

She looks surrreal . Truly and unbelievingly magical . 

Her wings are a mixture of purple and blue glow , one finishing and the other starting following the ombre pattern . On her wings are also spattered stars which are glistening under the moonlight . And damn , her height , even crouched touches the throne of the pine trees . Honestly , her body isn't that large it's her wings that make her more beautiful , enchanting and unapproachable but rather than going backwards , my feet bring me in front of her . 

Closer than ever that I can see the texture of her skin and if I reached forward my hand would find it's way on her stomach . I didn't realise we were sharing the same air . 

Up close she is like a little bubble of milky way galaxy and if I didn't know better I might think her wings are made of astronomic powder , which is not possible . 

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