
Under The Rubble


I meet the woman's holos arrows with my own holos arrows, canceling them out. After all, holos or not, fire against water is still fire against water. 

 "Not yet, not yet! I'll make you suffer beautifully for what you've done to me!" the woman's crazed voice says. "Let's see if you can make this disappear. I'll make you drown and suffer beautifully!"

 Now she really sounds desperate. I finally see her, her clothes tattered, her mad eyes looking at me, her hands spread out. That doesn't look like a stance that delivers good news. 

I sense the woman's presence. She's extended it to a very large space, covering the entire building and beyond.

Hey hey, you can't be serious now. Just how much core energy does this woman have? This is our fight, is she planning on involving everyone else on this building, even her peers? This is bad news.

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