
Chapter 069 ( Legal Wife in Public )

"Do you want to wait for a message from someone?" Cleo asked in amazement as he watched Christina's movements that were not calm as usual.

Christina looked at Cleo.

"Sorry. But since earlier I saw you keep watching your cellphone. Can you hasten your promise tonight? Or maybe it was postponed? " Cleo asked in surprise.

Christina shook her head.

"Ah no. The appointment time is still the same. It's just that I'm measuring the time whether I'll have enough time to get ready when I get home, "Christina replied casually and tried to make her look a little confused.

Christina was eager to contact someone and screamed very loudly to curse that person.

Twenty minutes had passed since Christina told her cousin Harry that he and his wife were done having fun together and it was time for her husband to pick up his wife.

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