
Chapter 251 ( Crux )

Robert had to give in.

"We will come with you, Madam. However, promise me that you will always be under our eyes."

Cleo huffed in annoyance. Split the crowd and walked out. She then waited for someone to open the car door for her.

Cleo got a message. After someone has taken the car out of the garage.

Cleo got a message.

[ "I have arrived. But I haven't seen you." ]

Cleo replied to the message curtly.

[ "I'll be there. And wait." ]

The traffic police unit, who had just calmed down the field, was again surprised by four cars speeding past the maximum speed rules in passing things. Seen is doing a four-wheeled vehicle convoy and black.

The frontest car they accidentally saw, contained a woman and several men dressed in black.

Then another car followed them with all the passengers and the drivers who had filled by multiple men in the same uniform.

A policeman was amazed.

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