's time we talked about all of us" I bring the attention back to me "Well you see the Cullen are Vampire". They just look at me like I'm crazy. Then I just lay out all the evidence in fount of them. From the fact that Edward has super strength, and can run at impossible speeds, and also the fact the hide in Alaska during sunny days.

"How do you know about vampires," they ask. I just tell them I'm a wizard while doing some simple transfiguration, and they believe me. "So what can we do to keep him out". I ponder for a bit. "Nothing if he wants to get in, If you guys want you can stay at my house. Going in for the kill I mean it's better than getting visits at night without knowing." They just nod and decide to stay at my place for the foreseeable future. It also helped that some compulsions, and some legitims to make them more trusting of me too.

All in all, they are staying at my house Bella sees me as a great friend. Now what to do about dog boy could always make him my mount. Hmm, decision decisions.

A/N: Updated 02/04 Thank you for reading.

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