

Louis decided to talk to Niall instead so that he wasn't alone during the whole night. Hanging out with Liam and Zayn was an option but he didn't want to be a third wheel.

So he grabbed some drinks and went up to Niall just to realize he was already talking to Harry.


Nevertheless, he still went up to the Irish lad.

"Hey," he said to Niall.

"Hey," Niall replied.

It was silent for a minute until Harry spoke.

"No 'hi' for me then?"

Louis looked at him like he was crazy.

"No," he replied.

He then got a flashback to the first time that he hung out with Harry when he came over to his and Zayn's house.


Louis has been looking forward for this moment all day. He's been waiting for the bell to ring and for school to end.

Finally, the bell made its usual loud ear-piercing ring that signified that school was over and the students could go home.

During lunch that day, Louis, with the assistance of Zayn, came up to Harry and asked him to spend his afternoon with the two of them. He said yes after spending his lunchtime with them.

So now he was not only waiting on Zayn, but he was waiting on Harry as well.

Harry Styles, the boy that made his heart swell and his dick twitch.

Just then, a familiar head of curls approached Louis from behind.

"Hi," he said.

Louis let out a loud scream.

"You scared me!" Louis scolded the boy.

"That was the point," Harry sassily responded.

They talked for a few more minutes about stuff like sports and video games until a raven-haired boy came up to them.

"Hey," he waved to the two of them.

"Hey," Louis said, focus turning to his best friend.

"So," Zayn started. "What were you two talking about?"

"Oh, nothing," Louis smirked. "Just telling Harold the best way to hide a body since he can kill all the girls with his looks."

"Oh, shut up," Harry started blushing. "I don't kill all the girls. Also, it's Harry, not Harold."

"Whatever, Harold. I overheard a few girls talking about you and how good you looked."

It was true. Louis overheard the popular girls gushing about Harry. The popular girls were Taylor, Kendall and Camille.

However, they didn't talk about it long and quickly dropped the subject once their boyfriends came.

"So," Zayn changed the subject. "Who's ready to go to Louis's place?"

Zayn and Harry raised their hands.

"Okay," Louis said, grabbing his backpack. "Let's go."

The three of them then proceeded to walk to Louis's house.

Once they arrived, Louis immediately gave Harry a grand tour of his house, introducing him to his mum and his sisters.

Louis then led Harry to his room where Zayn held the snacks and the video games ready.

"Well," Zayn said. "Can we play now?"

"Sure," Louis said back.

They then sat and played FIFA. Louis won the first round and Harry won the second one.

"Why?" Zayn exclaimed. "Why can't I win?"

"Zayn!" Louis yelled. "Be nice to our guest!"

"Well, I'm your guest, too!"

"Yeah, but you come over so often that you might as well be considered family now."


"Besides, we don't want to scare our new guest away."

Louis then proceeded to put an arm around Harry and pulled him closer. Harry leaned in to the touch.

"Ugh," Zayn said as he observed their physical contact. "Just get together already."

Louis and Harry both blushed.

"Oh well," Zayn got up. "I'm just going to the bathroom real quick."

When he got back, however, he found Harry in Louis's arms and Louis staring at Harry fondly.

"Jesus," Zayn exclaimed. "Get a room."

They returned to playing. Zayn eventually won. All the other wins that Louis and Harry got were celebrated in hugs that the two boys shared with each other.

Eventually, the boys got tired of playing and were now on the phones.

After that, Zayn announced his departure. Louis just shrugged with a "see you tomorrow" and went back to scrolling through his Instagram feed.

Apparently, he found Harry's page and was now stalking it. He had to admit, the boy was really attractive.

He then started talking to Harry about his first day and how was it. Harry said he was grateful for bumping into Louis because if not then he would've never made any friends.

Louis smiled at that. He was glad the curly lad was friends with him and Zayn out of all the people at school. Who knows what kind of bad influences Harry could've befriended if Louis hadn't been there to befriend him.

Louis then offered to walk Harry home. They talked until they arrived. Louis even got the chance to meet the lad's mum, Anne. She was nice and looked just like Harry.

Louis then walked home and tried doing his homework but failed miserably. He eventually decided he'd pay his nerdy sister Lottie to do it and go to sleep.

That night he dreamed about Harry and his curly hair and emerald green eyes.


Louis zoned back in to listen in on a conversation that Niall was having with Harry about the time he injured his leg on a curb while drunk.

Harry was laughing his usual beautiful laugh. Louis missed that laugh. None of the guys he hooked up with laughed the way Harry did whenever Louis cracked a joke.

Well, Harry was laughing at Niall's funny story. Niall made him laugh, not Louis. But nonetheless Louis was still glad he could hear Harry's melodious laugh again.

"Hey," Harry all of a sudden glanced at Louis. "Do you have any funny stories to tell?"

Louis glanced at Liam and Zayn, who were now engaging in a makeout session. He glanced at Niall, who was looking at him expectantly along with Harry.

"I do, actually," he finally said. "And it involves Harry."

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