
The name

They had stayed in that position for several seconds, just staring at each other, not moving and barely breathing. Afraid to lose the connection that they barely established. After a while, his mind commanded him to move away, but his body did not want to cooperate.

"Wait, I think there is something on your face." He used his fingers, concentrating on her cheeks, trying to remove a speck of crumb that must have stick on her face. He knew he was just looking for an excuse to be near her and to touch her.

"Did you get it?" She teased him as it took him forever to remove whatever was in her face. She never minded because she was reveling in his touch. She would have used the same ploy if it meant that she got to do the same thing.

"Yes, I got it." He removed the speck from his fingers, but instead of lowering his hands, he began to caress her face. Marveling at its softness and fairness, in comparison to his hands that were rough and tanned.

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