
Chapter 9: pissed off mama bear

(A/N short chap but longer than the last one so hey I'm trying)







If someone told me yesterday I'd be willingly saving someone I'd never personally met I'd shove Gae Bulg so far up their ass they'd be the first human popsicle. Nonetheless though that's where I am.

Charging at the beowolf before me with my phantom spear slashing viciously at its body lunging for a blow to the head it sidestepped somehow causing me to stagger. And the beowolf taking full advantage clawed my back.

Though the claw didn't cut deep I'm still only six so my body only has so much blood in it. I kept slashing at it. The two behind be were cowering in fear like prey ready for the slaughter. "Run you dumb gits!" I yelled them standing there preventing me from using Gae Bulg.

Hearing this the Yang picked up the crying Ruby running off into the distance with a barely noticeable red hue across her face. Seeing they were gone I felt a small battle maniac grin adorn my face. Channeling my strength and more aura into my spear. I said in an ironic tone "let's play a game"

Running at the over sized dog with my spear aura covering the stick I yelled at the top of my voice. "Gae Bulg!" Letting it go it flew through the wind like a diving hawk with equal parts speed, grace and terror. Piercing through the Grimm's mask it fell to the floor dead, dead as a doorknob slowly turning to ashes.

Behind me I could hear 2 sets of footsteps coming in my direction hearing this I smiled and let myself take a nap.


<Qrow POV>

Searching through the forests for any sign of the two trouble makers I couldn't help but wonder 'was this all a trick by Scáthach' the longer we searched the more this feeling grew stronger. Until we heard distant sobs me and Taiyang met up a few seconds ago.

We sprinted towards the sobbing to see Yang running away from somewhere holding a crying ruby. Tai rushed up to them with concern and worry written all over his usually stern and strong face. "Yang, Ruby what happened?!?" He demanded. Yang spoke hastily "G-G-Grimm beowolf attacked us when we followed the map... after we were chased a girl attacked the Grimm with a strange smile and a aura coated stick!"

Hearing this we realised we had sent Scáthach out without a weapon I was certain it was Scáthach because of that strange smile part. She is a battle maniac through and through Raven would be proud.

After leaving Ruby and Yang in a safe spot we darted towards the direction we had seen them running from. In the distance we saw Scáthach bleeding from her back. Picking up her stick she lifted up the stick much to Tai's and admittedly my own confusion. She yelled two words the two words that killed many and if left alone will kill many in the future like Ozpin said.

"Gae Bulg" she threw the stick with such force it broke the sound barrier piercing through the Grimms head through to where it's ass should be. The Grimm collapsed as we got closer to them just as we were about to reach her she fell down splattered across the forest's floor.

And sitting atop a tree much to Taiyang and my own shock was a certain black haired red eyed warrior glaring at us with eyes full of hatred and animosity. However when she looked at Scáthach her gaze notably softened to the point it was almost motherly.


<Raven POV>

I am angry... no I'm downright pissed within barely a day her spear is missing and if what I overheard was anything to go by Ozpin was meddling again. also they send her off to potentially fight a Grimm weapon less and to add the cherry on top they split up leaving her alone grrrr I'm certainly Fucking pissed. I was wearing my Grimm mask as I always did on excursions such as this one.

Looking at the two I growled "what happened here and where in the name of our ancestor Satanta is our family heirloom Qrow"

Qrow visibly shrank under my gaze. He said as if trying to justify himself "we were trying to find the children who found the map that YOU left behind to Grimm infested territory"

Admittedly that part was my fault but nonetheless he dodged the question quite skilfully meaning something was wrong.

"And Gae Bulg where is it where is my daughters spear!" I shouted at him.

Taiyang still in the background in a state of shock. Qrow practically trembling but with fierce almost fanatical devotion in his eyes he said "Ozpin took it it's for the greater good instead of being used to help people it's being used to kill people!"

I was disappointed in my brother he had become the definition of a blind lap dog blindly following any orders that Ozpin gave him like a bitch. Now because of him taking her spear she's injured I tried giving them W chance god knows I did but now i see the truth... the only place people like us will be safe is the tribe.

"And you..." I said glaring at Tai "she's not your child she's mine don't either of you come looking for us or else you will find yourself in a body bag"

I was angry to an unimaginable degree Scáthach was put in danger. Hate and anger permeated through my body.

Taking Scáthach and carrying her I opened a portal with my semblance. As I was about to walk through it I heard a yell behind me from my brot... no from Qrow. "If you take her away you'll be giving Salem the advantage and Ozpin and I will be your enemies is that what you want!"

I glared at him with rage flickering through my eyes "threatening family how the mighty has fallen, I don't care if the whole world is against us the Branwen's as they always have will prevail and thrive as for Salem" i sneered. "He has the silver eyes for that doesn't he... food for thought Tai?" I gave Tai a hint before stepping through the portal.

Looking at my daughter in my arms "I've got a surprise for you when we get back little runt hehe" it may not be a substitute for a half sister but it was still something....

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