
A Reunion

Ren stood silently next to Aziel as he talked to a group of women that surrounded him constantly.

"Who is this?" One of the girls asked curisory pointing to Ren

"This is my new pet" Aziel says pulling Ren closer to him

"Oh" Some of the girls say as they blushed

"Aziel, may I speak to your new pet alone please?" A girl says smiling and blinking her eyelashes at Aziel

"Sorry my lady but my pet doesn't like leaving my side" Aziel says winking at Ren who doesn't even bother to say anything

"Oh that's ok" The girl says smiling sweetly but Ren could see the murderous intent in her eyes

The girl backed away letting the other girls around Aziel surround him again.

Aziel walked away going to talk with his "business" partners gesturing to the soldiers to watch Ren.


'Yes Zith?'

'The girl from before she's watching you'

'Yes I've realized that'

'She is the female lead's love rival, a crazy girl who loved the male lead so much she would kill for him. Her name is Lana, she is a vicious and scheming girl who has known Aziel since childhood. She kidnapped the female lead many times and attempted to kill her, but failed each time. Lana always got out since she left no trail. She was also the reason the female lead died, Lana died when the male lead when on his killing rampage'

'So I'm her new target now huh'

'Yes, that's why she was watching you'

"Hello ren right" Lana said a sweet smile on her face

"Yes, why?" Ren asks suspiciously

"No need to worry I just want to talk" Lana says gesturing for Ren to follow her

"No way" Ren says not moving

"Fine you want to do this the hard way then" Lana says her sweet mask slipping off

Lana walked away as Aziel arrived back

"What did she want?" Aziel asked checking Ren's body for any harm

"She wanted me to go with her but of course I didn't, she gives me a bad feeling anyways can we leave already" Ren says annoyed

"Yes let's go" Aziel says smiling softly

Aziel and Ren arrived back at Aziel's home. Ren was locked and chained up again before being left alone. Ren changed into something more comfortable before going to sleep. Ren was woken when he heard someone knocking at his balcony window. He looked out and it was still dark. The figure in the dark resmelbled a girl.

"Frey?" Ren asked opening the window

"Ren" Freya says hugging Ren as tears spilled out her eyes

'What are you doing back here?" Ren asks patting the crying Freya's back

"Well I ran as you said but I didn't know where to go and I got lost. A guy said he would help me but instead led me to a club and then tried to kiss me. I ran away and ended up back here" Freya said crying

"Oh Frey I'm so sorry, but how did you get up here?" Ren says

"I climed through the trees" Freya says contuining to cry.

Ren contuies to comfort Freya while she crys bringing her to bed and comforting her until she falls alsleep. Ren tired but still awake decides to sleep on the couch not wanting to bother the sleeping Freya. So grabbing a blanket he goes to the couch and falls alsleep.

When Ren woke up Freya was nowhere in sight, In a panic Ren got up looking around. Aziel came in seeing Ren panic, a smirk crossed his face.

"YOU where is Frey" Ren says looking at Aziel a stormy expression on his face

"Don't worry, she's perfectly fine I just put her somewhere else after alla man and a women shouldn't room together" Aziel says

"Your right, just don't you dare hurt Frey" Ren says calming down

"Of course after all she's quite variable" Aziel says

Ren's expression became stormy again but didn't say anything. This seemed to disappoint Aziel who's smirk fell away.

"I have business to do, so I'll be away today. You can move around the mansion but don't try to leave, after all Frey may just get hurt" Aziel warned, unlocking the chains on Ren's hand.

"I won't anyways tell me where Frey is" Ren demanded

"Why would I" Aziel says amused

Aziel walked away quickly after unlocking Ren's chains. Ren was frustrated at the fact that he didn't know where Freya was being held but couldn't do anything. Ren walked around the mansion trying to look at everything. He looked everywhere but couldn't find Freya, finally giving up Ren went back to his room.

'Zith where is Freya being held?'

'She's not in the mansion she's being held somewhere else, she has just met the second male lead who is a soldier working for Aziel'

'Mhm thanks Zith'

'Your welcome Nova'

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I've had a pretty busy week so the update came out later than expected, I hope you all didn't wait too long. 

Rosey_Lilucreators' thoughts
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